The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 171 Full marks for all 171! 2 more

Chapter 171 Full marks for all 171! 2 more

"Have you heard? Someone is going to skip a grade, and the teacher is working on a group question and preparing the test paper."

"Fuck, who is so fierce, is there such a fierce person in our political and legal department?"

"Of course there is. Don't forget, the national college entrance examination champion is in our department."

"Ding Ning..."

"Yes, it's him."

Before the exam started, the teachers came up with questions collectively, and the news that Ding Ning was about to take the exam spread, which attracted the attention of many students in the School of Political Science and Law.

Speaking of skipping grades, it is not uncommon in the primary stage of learning. After all, at that time, the knowledge was relatively simple. As long as the talents were higher and smarter, it was not difficult for some students to do so.

In a first-class university in China like Shangjing University, among the students who come here to study, there are not a few students who skip grades.

But if you want to skip a grade during college, it is relatively rare. After all, the knowledge of college is more extensive, complex and in-depth. I have never heard of it, and it has never happened in the history of Shangjing University.

At this time, Ding Ning's name was once again pushed to the top of the discussion in the School of Political Science and Law.

Among the freshmen, Ding Ning has reached a place where no one knows, and even the sophomores, juniors, and even seniors all know that there is such a person.

"Dare to skip a grade just after the start of school, you are really a top student."

"I don't necessarily believe anyone can do this if it's another student, but this guy is the number one student in the national college entrance examination. It's really possible for him to skip a grade!"

Some students are quite optimistic about the college organizing a special exam for Ding Ning. After all, Ding Ning has the experience of being the top scorer in the national college entrance examination.

However, there are also some students who are skeptical: "I feel that this guy is crazy about wanting to become a celebrity on campus, no matter whether he can succeed or not, he has successfully attracted everyone's attention, this method is really high! "

"Dare to skip a grade just after the start of school. I feel that the gimmick is bigger than its own strength. The professional courses of our School of Political Science and Law, not to mention the most difficult in the school, are not easy. Even if he was the first in the country before, I don't like it. He, in Shangjing University, has learned a lot, and no one else can do it, so how can he do it."

"I think you are envious and jealous that others are better than you."

"Tch, I'm just talking about the facts."

Listening to the students' discussions, Tang Qing didn't speak, but she was not at peace in her heart. She was also surprised that the college had specially given Ding Ning the exam.

Taking out the phone, Tang Qing walked to an empty corner next to the flower bed and dialed a number.

"Hey, I heard that the academy specially organized an exam for you, is this true?"


"come on."


Hanging up the phone, Tang Qing put down the phone, looked at the male bedroom in the distance, and said, "You are getting better and better, if I don't work hard, I won't be able to keep up with you, and I will become as good as you .”

As she spoke, Tang Qing pinched the book in her hand and walked towards the study room in the library.

"Master, did the little fan girl call you?"

"The great god has too many little fans, and he can't answer the phone all day."

"I'm envious, why don't girls call me, the master is still popular."

Zhou Quan and Li Wei were on the sidelines, and they kept joking about each other. The two had already known about the special exams organized for Ding Ning in the college. Yes, and compared to others, they believe that Ding Ning will pass the test easily.

That night, all the test papers of all subjects were printed out, and Ding Ning sat alone in the class and began to answer the questions.

The teachers sat on the sidelines, acting as invigilators, quietly waiting for Ding Ning to finish answering all the test papers.

Through the window, you can see that many students gathered outside the window, many of them specially came here to watch the exam prepared for Ding Ning alone in the college.

This matter has become news, not limited to the School of Political Science and Law, students from other schools also came to watch.

Ding Ning answered the questions very quickly. After scanning the questions, the answer was already in his heart. He only saw the pen in Ding Ning's hand galloping on the test paper, like a galloping horse.


This is the sound of the nib rubbing against the paper, like someone walking among the fallen leaves.

In the quiet classroom, only the sound of Ding Ning's writing was heard. As the speed of writing became faster and faster, the invigilating teachers were all attracted to him. Several teachers who came over all set their eyes on Ding Ning's test paper.

Ding Ning was answering Mao Gai's test paper. When the teacher who taught Mao Gai saw the answers written by Ding Ning, he was shocked.

Because Ding Ning's answer is not only comprehensive and accurate, but also deeply analyzed.

After reading Ding Ning's answer, I realized that this is the real answer.

"How could he think of so many things without missing a single point of knowledge?"

Teacher Mao Gai witnessed Ding Ning write the entire test paper with his own eyes, and there was not a single mistake in the answers he saw.

Ding Ning handed the test paper to the teacher and asked the teacher to grade it on the spot.

Then, Ding Ning began to write the test paper for the next course.


The sound of answering the questions was still echoing, and Ding Ning answered the questions quickly, as if by divine help, each handwriting jumped out on the paper, and several teachers were still watching Ding Ning's answers.

On the other end, Teacher Mao Gai was correcting the test papers with a red pen.

After he checked and corrected all the questions, he didn't find a single mistake, because Ding Ning's answer was exactly the same as the correct answer. In some places, there was not even a correct answer, which was subconsciously ignored.

"How about it?"

Several teachers gathered around, wanting to know Ding Ning's score on the Maogao.

Teacher Mao Gai did not speak, but handed the test papers to several teachers.

After they finished reading the test papers, they were all silent, their eyes flashed with astonishment.

Because they didn't expect that Ding Ning would get full marks. It's not difficult to pass political courses like Mao Gai, as long as you listen carefully, you can do it. But it's too difficult to get full marks, because This kind of topic involves many aspects, and there are too many factors to consider, and few people can think of them all.

But today, Ding Ning did it.

Not long after, the second test paper was written, and was immediately taken by the teacher for approval. After the teacher checked everything, he had the same expression as the previous teacher Mao Gai.

Another perfect test paper.

The teachers present were shocked again.

After that is the third test paper, full marks.

The fourth test paper was still full marks.

The fifth test paper is still full marks.


When Ding Ning finished writing the last stroke and answering the last test paper, the teachers present were already numb. Even if they didn't make corrections, they could guess that this last subject must be a perfect score.

Because of this guy, there is no one subject that is not perfect!

 In fact, the author is as awesome as the protagonist, quack!
(End of this chapter)

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