The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 168 168 Invitation! 2 more

Chapter 168 168 Invitation! 2 more

Huaxia's sharp knife, the alien group that even the special forces keep at a respectful distance, was defeated so easily?

Many guards, including Lu Hu, rubbed their eyes involuntarily.

Not dreaming.

The people in the alien group are all very strong, one against ten or one hundred strong, how could they be defeated so quickly.

Must be an illusion!

Many people couldn't believe the scene in front of them, because it was too unreal.

Outsiders don't know the horror of the Inhuman Group and how powerful it is, but everyone in the Shangjing Military Region knows the horror of the Inhuman Group. Randomly taking out a person from the Inhuman Group is enough to beat any outstanding soldier in any military region , Such an existence was easily solved by Ding Ning in an instant. Anyone who saw such a scene would inevitably feel a huge gap in their hearts.

"Six people attack together, can't they suppress him?"

The middle-aged man who was sure before that the six of them would suppress Ding Ning was slapped in the face, because what he said was not true. On the contrary, it was Ding Ning who easily suppressed the six members of the Inhuman Group.

"Even if he is a martial artist, he shouldn't have such great strength at such a young age." The slightly shorter middle-aged man looked puzzled, shocked, and even a little surprised, and he was very emotional. complex.

The air became quiet again, and many eyes were focused on Ding Ning. With the power of one person, he knocked down all the Inhumans. This strength, in the eyes of many people, is absolutely inhuman.

No one dared to ignore Ding Ning's existence.

"Fortunately, I didn't open fire just now, otherwise, I might not be able to get a bargain." Some guards were afraid. If the officer hadn't ordered them to put down their weapons, once they fought with Ding Ning, they would definitely be in a worse situation.

You know, these strong men in the Inhuman Group are fast enough to dodge firearm attacks, and a person who can kill the entire Inhuman Group in seconds, wouldn't it be even more ridiculous to use firearms to deal with him? .

Even if someone asks you to shoot, even if you fire, you still won't be able to reach his shadow.

Of the six members of the Inhuman Group, several fell into a coma, and only one or two were still awake. Their eyes were fixed on Ding Ning, and there was also puzzlement and shock in those eyes.

Because they didn't expect that a young man like Ding Ning was so much stronger than those of them who had practiced martial arts for many years.

They are no seniors in front of Ding Ning, Ding Ning should be a senior.

Ding Ning didn't change his face after killing the six members of the Inhuman Group. The Inhuman Group is powerful in the eyes of ordinary people, but in Ding Ning's heart, it is not worth mentioning.

In his opinion, the few people in the Inhuman Group are nothing but martial practitioners who have just started to practice for many years. Even on the road of martial cultivators, they have not gone far.

At most, it is barely just getting started.

He took a step, and without seeing Ding Ning take a few steps, he came to the tall middle-aged man again.

This guy threatened him just now that if he hurt him, Ding Ning's family would suffer along with him. Ding Ning hasn't settled this threat with him. He was disturbed by the six members of the Inhuman Group just now. Now it's all right, he can Calculate carefully and dare to threaten him.

So what if you are a general in the military region.

I, Ding Ning, don't like to be threatened by others. Whatever status you have, it is useless in front of me.

I want you to die, no one wants you to live.

Seeing Ding Ning approaching, he looked reproachful, before Ding Ning could speak, another middle-aged man walked between the two of them and said with a smile, "Misunderstanding, everything is a misunderstanding, little brother, listen to me, I will Give you a perfect explanation and give me some time?"

Ding Ning is the only one in the entire military region who can make a general speak like this.

In fact, Ding Ning's strength is too terrifying. Even the Inhuman Group can easily complete the whole second. With such an existence, even if he is a general, he has to let go of his status. As long as Ding Ning can be kept, everything is worth it.

Ding Ning did not make a move after all. This tall middle-aged man has a special luck. Although he can force a move or even kill the opponent, it will not do him any good. On the contrary, he may be killed by the earth. If you pay extra attention to the power of heaven, then the loss outweighs the gain.

Before jumping out of the circle of Heavenly Dao and having the power to counteract Heavenly Dao, it is better not to be noticed by Heavenly Dao, otherwise he will be promoted to a breakthrough, and the catastrophe blessed by Heavenly Dao will cause more damage, and even a near death .

The tall middle-aged man did not speak, still maintaining his identity.

Instead, another middle-aged man next to him explained the reason why he told Lu Hu to bring Ding Ning to the secret room, and then the brawny girl appeared.

After working for a long time, the military region just wanted to test his strength, and then invited him to join the alien group.

Is it just for this?

"We have been observing you for a while, and your inspection is completely qualified. Now we sincerely invite you and hope that you can join the Inhuman Group and become a member of the Inhuman Group." The middle-aged man said.

"Ding Ning, agree quickly. As long as you nod your head, you will become a member of the Yiren Group. This is something that many people dream of and dare not even dream about." Lu Hu was happy for Ding Ning and persuaded Ding Ning to nod quickly. .

Seeing that Ding Ning did not speak, the short middle-aged man continued: "As long as you agree, after you join the Inhuman Group, I will directly arrange for you to become the captain and lead everyone in the Inhuman Group. What do you think?"

However, Ding Ning was expressionless, and the middle-aged man couldn't see what was going on in Ding Ning's heart.

"You can think about it seriously, we have plenty of time, even if you don't reply now."

"What I can tell you is that as long as you nod your head and become a member of the Inhuman Group, in China, you will be given a military rank directly and have all the privileges that a soldier should have. At the same time, we will also send people to protect your family. You can Don't worry about the safety of your family, we can help you solve any worries, and if you have any troubles, we will also help you solve them, and you only need to complete the task occasionally, we will not limit your freedom. "

This condition can be said to be quite good, almost directly becoming a master.

Just look at the members of the Inhuman Group before, they all have a superior tone in their tone, obviously they have a lot of status, as long as he Ding Ning nods, he can also have these immediately.

Ding Ning smiled.

Seeing Ding Ning's smile, the middle-aged man was overjoyed, and the other tall middle-aged man couldn't help saying in his heart: "No matter how good your skills are, you will still work for us in the end." He also smiled more stand up.

"Little brother, so you agree?" the short middle-aged man asked with a smile.

Ding Ning smiled and said lightly, "I refuse."


As soon as these words came out, the two middle-aged men, Lu Hu and other people in the circle were all startled.

None of them expected that Ding Ning would refuse!

(End of this chapter)

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