The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 172 172 Level Skip! 3 more

Chapter 172 172 Level Skip! 3 more

When Zhai Liguo learned that Ding Ning had given full marks in all the test papers of all the courses, Zhai Liguo was stunned for a long while before opening his mouth.

"Congratulations, Classmate Ding, you can study for your sophomore year. I will send you the books tomorrow."

Ding Ning nodded, took a panoramic view of the expressions of the teachers present in the office, and then left the office.

"God, how did you do in the exam?"

'"It must have passed."

Zhou Quan and Li Wei had been waiting outside for a long time. When they saw Ding Ning come out, they immediately followed Ding Ning and questioned him.

"Ding Ning, how much did you score in the test?"

"Is the question the teacher gave you difficult?"

There are other students around who also spoke at this time, wanting to know the results of the exam just now.

Ding Ning ignored the others, and said to Zhou Quan and Li Wei, "You can go to the sophomore class tomorrow."

Go to sophomore class?
What do you mean?
The two were stunned for a moment, and then, with a flash of eyes, they immediately understood the meaning of Ding Ning's words. They grabbed Ding Ning's arm in surprise and said, "Master, have you really passed the exam?"

Ding Ning's smile said it all.

"That's great, Bull 13!"

"Sure enough, there is nothing Great God Ding can't do. I, Li Wei, will obey you Great God Ding even if I don't support the wall."

Zhou Quan and Li Wei were all happy for Ding Ning. The three squeezed out of the crowd and walked towards the dormitory. As for the people around them, after hearing Ding Ning's words just now, they also understood that Ding Ning passed the exam and successfully skipped a grade.

"Nimma, this is a promotion from a classmate to a senior at once."

"It's better to let him go to the sophomore year. It's too much pressure to be with him in the first year."

"That's right, let's go, the seniors and sisters who harmed the sophomore year. In this way, we will have a bright future, so as not to be covered by his light, it's time to shine our own light."

The students discussed this again.

Ding Ning's success in skipping grades still shocked many people. In less than three days after the start of school, he taught himself all the courses, and he really did it and passed the exam.

Seeing that he was about to reach the dormitory, a figure appeared in front of him.

All I saw was a girl in a white dress standing downstairs in the men's dormitory, pacing back and forth, as if waiting for someone.

"Ding Ning."

Tang Qing yelled and walked up to Ding Ning.

Zhou Quan and Li Wei looked at each other, and smiled at Ding Ning with a sense of humor: "Master, we still have something to do, so let's go up first."

Seeing the two walk away, Tang Qing was no longer so restrained, and said, "Let's go to the football field for a walk."

Ding Ning didn't refuse. The two were classmates in high school, and they were still classmates in college. The relationship between the two can be said to be the best.

"Looking at the looks of your two roommates, you should have done well in the exam. If I'm not wrong, did you do well in the exam?" Tang Qing raised her head, looked at Ding Ning and asked.

"En." Ding Ning nodded.

"You are amazing." Tang Qing praised Ding Ning's answer.

After this brief conversation, there was a long silence, and the two walked on the edge of the football field, as if they had come home from school together.

Tang Qing was walking in front. Suddenly, she turned her head, looked into Ding Ning's eyes with a very serious expression, and said, "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course." Ding Ning said.

Tang Qing's eyes flickered, she hesitated for a while, but in the end, she still asked: "Are you still the Ding Ning I know?"

Ding Ning was stunned for a moment.

Before Ding Ning could answer, Tang Qing continued: "I feel that you are very different from the previous you, especially in the last few months of the third year of high school, I feel that you seem to have changed a person invisibly, you have become a good learner , you can also kung fu, these advantages, you have never shown before."

Ding Ning's heart skipped a beat.

He was amazed at Tang Qing's delicate thoughts, even his parents didn't notice the change in him, Tang Qing actually noticed a slight difference.

But to say that Ding Ning has changed into a different person is a bit serious. He is still the same, but with a lifetime of life experience in his mind, his character is no longer childish, but more mature and calm.

Tang Qing in front of her opened a pair of big eyes, which were full of curiosity. These eyes really wanted to see through Ding Ning.

There was even a blazing heat in his eyes.

"You are Ding Ning, right?" Tang Qing suddenly smiled, and she was still talking to herself: "No matter why your current changes are so different from before, promise me that you must protect yourself, okay?"

Looking at Tang Qing's serious look, as if he had made a deal with the devil in exchange for his ability, Ding Ning was a little bit dumbfounded.

However, he was quite touched by Tang Qing's appearance. At least it showed that, apart from his family, few people cared about him so much.

"Don't worry, I will not only protect myself, but also protect all the people I want to protect." Ding Ning said, put his palm on Tang Qing's head, and rubbed Tang Qing's hair that was as soft and smooth as satin. send.

The two walked on the empty football field for a while, and finally Ding Ning sent Tang Qing to the door of the dormitory.

"Thank you for walking with me for so long."

Tang Qing stood at the door, smiling, her smile was as bright as a flower.

"As long as you are happy." Ding Ning said, in fact, he really wanted to say, as long as you want to go shopping, you can find me anytime, but he didn't say this, and there was a faint pain in his heart, the betrayal of that person in the previous life, It made him a little discouraged about the relationship between men and women, and even kept him at a respectful distance.

Tang Qing didn't know the change in Ding Ning's heart, she waved her hand with a smile, said good night, and walked into the dormitory building.

There was also faint laughter in the building. Several girls saw Tang Qing appearing and joked about whether Tang Qing was going on a date.

Ding Ning turned around and didn't continue to think deeply about the relationship between him and Tang Qing. The two of them are just like now, it's good to be good friends who talk about everything, there is no need to go any further.

Going one step further is going beyond the thunder pool.

The next day.

Zhou Quan and Li Wei went to class early, and they were envious of Ding Ning, because Ding Ning had been honorably promoted from freshman to sophomore, and there were not so many courses.

According to Zhou Quan and Li Wei, it is enough for Ding Ning to play 13 in his freshman year, and then he can go to play 13 in his sophomore year, and expressed his expectation that Ding Ning may play 13 in his junior and senior years.

After going to Zhai Liguo's office to pick up the sophomore books, Ding Ning took the books to the sophomore class.

When Ding Ning appeared in the sophomore class, he attracted the attention of many students.

Ding Ning, a new face, is quite unfamiliar to many sophomores.

Immediately, the classmates started talking.

"Is this new here?"

"I know him. He seems to be a freshman in this class. Why did he come to class here as a sophomore?"

"Oh? Is he a freshman? Zizi, no wonder he's so pink."

"You are already a senior, can you be more reserved."

"Tch, I just like how little fresh meat drips, so I'm not reserved, I'm not reserved!"

Ding Ning was unmoved by all the discussions and stares, and found a corner at random, and sat down.

(End of this chapter)

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