The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 143 143 Can write and fight!

Chapter 143 143 Can write and fight!

"Heh, are you too scared to move half a step?"

Seeing that Ding Ning didn't make any moves at this time, the corners of the mouths of Han Feng and Han Shuang's brothers all raised a smile.

In a competition of knowledge, the two may not be Ding Ning's opponents, but in terms of fighting, they are full of confidence.

"Zizi, I can't bear to watch it, the national college entrance examination champion is about to lie on the ground, it's miserable!"

"It's too much to pretend to be 13, and let the two of them fight together. Now it's good, the two of them shot together, and he was dumbfounded."

Regarding Ding Ning's state at this time, most of the students around him felt that Ding Ning must have a rest.

The other party has shot, and you are still motionless, you must have been frightened stupid.

"Great God, you are moving. If you don't make a move, you will be beaten." Zhou Quan was worried for Ding Ning, wishing he could make a move for Ding Ning at this time.

Li Wei still had that worried expression on his face, but at this moment, the uneasiness in his heart became more intense.


The two figures came close, and the wind caused by the rapid speed of the two could be felt in front of them, and the wind also rushed towards them quickly.

The fists of Han Feng and Han Shuang's brothers immediately came down.

At this moment, many girls chose to close their eyes, only the majority of boys were still staring at this scene with wide eyes.

Soon, the scene that made their eyes widen and widen appeared instantly.

In the eyes of everyone, the Han brothers attacked quickly, one left and one behind, and they should have knocked Ding Ning down in an instant, but the change in the scene before them caught everyone off guard.

Because Ding Ning not only didn't fall down, but hit two lightly, sending the Han brothers flying.

Pom Pom!

Two sounds of hitting the ground sounded, causing the crowd to back away even further, only to see that the battlefield has expanded a lot, because on the left and right sides of Ding Ning, there are two figures lying on each side, it is Han Feng and Han Shuang. people.

At this time, the two brothers were all lying on the ground, unable to stand up, their bodies were weak, and there was incredible shock in their eyes.

The two of them didn't see Ding Ning's counterattack clearly at all. They thought their fists would hit Ding Ning's body and knock him down.

Who would have thought that in an instant, Ding Ning's counterattack landed on them instantly, making them unable to react at all, and they were immediately knocked into the air.

"What's going on? How could they be the ones who fell down?"

"Didn't they say they were very powerful?"

"Impossible, if you want to fall, that guy will fall."

"Did it happen? Just now, I just felt a blur in front of my eyes, and it became the current situation."

The students around were blown away, because the two brothers of the Han family, who were originally favored, were blown away by Ding Ning in an instant. This point really made many people unacceptable and shouted incredible.

From their point of view, Ding Ning should be the one who fell. How could it be Han Feng and Han Shuang?

You know, the two of them shot together just now.

"What method did he use? If he used magic to make the flower take root and bloom, is it also due to magic? What we saw was an illusion?"

"Fuck, what the hell are you biting me for?"

"I wonder if I'm dreaming, but it's not a dream, it's real."

"Nanima can't bite me, can you bite yourself!"

There were endless discussions around, but the result was obvious. The two Han brothers challenged Ding Ning to fight, but the challenge failed, and Ding Ning won again.

To Ding Ning, defeating these two people should not be too easy. In his eyes, the strength of Han Feng and Han Shuang is not as good as playing games. He can easily kill them with just a little bit.

This is the huge gap in realm.

Even if you, Han Feng and Han Shuang, have learned a lot of fighting skills, if you can't use them in front of Ding Ning, it doesn't make sense.

This result was unexpected by most people, but in the eyes of Lin Yumo, Tong Wantong, and even Zhang Dong and Zhang Rong, it was not unexpected at all, and it was even completely expected.

"So strong!"

Seeing the appearance of the Han family brothers at this time, Zhang Dongjiu sighed.

The previous time, in the ktv, Zhang Dong felt that he was not Ding Ning's opponent, and it might have something to do with the environment. If he was in a bright environment, he might not be defeated so quickly and thoroughly.

But after watching the scene just now, he felt that even if Ding Ning closed his eyes, he could easily hang him.

Ding Ning is terrible.

Especially the speed made Zhang Dong shudder, because even if he concentrated his attention, he couldn't catch Ding Ning's movements. That is to say, if Ding Ning shot at him, even if he concentrated all his energy, he still couldn't see Ding Ning's movements.

In front of Ding Ning, he was completely beaten.

No wonder that person who was stronger than him that day was also easily defeated by Ding Ning. Ding Ning's strength has already exceeded the scope of ordinary people's comprehension.

"Could it be that he is a legendary martial artist?" Zhang Dong asked. In the circle of Shangjing's young master, someone mentioned a powerful existence.

Looking at it now, Ding Ning must belong to a martial artist.

Thinking of this, Zhang Dong became more determined in his heart. He must not provoke Ding Ning. Even if he had conflicts with Ding Ning before, he had better not take revenge. Otherwise, he might fall into a situation of irreparable doom.

A classmate helped Han Feng and Han Shuang to their feet. The two looked very sick and looked sick.

When Ding Ning came in front of the two of them, he did not forget to remind them: "Don't forget the one hundred slaps, I'll wait for you two to show me the slaps."

The two felt tight in their chests and wanted to speak, but they couldn't speak. The chest was tight and painful, so they had to blink their eyes and left with the support of their classmates.

This challenging incident caused by the confession has come to an end.

The students around did not disperse immediately, they all focused their eyes on Ding Ning, many male students looked at Ding Ning, full of envy and hatred.

At the beginning, people only thought that Ding Ning was very knowledgeable and a top student, but now it seems that they still underestimated Ye Qiu. No wonder he just asked the Han brothers to fight together. He can not only express love, but also martial arts!

Do you want to be so perverted?

It’s nothing more than a good study, but you are still so strong in your skills. It’s all nine-year compulsory education. Why are you so good!
Different from the male students, the female students all looked at Ding Ning with bright eyes.

May I ask, which girl would not like such a boy who is capable of writing and martial arts?

Xueba plus martial arts master, double crushing of IQ and physical body, full of sense of security!
For a moment, all the female classmates looked at Ding Ning, their eyes were shining. For the first time, they felt that a boy can be so handsome, even if he doesn't have a handsome appearance, he still can't hide his handsomeness.

Well, Ding Ning has such a temperament!
(End of this chapter)

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