The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 166 Appreciation of 166! 2 more

Chapter 166 Appreciation of 166! 2 more

(Every Wednesday is a rest day, there are two shifts, and tomorrow will continue with three shifts!)

The brawny girl passed out, and finally she didn't have to hear that unpleasant voice anymore.

As soon as this guy opened his mouth, he couldn't help but want to beat him up.

Ding Ning is rarely so impulsive, but this time, he really couldn't help it.

He was really disgusted.

Next door, the middle-aged man and the others were all watching the fight between Ding Ning and the brawny girl.

It was also unexpected for them to be defeated so quickly by Ding Ning.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of the two middle-aged men burst into joy.

Ding Ning is much stronger than they expected. Even Thunderbolt is no match for him. If such a person is absorbed into the Inhuman Group, he will definitely be a powerful combat force. The most important thing is that Ding Ning is still so young and has a bright future.

"It's a talent, this kid must be included in the Inhuman Group, and he must not be let go."

"With his skill, even in the world of martial arts practitioners, he is extremely talented. It would be a pity to miss him."

The two middle-aged men agreed very much and absorbed Ding Ning into the Inhuman Group.

During Ding Ning's military training before, they had already secretly investigated Ding Ning, and after investigating Ding Ning's background, they were more at ease about Ding Ning's life experience. Absorbing into the Inhuman Group was definitely a big help.

"We'll go there now. His strength has completely passed the test."

Lu Hu's expression flickered, and he knew in his heart that Ding Ning was about to become a great success. Entering the Inhuman Group has many privileges, which is far better than being a student. Even if he graduated from Beijing University, he is far from having a great future in becoming an Inhuman Group. .

This is the most mysterious and powerful department in China, and it is a sharp knife of China, guarding China.

I don't know how many special soldiers want to join the alien group, but they can't meet the conditions. Now, such an opportunity is in front of Ding Ning.

Just when the two middle-aged men were about to meet Ding Ning, Lu Hu pointed to the glass wall in front of him in surprise, "Sir..."

The two middle-aged men had already turned around. Seeing Lu Hu's strange behavior, they both froze for a moment, then turned their heads in unison.

Through the glass wall, they saw Ding Ning watching them.

Especially Ding Ning's eyes seemed to penetrate the barrier of the wall and directly see through the souls of others.

"Has he found us here?"

The two middle-aged men were surprised. It stands to reason that they could only see the room where Ding Ning was, and it was impossible to see them from Ding Ning's room, because there, the wall was very ordinary. Look, you will find the specialness of the wall.

But Ding Ning in front of him gave people an expression that had seen through everything.

He stood in front of the glass wall, watching the three of them quietly, and then saw that on Ding Ning's face, a corner of his mouth was slightly raised, revealing a wicked smile.


Ding Ning raised his palm, and immediately, he clenched and swung his fist.

Just hear a bang.

A huge hole appeared between the two rooms, piercing through the two secret rooms.

The two middle-aged men were stunned, and Lu Hu was also stunned. He was shocked that Ding Ning directly penetrated here.

stomping on...

Ding Ning stepped on the broken glass on the ground with light steps. This kind of bulletproof glass can withstand even the attack of a cannon, but it turned into shards under Ding Ning's fist.

The two middle-aged men were in a daze for a moment, unable to accept the fact that Ding Ning had pierced through the glass wall.

"Instructor Lu, hello." Ding Ning listened two meters in front of the three of them, only to see Ding Ning smile at Lu Hu, and said a word lightly, and Lu Hu, who heard these words, felt his body trembling for a while. , I suddenly felt a chill in my heart, as if I had stepped from midsummer to cold winter.

"Ding...Student Ding...the two officers want to see you."

Before Lu Hu could finish speaking, Ding Ning looked at the two middle-aged men and said, "Was that person just now sent by you to disgust me?"

"Hehe, that's just a test for you." The tall middle-aged man said.

But as soon as his words fell, he felt a blur before his eyes, and he felt that his body was lifted from the ground in an instant, and was actually lifted in the air by Ding Ning.

"Who gave you the right to test me!" Ding Ning's cold words reached the ears of the middle-aged man.

"Ding Ning, let go, you are too rude, this is the officer!" Seeing this scene, Lu Hu almost didn't get scared out of his heart, and Ding Ning actually shot a general directly.

"Let go!"

"You have been surrounded, immediately release the person in your hand."

At this time, a group of people poured in from outside, each with a loaded gun, all raising their weapons and aiming at Ding Ning's body.

Just now when Ding Ning broke the glass wall, there was a lot of movement, which immediately attracted the guards.

Facing so many people, Ding Ning didn't have any fluctuations. He still stared at the middle-aged man and said calmly, "I don't like to provoke others, but if others provoke me for no reason, I will make him regret living In this world, do you understand?"

The middle-aged man was lifted up and had difficulty breathing, but when facing Ding Ning, he could still keep his expression on and looked very calm.

"Put down your weapons."

Another middle-aged man with a slightly shorter stature spoke, and when he opened his mouth, he scolded the guards who rushed in, ordering them to put down their weapons instead of targeting Ding Ning.

"Sir, this man is dangerous, he will hurt you." The guard didn't want to put down his weapon. Ding Ning was really too arrogant, he dared to do something in the military area. Such a person is a lunatic and should not be underestimated.

"I told you to put it down, didn't you hear me?" After the middle-aged man repeated it again, no one aimed at Ding Ning anymore, and the middle-aged man approached Ding Ning and said, "Little brother, put him down, I know what happened to us just now. This behavior is irritating, but we have no malice towards you, if you are still angry about it, I can apologize to you first, how about letting him go?"

"Ding Ning, don't do stupid things. If you touch him, there will be no room for you in China. Don't be stupid." Lu Hu was also worried. He was the one who reported Ding Ning as a martial artist to the two officers. Well, if something happened to the two officers, he would have to bear the blame.

"I need a reasonable explanation." Ding Ning said lightly, and at the same time put down the middle-aged man in his hand.

Seeing this, both the middle-aged man and Lu Hu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

They were really afraid that Ding Ning's oil and salt would not enter. If it was a killer, Huaxia would lose a general, and the price would be too high.

"Ahem..." The middle-aged man who was put down coughed a few times, stood on the spot and recovered for a while, before he recovered, he looked at Ding Ning, couldn't help clapping his hands, and said, "Good boy, you are the first one who dares to The person who lifted me up, do you know that if you hurt me even the slightest bit, you and your family will suffer as well!"

"You dare to threaten me?"


Ding Ning's eyes turned cold, and suddenly, the temperature in the whole space cooled down instantly.

Everyone froze, feeling the overwhelming killing intent pouring out of Ding Ning.

(End of this chapter)

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