The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 146 146 Liu Ruyi!

Chapter 146 146 Liu Ruyi!
Ding Ning directly denied it. Tang Qing smiled sweetly and didn't ask any more questions, as if she was satisfied with Ding Ning's answer.

Regarding Ding Ning sitting next to Tang Qing, the boys and girls in the class were all discussing in low voices.

The boys expressed their envy for Ding Ning being able to sit next to Tang Qing on the first day of school, wishing they could become Ding Ning themselves.

"Teninai's, it's all right if the two associate school beauties like him, and now even the only beauties of our School of Political Science and Law want to get their hands on it, will they give us a way to survive?"

"A flower stuck in cow dung, alas."

"Such a person is truly indignant."

Some girls heard the boys' comments, and couldn't help interjecting: "What kind of flowers are stuck in cow dung? He is the number one student in the national college entrance examination. He is not only a top student, but also martial arts. How can you ordinary people get along with him?" Compare."

"Student, you said that we have no play, as if you have a play."

"Hmph, good women don't fight with men!"


As a figure approached the classroom and stood on the podium, the voices of the students disappeared instantly.

The eyes of many male students were all focused on the mature woman in front of them.

The woman was wearing a short black skirt, which looked like an office worker. Her calves were wrapped in stockings, showing a well-proportioned curve. These legs alone were enough to feast the eyes of many boys.

The eyes of many boys were straightened, and they were all thinking in their hearts that these legs are enough to play with for years.

The upper body of the woman is wearing a beige outerwear, long hair shawl, and a touch of light makeup. Standing there, she gives people the feeling of a temperamental mature woman.

This is not so attractive to a group of male compatriots who are in adolescence.

"Is this our teacher? Fuck, this university is really not in vain, four years of university life is blessed."

"In the future, I will not escape any class taught by this teacher."

"I feel like I'm in love."

"I even thought of the names of my children."

As soon as this capable and mature woman appeared, she attracted everyone's attention.

Even Ding Ning is no exception.

It's just that what Ding Ning saw was not the woman's beauty, but this woman, he seemed to have seen this woman before.

After thinking about it for a long time, I didn't recall it.

"Hello students, I am your mentor, and I will accompany you to study together for the next four years."

After the woman finished speaking, she wrote her name on the blackboard.

A beautiful small handwriting was printed on the blackboard: Liu Ruyi!

"Good name, wishful wishful, as I wish."

"Speaking of which, can you be more reserved, it's inappropriate to talk about a mentor's name like this."

"Tch, what do you know, we appreciate Director Liu from a male perspective."

"A moment of silence for Director Liu, there are too many students in this year's class."

After Liu Ruyi introduced herself, she began to roll the roll and asked everyone to introduce themselves.

The students in the class come from all over the world and speak various dialects, which are very interesting to listen to.

When Liu Ruyi clicked on Ding Ning's name, Ding Ning stood up and said very briefly: "Ding Ning, from Jiangling City."

"Are you the number one student in the national college entrance examination?"

Seeing this name, Liu Ruyi looked at Ding Ning seriously. She never thought that Ding Ning would choose the School of Political Science and Law.

After Liu Ruyi stared at Ding Ning for a while, suddenly, she felt as if she had seen Ding Ning.

It's you!

Under the attention of the whole class, Liu Ruyi showed surprise on her face, and she recognized Ding Ning.

"You know me?" Ding Ning asked.

Liu Ruyi shook her head: "Okay, sit down."

About her knowing Ding Ning, Liu Ruyi naturally wouldn't say it in front of the whole class.

What happened that day, if she hadn't met Ding Ning for help, she would have been insulted by the bad guys. Seeing Ding Ning appear at that time, it was like a light appeared in the dark night, but what she didn't expect was that Ding Ning helped him beat those few people away. She was a villain, not a hero to save the beauty, but wanted to ask for directions. Later, she wanted Ding Ning to stay with her and wait for the police to arrive, but Ding Ning ignored him and left.

Liu Ruyi was naturally impressed by such a guy who saved him but acted very coldly.

"You guys know each other?" Tang Qing asked after Ding Ning sat down.

Ding Ning didn't nod or shake his head, but said, maybe.

But just now, when Liu Ruyi said the word "it's you", all the students in the class heard it. Even if Liu Ruyi failed in the end, the students could all see that Liu Ruyi must know Ding Ning .

This can't help but make all the male students depressed, why do they feel that all the beauties have something to do with Ding Ning.

Like associate school Hua Lin Yumo and Tong Wantong.

Like Tang Qing, the flower of their School of Political Science and Law.

Now even this graceful female teacher is also acquainted with Ding Ning.

The most exasperating thing is that these girls grow up better than each other, and they are all at the level of beautiful women.

When the male students looked at Ding Ning, they wished they could eat Ding Ning alive.

Why do you have such strong love luck, give us some to die!
After introducing everything, Liu Ruyi asked everyone to go downstairs to the stadium.

In the stadium, there were many students standing in a line.

Such a scene, it is not difficult to guess, the next month is the military training.

Military training is a must-have item in every university. Immediately, many students cried out. After all, military training is very tiring and bitter.

However, there are also some male students who expressed great interest, because military training is the best time to show themselves in front of girls.

How many couples fell in love during military training.

The instructor assigned to Ding Ning's class was dark and tall, with a strong masculinity in his face.

Some girls were crazy about it, and exclaimed that the instructor is so handsome.

Next, under the leadership of the instructors, everyone started military training, while Liu Ruyi followed and supervised the students.

Just when Ding Ning was standing in a military posture, a pair of eyes from the crowd not far away were scanning Ding Ning.

"Sun Lei, is that guy you're talking about?" Gao Jian said to Sun Lei who was beside him.

After Sun Lei had conflicts with Ding Ning and others, he was directly transferred to the college and was in the same class as Gao Jian.

"That's right, it's him. There are two quasi-school girls who say that anyone who can surpass him can become her boyfriend."

"Hehe, it seems that I have to prepare for hugs." Yang Jian said with a faint smile.

"How are you going to deal with him? This guy is a bit skilled, so don't be careless." Sun Lei reminded.

Yang Jian shook his head indifferently: "It's easy to deal with him, and there are some things that we don't need to do ourselves."

"what do you mean?"

Yang Jian pointed at the instructor in the distance, Sun Lei thought for a while, then suddenly his eyes lit up, and he gave him a thumbs up: "Then it's up to you, Young Master Yang!"

"A piece of cake."

(End of this chapter)

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