The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 147 147 Military training!

Chapter 147 147 Military training!

On the first day of military training, everyone was so tired that their backs ached.

Today, I just stood in a military posture for a whole day.

After returning to the dormitory, Zhou Quan and Li Wei kept complaining that the first day of military training was so miserable, how could they survive the next month.

Ding Ning was not like the two of them. When others stood in a military posture, although he was also standing, Ding Ning focused on his cultivation.

Although Shangjing University is a first-class big Chinese city, the aura here is not rare. Perhaps it has something to do with it being the center of China's economic and political integration. Moreover, Shangjing has a history of thousands of years, and several kings lived here.

Ding Ning was able to detect that above the city of Shangjing, there was a trace of dragon's aura, looking down on the world.

Since Shangjing's aura is relatively strong, it will naturally help Ding Ning to practice a lot, but compared with the world of cultivation, it is still a sky and an earth.

Even though it is good for cultivation here, there is still very little hope of returning to the cultivation level of the previous life.

The next day, all the freshmen went to the stadium early to continue their military training.

"Yesterday, I taught you how to stand in a military posture. Now I'm here to check and accept the results. Li Dabao will come out!"

"To the left!"

"turn back!"

Three or four students in a row stepped forward to show, and followed the instructor's instructions, turning around.

"Okay, the students in front have performed very well, and then show it to the last student, and you can disband for 10 minutes."

It's finally time to rest!
"Ding Ning comes out!"

The instructor glanced around and said suddenly.

For Ding Ning, such things as standing in a military posture are too simple. It is nothing more than turning back and forth, left and right, and it is not difficult as long as you grasp the essentials.

Although he put most of his energy into cultivation, he also took into account the essentials of the previous military training.

Following the instructor's instructions, Ding Ning simply turned his body. Although this behavior was a little childish, it was quite new to Ding Ning.

"Eh...why haven't you finished yet, the instructor's instructions are a bit too much."

"Yeah, I still want to rest early."

The students around complained slightly that the instructor spent too much time on Ding Ning, and the few students before returned to the team after simply turning around a few times.

Only Ding Ning, it's almost 10 minutes.

"Why can't this guy make a mistake?"

Seeing Ding Ning in front of him cooperating with his instructions and making the corresponding movements perfectly, Lu Hu frowned.

In this way, it would be difficult for him to trouble Ding Ning.

Lu Hu kept giving orders, naturally because someone said hello last night, wanting to make Ding Ning suffer, so today he also focused on Ding Ning.

Seeing that Ding Ning was still making perfect movements, Lu Hu had no choice but to give up temporarily, and said to everyone: "Okay, now rest at the same place for 10 minutes, and gather in 10 minutes to continue the military training."

Zhou Quan and Li Wei took advantage of the gap and ran to Ding Ning's side, saying, "Master, have you provoked the instructor? Why do I feel that he seems to be targeting you?"

"I also felt it. Others only used it for a minute or two, but you took about 2 minutes. My God, you stole the instructor's girlfriend."

Ding Ning was also aware of the two reminders that it was impossible to offend the instructor, and he didn't know each other at all.

But the other party targeted him, and there must be reasons he doesn't know.


Ding Ning glanced at the two figures who were looking here in the distance.

His eyes happened to collide with Sun Lei and Yang Jian.

Seeing these two people, Ding Ning understood that 90.00% of the instructor's targeting of him was due to the two of them.

Sun Lei and Ding Ning knew each other. As for the tall man standing next to Sun Lei, it should be the man named Yang Jian that Zhang Dong reminded.

"Do you want to use the hands of the instructor to deal with me?" Now that he knew that Sun Lei and Yang Jian were behind the scenes, Ding Ning no longer had any doubts.

He wanted to see how the instructor would make things difficult for him.

Ding Ning looked away, and in the distance, Sun Lei said, "He guessed it was us."

"So what if you guessed it, we're not afraid that he will find out, the fun is yet to come, don't worry, I will help you find your place, Young Master Sun." Yang Jian said firmly.

In 10 minutes, the students stood in a row again.

Lu Hu glanced at everyone's face, and said with a sonorous and forceful voice, "Next, I will teach you military boxing."

After speaking, Lu Hu made a gesture and asked the students to learn from him.

Seeing Lu Hu's martial art, Ding Ning regretted it, because in his opinion, this kind of boxing was too good.

If I had known him earlier, I would have applied to Zhai Liguo, and I would have skipped the general training.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to learn this simple and ordinary boxing technique.

For ordinary people, learning military boxing is naturally full of energy, but for Ding Ning, a big man who has been reborn from the cultivation world, it is strange to be able to see it.

The male and female students around are all drawing gourds and doing martial arts.

Only Ding Ning stood where he was, motionless.

It's really harder than killing him for him to practice such a low-end boxing technique.

Lu Hu was worrying that he couldn't find any excuse to deal with Ding Ning. Seeing that Ding Ning was just watching but not practicing, he stopped immediately and walked up to Ding Ning: "Why don't you practice together? You know it, don't you?"

The students also stopped one after another, and their eyes focused on Ding Ning. The prestige in many people's hearts was complicated, why Ding Ning was always easy to attract attention.

"Answer me, why don't you practice together?" Lu Hu said, his voice was thick and dignified.

"Because it's useless."

Ding Ning gave a simple and direct answer to Lu Hu's questioning.


The students were stunned, no one thought that Ding Ning dared to insult the instructor, and said that the military boxing taught by the instructor was useless, it was not uncomfortable.

"Master, you don't have to be so straightforward." Zhou Quan said in astonishment.

"We really don't understand the world of great gods." Li Wei sighed.

At this time, Lu Hu's face was ugly. He had never seen a student who dared to say that military boxing was useless.

"You said military boxing is useless, okay, how can you prove that military boxing is useless!" Lu Hu stared at Ding Ning and said.

"It's useless, it's useless, no need to prove it." Ding Ning said.

"Boy, if you don't mention how ugly you are, it's an insult to all our instructors." Lu Hu said: "Don't you look down on the military boxing? I will show you the power of the military boxing."

Does the instructor want to play chess with Ding Ning?
The students showed interest one after another. Many of them had seen Ding Ning before. Even the two brothers of the Han family could be knocked down in an instant. Their strength should not be underestimated.

Right now, if Ding Ning really fights against Lu Hu, who will win?
"Since you want me to prove it to you so much, then I will prove it to you!" Ding Ning's faint words floated in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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