The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 169 169 Refused! 3 more

Chapter 169 169 Refused! 3 more

The smile immediately solidified on his face.

Regardless of the short middle-aged man or the tall middle-aged man, they all wonder why Ding Ning has any reason to refuse this invitation.

As long as you nod your head, not to mention prosperity and wealth, you can get it at your fingertips, but it's almost the same. After all, the Yiren group has a special status in China. To be a member of it, you must have corresponding status and rights.

However, Ding Ning was able to refuse such a big temptation.

It was beyond everyone's expectations.

"Ding Ning, have you thought about such a good opportunity? Don't miss it!" Lu Hu was worried for Ding Ning. In Lu Hu's view, joining the Yiren Group was not only a symbol of status and strength, but also a kind of honor.

However, it is such a special group that everyone wants to join, Ding Ning is not unusual.

It really hurts a little.

If such an opportunity fell on Lu Hu's head, he would nod without saying a word.

Ding Ning's refusal naturally has a reason for his refusal.

First, he doesn't think joining the Inhuman Group will do him any good. His family members can be completely protected by his means, such as the True Essence Amulet and Ban Jiao. With these means, no one can hurt him family.

Second, although joining the Inhuman Group will not restrict freedom, since joining it, there must be rules, and if there are rules, you will be restricted. He would rather not be under the hands of others, and there is no free lunch in the world, enjoying a special Identity and rights naturally have to fulfill certain obligations, and he doesn't want to waste time on such irrelevant things as performing tasks for the Inhuman Group.

If you have this time, you might as well use it all for cultivation.

Secondly, and most importantly, the Inhuman Group did not have any attraction for him. The members of the Inhuman Group before him were just chickens and dogs. He didn't have the energy to lead these guys.

Apart from a special status and a little power, there are no visible benefits at all. Why did Ding Ning join.

Rather than that, it's better to be alone, to do what you want to do.

"Little brother, maybe you didn't hear clearly. Joining the Yiren Group is not only about status, but also the realization of one's own value. At that time, it will shoulder the glory of China, because the Yiren Group will represent the top power of China. , you think about it again?" The middle-aged man pretended not to hear Ding Ning's answer, and repeated the benefits of joining the Inhuman Group, hoping that Ding Ning could change to another answer.

"I refuse." Ding Ning said it again without any hesitation, and this time, his words were not light enough to reach the ears of everyone around him.

Hearing this answer, the two middle-aged men glanced at each other, both a little embarrassed. Their previous assurances were all in vain with Ding Ning. Ding Ning was not interested in the Inhuman Group at all, let alone joined.

There was a brief silence in the air. Seeing that Ding Ning had made up his mind, the short middle-aged man had no choice but to force Ding Ning to join, so he said to Lu Hu: "Xiao Lu, send the little brother away."

"Yes." Hearing this, Lu Hu's body shook, he saluted, and walked ahead to lead the way.

Ding Ning followed behind, and when Ding Ning took a few steps, the short middle-aged man stopped Ding Ning again, and said with a smile: "Little brother, I hope you can think carefully when you go back, as long as you want to join our Yiren Group, we welcome you anytime.”

Ding Ning shrugged his shoulders and walked out of the secret room without saying a word.

Not long after, the figures of Ding Ning and Lu Hu disappeared before his eyes, and another tall middle-aged man asked, "Did you really just give up like that?"

"You can't force others to make things difficult for you. This kid has a lot of personality. It's not easy to get him to join willingly."

"Maybe it's my method of testing that disgusts him. It's also up to me."

"It's a pity that he didn't join because of his strength, but we can't give up. We can only wait for the opportunity to see if there is any possibility for him to join in the future."

"If there is him in the Inhuman Group, it will be much easier to face those foreign Inhuman Groups."

"Yeah, now I can only rely on these guys to hold on."

"I almost forgot that our precious members of the Inhuman Group are still in a coma. Hurry up and ask someone to check their injuries to see if there is any serious problem."


Swish swish.

A military vehicle galloped on the road, and according to the command of the officer, Lu Hu sent Ding Ning back to school.

Originally, Ding Ning stayed because he wanted Ding Ning to join the Inhuman Group, but it failed, so he had to send Ding Ning back first.

"Actually, it's a pity that you missed this opportunity. Don't you really want to think about it?" Lu Hu said while driving the car.

"Not interested." Ding Ning's answer was simple and straightforward.

Hearing that there was only a wry smile on Lu Hu's face, and that the opportunity that others dreamed of turned into dismissiveness when it came to Ding Ning, Lu Hu couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion in his heart.

It's really maddening to compare people to people.

When Lu Hu sent Ding Ning to Shangjing University, it was already four hours later. After sending it to the location, Lu Hu drove back to the military area on the same road, and Ding Ning walked into the campus alone.

After returning to the dormitory, Zhou Quan and Li Wei were taken aback when they saw Ding Ning's return, and then they both smiled.

"Master, what's your situation? We heard from Director Liu that you were stopped by the military area. We thought you really planned to stay in the military area and become a real soldier." Zhou Quan said, after all, Ding Ning and Yang Yu had a competition before. After it was over, Yang Yu told Ding Ning in front of everyone that Ding Ning was talented and suitable to be a soldier, and that as long as Ding Ning was willing, he could help.

But Zhou Quan and Li Wei didn't know that Ding Ning was not called by the military area to become a soldier, but to join the most special department, the Inhuman Group.

It's just that Ding Ning didn't agree.

Ding Ning simply made up an excuse, and didn't mention to the two that the military region invited him to join the Inhuman Group, and this matter was considered to be over.

Thinking of those two middle-aged men, Ding Ning felt that since he had clearly expressed his rejection, the other party would probably not invite him again.

If this is the best, so as not to bother him.

Joining the Inhuman Group, there is no way to cultivate by yourself, it is easy and free, and you can do whatever you want.

In the final analysis, it is still freedom. Unfetteredness is the root of Ding Ning's rejection. He is used to freedom and looseness, and he does not want any shackles on his body.

If there is, then the family is his shackles, but he would rather bear the shackles for the rest of his life. This is his regret in his previous life. In this life, he doesn't want to have the same regret again.

The military training is over, and college life really begins.

The next day, when the sun was shining brightly, Ding Ning turned into a student and went to the teaching building like everyone else.

Standing downstairs, staring at the political and legal building in front of him, Ding Ning smiled slightly. Next, it is time to finish all the subjects in the shortest time, and be the first to complete the studies!

(End of this chapter)

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