The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 167 167 Alien Group! 1 more

Chapter 167 167 Alien Group! 1 more

The air froze for a moment.

As if time had been stopped in an instant, the killing intent that emerged from Ding Ning's body flooded all the surrounding space.

Those guards with weapons, one by one, felt that they could not move.

The aura on Ding Ning's body was too terrifying, especially this killing intent. Even the experienced special forces might not be as terrifying as the strong killing intent on Ding Ning's body.

Is this guy a butcher?

How many people did he kill?
Many people couldn't help but flash this idea in their hearts at the same time.

At this time, Ding Ning felt the terrifying aura around him, like a fierce tiger descending the mountain. All the beasts around him felt shivering and chills down their backs.

Ding Ning was like the king of beasts, standing there, even if he was motionless, he could intimidate all opponents just by his aura.

Targeted by Ding Ning again, the tall middle-aged man once again felt the feeling of being wrapped in the breath of death.

It was as if he was in the hands of a ferocious beast, as long as he moved slightly, he would die immediately.

There is no doubt that because of what he said just now, Ding Ning really dared to kill him, otherwise he would not have concealed his murderous intention.

This kid really dares to kill.

When the air was unusually quiet, several powerful auras, from far to near, appeared in the secret room in the blink of an eye, protecting the two middle-aged men behind them.

As soon as these figures appeared, Lu Hu's expression tightened.

The two middle-aged men were slightly relieved, because the appearance of these few people was like a few stones, causing new fluctuations and ripples to appear on the dull and quiet water surface just now.

It feels less depressing.

Those who can face Ding Ning's raging killing intent and act quickly, ordinary masters can't do it.

These figures are not simple.

"The Alien Group!" Lu Hu murmured, this is the first time he has seen the powerhouses in the Alien Group. I recognized it.

"Crazy man, the military region is not a place where you can run wild, and you can't just obediently catch him!"

This is a man whose figure is not inferior to the strong man and girl just now, with a sturdy aura, but he is much more normal than that one, not at all a mother, very man, when he opened his mouth, his voice was a little hoarse, and his tone contained smells like an order.

And the tone is beyond doubt.

"What's the point of talking to him, call first and then talk."

"You don't know the heights of heaven and earth at a young age, and dare to release murderous intent on the chief. Based on this alone, it is not an exaggeration to kill you."

These people had quite the same opinion on Ding Ning, and they were all going to subdue Ding Ning first. After all, in this military region, it was also their territory. If Ding Ning hurt other people, it would be embarrassing to them.


The masters of the Inhuman Group made a move, and they all rushed towards Ding Ning.

In this regard, the two middle-aged men did not stop, because they also wanted to see if the remaining masters of the Inhuman Group could deal with Ding Ning. Before Thunderbolt was defeated after a few breaths, all the remaining members of the Inhuman Group shot. Should be able to check and balance Ding Ning.

In this way, they can also have a clearer understanding of Ding Ning's strength.

In fact, just now, just now, Ding Ning discovered the clues of the wall and broke the glass wall. In the hearts of the two middle-aged men, this is already quite extraordinary. There is a connection between these two secret rooms, but today, for the first time, someone has seen through the mystery.

With Ding Ning's strength, it is not difficult at all to feel any living body around him, and he knew at that time that someone was watching secretly, so he spent a little bit of strength to gain insight into the secret of the relationship between the two secret rooms, so It will be broken with one punch.

"One-on-six, I'd like to see how he resolves it." The tall middle-aged man said lightly.

"As long as the distance between martial artists is not too large, the advantage in numbers will become the biggest advantage. Six people should be able to suppress him." Another middle-aged man said.

As a soldier, Lu Hu is not qualified to speak at this time, and like the guards around him, he is staring at the front.

It was the first time for them to see the strong man of the Inhuman Group make a move, and no one wanted to miss it.

Six figures approached one after another, and the big man rushed to the front. With his movements, he could feel the whistling wind brought by him.

"Go wild here, and you'll pay for it."

The big man sneered and waved his fists like two dragons pounding the sea, aiming at Ding Ning's shoulder, and then punched him up.

Facing the menacing big man who struck first, Ding Ning looked normal, the murderous intent on his body was still there, and there was still a trace of anger in his eyes, these cats and dogs dared to take the initiative to attack him.


Ding Ning spoke suddenly, and the secret room was shaken instantly. Everyone covered their ears because of Ding Ning's rolling, because the sound was too loud and deafening.

Not to mention the others, even the members of the Six Inhumans, when they rushed towards Ding Ning and were swept by the loud noise, they all felt stuffy in their hearts, and then they couldn't help but sweeten their mouths.

"Lion's Roar?"

The expressions of several members of the Inhuman Group all changed, and they exclaimed. Just by the sound, there is such a great lethality. In the Jianghu, they have only heard of the method of lion roar, so they are all in the first place. For a while, Ding Ning's voice was attributed to the lion's roar.

Ding Ning sneered, what the hell is the lion's roar skill, he didn't use any methods at all, he just expressed a disgusted attitude.

The burly man was agitated by Ding Ning's sound of rolling, and he also yelled: "Looking for death!"


His fist struck and fell quietly.

"Fall me down."

call out……

The strong man punched Ding Ning in front of him. In the eyes of the big man, this punch was enough to seriously injure Ding Ning.

But before he was happy for a second, he felt a tingling pain in his arm, and then, his body lightened, and his whole body turned 180 degrees in the air.


All I saw was that Ding Ning grabbed the big man's fist with one hand, and with a movement of his arm, he immediately swung the big man up. Immediately, he threw it back, and with a bang, the big man was thrown out and hit the ground hard.

The big man rolled around several times in embarrassment, and passed out immediately.

"Old cow!"

"Brother Niu."

Several other members of the Inhuman Group shouted worriedly, and their feet became faster, wanting to avenge the big man.

"You all get out of here too!"

Ding Ning took the initiative to attack, and with a movement of his feet, he immediately faced the remaining five people. Before the five people attacked and landed, Ding Ning quickly grabbed the arms of several people with one hand at an incomparably fierce speed, and then followed the same pattern, slamming the five people equally. It was thrown out and hit the hard ground in the distance.

The six masters of the Inhuman Group who were aggressive a moment ago, all lay down in the blink of an eye!
In the secret room, it became quiet again.

(End of this chapter)

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