The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 142 142 Stand like a pine!

Chapter 142 142 Stand like a pine!
142 Untitled!

It is obviously impossible to compete with Ding Ning in terms of knowledge. Although the two brothers are not bad in studies, they are not at the level of academic masters.

Especially in the front, there are several lessons learned.

Therefore, surpassing Ding Ning in other directions is the only choice.

Han Feng and Han Shuang brothers are not very interested in other things, but when it comes to fighting, they are both very keen.

In addition, the backgrounds of the two brothers' families are not ordinary, and they have come into contact with many masters in fighting early on. The father of the two saw that the two brothers liked it, and he did not miss it. It cost money and energy, and invited many masters in fighting to teach them. two people.

In the circle where the two of them went to Beijing, in terms of personal strength alone, they can all be ranked first.

Like Zhang Dong, who founded the Sanda club at school, the two of them dismissed it in their hearts, but Zhang Dong was smart and didn't offend the two of them, otherwise, they would have gone to kick the field.

Right now, Ding Ning has won several times in a row, leaving only the two brothers. They naturally choose what they are best at.

Therefore, fighting became the first choice of the two.

At this time, the two brothers were a little conflicted, whoever would beat Ding Ning first, Han Shuang wanted to fight first, because Tong Wantong, whom he liked just now, had already said that as long as he beat Ding Ning, he could date her and even become her boyfriend , Han Shuang didn't want to miss this opportunity.

But Han Feng also wanted to be the first to attack, because Tong Wantong not only said about himself, but also said that Lin Yumo also liked Ding Ning. If he didn't defeat Ding Ning in front of Lin Yumo, how could he have the nerve to chase Lin Yumo.

When the two brothers said they wanted to fight Ding Ning, the people around them were naturally taken aback for a moment, and then some people became certain that Ding Ning would lose this time.

Some people were puzzled, "It's too arbitrary to draw conclusions now, I think he is very strong in every aspect."

In the words, he still attaches great importance to Ding Ning, and thinks Ding Ning is powerful.

But soon someone retorted: "What do you know, before our school's Sanda club was established, people from other school's Sanda clubs came to our school to show off their power. The Sanda clubs of other schools that come to Arrogant can lose all their troops and disarm their armor, that’s how powerful they are.”

"Is there still such a thing?" Many people have never heard of it.

"Of course you don't know. After all, this matter is not something glorious. It was suppressed by the school, and only a few students at the time knew about it."

"That is to say, in this respect, Han Feng and Han Shuang are very powerful." Someone said in surprise.

Many boys who were juniors and seniors nodded silently, expressing their approval.

Hearing these people's words, Zhou Quan and Li Wei showed concern for Ding Ning in their eyes.

Although they had seen Ding Ning fight against others before, such as that Sun Lei and that fat man before, but now they heard so many students talking about Han Feng and Han Shuang's past achievements, they were also a little confused up.

It seems that the Han brothers are very strong!

"The Great God will definitely win. I believe in the Great God." Zhou Quan chose to believe that Ding Ning would win. Although there was no basis, he believed in Ding Ning.

On the contrary, Li Wei was not so blind, thinking that Ding Ning might be at a disadvantage.

Because the identities of the Han brothers were unusual, the two old men did not stop them, their eyes showed a thoughtful look, as if they were making a choice.

Seeing that the brothers of the Han family had a serious quarrel over the issue of shooting, many people were taken aback.

"You two don't have to argue."

Suddenly Ding Ning spoke and stared at the two of them.

Han Feng and Han Shuang stared at Ding Ning.

"You two should fight together, I don't have time to play with you here." Ding Ning said lightly.

"You're courting death!" Han Feng and Han Shuang's expressions suddenly turned ugly, because it was clear that Ding Ning didn't value them at all, so he dared to let the two of them attack together.

"Brother, since everyone has said so, let's help him." Han Feng said coldly.

Han Shuang nodded when she heard the words, and said to Ding Ning, "You will regret this decision."

Ding Ning smiled indifferently: "It's the two of you who regret it."

The two brothers of the Han family naturally couldn't understand the deep meaning in Ding Ning's words. On the contrary, because of Ding Ning's words, the sneer on their faces became stronger.

As for Ding Ning, he naturally wouldn't take it to heart. Compared with fighting, he Ding Ning is not afraid of anyone.

Brother Han Feng and Han Shuang didn't know how powerful the existence they wanted to fight was.

Of those present, only Tong Wantong and Lin Yumo would know the horror and terror of Ding Ning.

The two of them mourned silently for the Han brothers in their hearts.

In fact, brothers and sisters Zhang Dong and Zhang Rong were not far from the crowd, but they didn't squeeze into the crowd because they didn't want to be seen by Ding Ning. As long as they saw Ding Ning, the two brothers and sisters would still feel scared.

Right now, someone is going to fight with Ding Ning. Brothers and sisters Zhang Dong and Zhang Rong know that it is estimated that the two Han brothers will suffer.

"Last time, I didn't see his shot clearly, this time I must see how strong he is!" Zhang Dong murmured.

As for Zhang Rong, she didn't speak, but there were fluctuations in her eyes. Obviously, her mood was not calm.


The crowd retreated automatically, leaving an open space for the three of them.

Since it is necessary to fight hand to hand, it is natural to need a place to deploy.

Brothers Han Feng and Han Shuang stood side by side. From their point of view, since Ding Ning dared to let the two of them fight together, they could satisfy Ding Ning and let Ding Ning know how great it is for the two of them to work together. fear.

Unlike the two brothers, Ding Ning stood there very casually, not in the attitude of making a move at all.

"Get ready to lie down!" Han Feng said coldly.

"Go." Han Shuang's words came later.

The two brothers didn't talk too much, they wanted to knock Ding Ning into the air and trample Ding Ning under their feet as soon as possible. In that way, they would not only slap Ding Ning in the face, but also kill Tong Wantong and Lin Yumo. In front of women, Bel has face.


The two unfolded their fighting skills, one left and one right, and there was a hint of fierceness in their eyes. At this moment, Ding Ning was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, a prey that was about to be eaten.

Soon, soon, Ding Ning will lie on the ground, reduced to the appearance in his mind.

As soon as the two brothers made a move, the crowd around them exclaimed, and they were frightened by their speed.

"Is this their strength? It's really scary."

"It used to be said that their strength is stronger than Zhang Dong, the president of Sanda. I couldn't do it before, but now I see this speed, I believe it."

"I said they won, now you believe what I say."

Facing the two brothers attacking from left and right, at this moment, Ding Ning remained motionless, like a pine tree!

(End of this chapter)

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