The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 138 What's so difficult about 138!

Chapter 138 What's so difficult about 138!

No. [-] in the college entrance examination!
Is he that Ding Ning, the number one student in the college entrance examination?

It is no wonder that many students have weird faces when they compete with the number one scholar in the college entrance examination, because this is playing big swords in front of Guan Gong, and the old birthday star hates longevity after eating arsenic.

The two male students who had given physics questions and history questions one after another also had a bad look on their faces. Only then did they realize that the two of them were challenging the number one academic master in the country.

But at this time, someone raised a question.

"Isn't he the number one scholar in the liberal arts? He can give answers to history questions in an instant, which is nothing, but he can even calculate a physics question just now. This..."

As soon as the student reminded me, many students also thought of this question.


It is enough to answer the liberal arts questions in an instant. The key point is that Ding Ning can even give answers to the science subjects, which are extremely difficult physics, which is unusual.

By the way, are the current liberal arts students so awesome? Even science has begun to dabble!

"How did he do it?" Lin Yumo and Tong Wantong looked at each other, and they both saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

Although the two of them didn't belong to the same school as Ding Ning, they both knew that Ding Ning was studying liberal arts, and the answer to the physics question just now, even Lin Yumo, a master of science, was not as fast as Ding Ning's answer.

"How can this guy be omnipotent!" Tong Wantong couldn't hide her astonishment in her eyes.At first, she thought that Ding Ning would definitely get stuck as soon as the physics problem came out, but she was still thinking in her heart that she could finally see Ding Ning's jokes.

All of a sudden, the two failed, leaving only four of them. Han Feng and Han Shuang all showed serious expressions. In terms of learning, it seems that it is very difficult to surpass Ding Ning. Ding Ning's knowledge reserve exceeds that of the two of them. expected.

However, Ding Ning is so powerful, the two just value it, they are not invincible. What they think in their hearts, surpassing Ding Ning is not limited to learning and knowledge.

The other two male students felt a little afraid of Ding Ning beating them at the beginning.

Hearing the surrounding students reveal Ding Ning's status as the number one scholar in the country, the eyes became even more fearful.

The two of them were also quite puzzled, how could Ding Ning, a liberal arts student, have solved the difficult problem of science.

Could it be that when Ding Ning was studying liberal arts, he was studying science, and he was better at physics in science. By chance, that classmate had a physics problem, which Ding Ning solved.

Must be a coincidence!

Although the two of them were afraid of Ding Ning, they all became serious, but the words of their classmates also reminded them that Ding Ning is a liberal arts student, so science should be weak, and the physics problem just now should be a coincidence.

Can they come up with some other difficult science questions?

Thinking of this, both of them had smiles on their faces.

They also have other questions, which can stump Ding Ning, such as biology and chemistry!
They didn't believe that Ding Ning was so good in these two subjects.

Anyway, both of them were born in science, and it is not easy to solve some biological and chemical problems.

Being watched by Ding Ning, the two of them calmed down from their panic at the beginning, and one of them stood up and said, "I want to live with Bi you!"

Ding Ning raised his hand to indicate that you can ask questions.

The students around all pricked up their ears. They wanted to know whether Ding Ning could still answer the immediate problem as before.

There are also quite a few students from the School of Physics here, some of whom are from all grades.

"I remember that senior Huo Gang entered Shangjing with the first score in the city. At that time, his biology subject was nearly perfect, and he was also a record-setting person. Now, senior Huo Gang has begun to participate in the teacher's experiment. Biology If his attainment in education has almost reached the level of a teacher, the questions he asks must be the opponent's."

A fellow student of Huo Gang told about Huo Gang's past brilliance. It has to be said that this is a top student. Although he is not in the same class as Ding Ning, he was also a man of the hour.

Some elementary school girls from the School of Biology began to cheer Huo Gang up.

They firmly believed that Huo Gang would make it hard for Ding Ning.

Hearing the shouts from the students in the School of Biology, Huo Gang tidied up his clothes and stood up. He looked at Ding Ning and said, "How can human beings break the shackles of genes, so that they can never grow old, get sick, or die..."

There was no sound from the audience at this question. The meaning of this question is, you are awesome, you will solve a problem that plagues mankind, and you will solve it.

To be honest, this question is a bit rascal. After all, strictly speaking, it cannot be called an examination question, because scientists all over the world are studying this kind of question, trying to overcome all factors that are not conducive to human beings.

Birth, old age, sickness and death have always been accepted by human beings, and no one can get rid of them. This kind of problem can be said to be a research topic for biology professors in various countries in the world. It is really despicable to come up with such a problem to stump Ding Ning.

It's no wonder that when they heard this question, the people around them also looked shocked, and then their expressions became strange.

Ding Ning was able to answer this kind of question, and it was really strange to answer it.

The reason why Huo Gang asked this question is actually related to the subject he is doing now. He and his teacher are studying the problem of breaking the genetic code to prolong the life span of human beings. Abnormally slow, and many problems cannot be solved.

Immortality and no disease are just legends.

People, after all, cannot escape death.

When he asked this question, he didn't expect Ding Ning to answer it, because he knew that Ding Ning couldn't give an answer.

It can be said that as soon as this question is asked, he is innately invincible, and the lowest is a tie. If Ding Ning can't answer it, neither can he.

"If you can answer, I will slap myself a hundred times on the spot." Huo Gang said lightly.

The students of the School of Biology were talking in low voices, saying that senior Huo Gang is too bad, and it would be difficult for Ding Ning to take this kind of question, and he would definitely not lose.

When students from other colleges heard this kind of answer, they couldn't help but give Huo Gang a thumbs up, thinking that this question was very good.

Lin Yumo and Tong Wantong didn't speak. They wanted to know how Ding Ning would answer this time.

As for Li Wei and Zhou Quan, they felt that Huo Gang was too despicable, and he was just playing around. No one could give an answer to this kind of question, okay?

Many pairs of eyes all fell on Ding Ning, but most of them wanted to see Ding Ning joke.

No matter what, as long as Ding Ning can't answer, he will lose.

Just when everyone thought that Ding Ning couldn't give an answer this time, Ding Ning said slowly, "What's so difficult about not getting old, not getting sick, and not dying!"

(End of this chapter)

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