The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 174 174 In his world, there are no rivals! 2 more

Chapter 174 174 In his world, there are no rivals! 2 more

When Li Wei said a lot of information about the man standing with Lin Yumo, Zhou Quan opened his mouth wide.

It took a long time to speak, and immediately said: "This Nima is also a great god."

It wasn't that Zhou Quan was exaggerating, even Ding Ning was a little surprised when he heard about this boy's many deeds.

Through Li Wei's description, both Ding Ning and Zhou Quan knew the name of this person.

Duan Baiyu, a legendary figure of Shangjing University.

At the beginning, Duan Baiyu also came to Shangjing University as the number one student in the national college entrance examination, and Duan Baiyu was not only handsome, but also surprisingly good in sports, music, art, etc. Well, a century-level genius may not be born in hundreds of years.

This praise, it can be said, has lifted Duan Baiyu to an extremely high level.

In the history of Shangjing University, they are extremely rare.

With Duan Baiyu's popularity in Shangjing University, except for freshmen who rarely knew about Duan Baiyu, everyone in the sophomore, junior, and senior years knew about Duan Baiyu.

Duan Baiyu has super popularity, and has made many girls go crazy for him.

No wonder Zhou Quan said that Duan Baiyu is also a god-level figure, because this guy is excellent in all aspects.

And from the current point of view, his excellence is much better than Ding Ning's.

"I thought that among the young people in this world, there was only one of us, Ding Dashen, a young and fierce person. I didn't expect that there was a second one in this world." Zhou Quan sighed, then looked at Ding Ning and said: "Great God, your powerful enemy has appeared."

Li Wei was also looking at Ding Ning, wondering what Ding Ning thought after he found out about Duan Baiyu.

However, the two were quickly disappointed because Ding Ning was completely indifferent.

"Master, you want to express some opinions, such a strong opponent has appeared, shouldn't you say something?" Zhou Quan asked urgently.

"Master Ding, I have to say that this person is really difficult to surpass." Li Wei expressed his affirmation to Duan Baiyu. As a member of the circle of the son of Shangjing, he knows more about Duan Baiyu, and it is precisely because of this Only then did he become more and more aware of how terrifying Duan Baiyu was.

This monstrous figure who is not inferior to Ding Ning at all, no, maybe even scarier than Ding Ning, at least for now.

Regarding the worries of the two, Ding Ning smiled lightly, and Zhou Quan hurriedly said, "Master, what are you laughing at?"

"You say that he will be my strongest opponent, I just find this ridiculous." Ding Ning said lightly.

"God, are we so confident?"

Immediately afterwards, the two heard Ding Ning's words come again: "In this world, no one can become my strong enemy."


Great God, you are invincible in the world, can you be number one in the world!
"Nimma, is it okay to brag about 13 like this?"

"That's right, I'm suffering from a second-year illness."

"Hurry up and stay away, these people may not be mentally normal."

After hearing the conversation between Ding Ning, Zhou Quan, and Li Wei, the surrounding students ran away one after another, which made Zhou Quan and Li Wei vomit blood depressedly. What they pretended to be 13 just now was not what they said.

The students around didn't know Ding Ning and the three of them. After all, those who were able to gather around here and refused to leave must all know Duan Baiyu, at least they are all sophomores. It is normal not to know Ding Ning.

Even though Ding Ning was famous at the school gate because of the confession and competition incidents, many people only know Ding Ning's name, not Ding Ning himself.

Suddenly, the crowd in front of them automatically forked a path.

It turned out that Lin Yumo and Duan Baiyu didn't stay on the bridge in the center of the lake anymore, but were about to leave, and happened to be walking here.

"Duan Baiyu is so handsome!"

"I'm so happy to see Senior Duan again."

"It's a pity that the girl standing next to Senior Duan is not me. I really envy this girl."

"We are only envious of the beauty of a man and a woman."

Most of the girls around here showed how popular Duan Baiyu was at Shangjing University, and his treatment was basically the same as that of a celebrity.

Lin Yumo didn't expect that he and Duan Baiyu would attract so many classmates to watch after staying in the student lake for a while, so the two left without intending to stay longer.

And just as Lin Yumo walked out of the crowd, suddenly, her figure paused, and her eyes fell on Ding Ning.

"what happened?"

When Duan Baiyu spoke, his voice was very pleasant, with a metal-like texture, and he definitely had the potential to be a broadcaster.

Lin Yumo's eyes lingered on Ding Ning for a moment, then immediately retracted, shook his head, and said with a smile, "It's okay."

She didn't know that Ding Ning would be here, and happened to see this scene. At this time, Lin Yumo felt a little embarrassed, and there was a mixed emotion mixed in it.

This made her want to leave here quickly and escape from Ding Ning's sight.

"Let's go." Duan Baiyu just glanced at Ding Ning, and didn't pay much attention to it. He was about to wrap his hand around Lin Yumo's shoulder and leave with him, but Lin Yumo dodged subconsciously.

Duan Baiyu frowned, but he was not angry, but immediately withdrew his hand.

"The person she likes is not you, but Ding Ning!"

If it wasn't for such a disharmonious sentence, the two of them might have already left, but Lin Yumo and Duan Baiyu both stopped walking as soon as this sentence came out.

Duan Baiyu looked into the crowd, scanning the person who spoke just now.

The boy wasn't afraid of Duan Baiyu's gaze, pointed at Ding Ning and said, "What I'm saying is the truth, freshman students know it."

Duan Baiyu looked at Lin Yumo, wondering if this was true.

Lin Yumo said lightly: "Do you want to hear my explanation?"

Duan Baiyu stared into Lin Yumo's eyes, and suddenly smiled and said, "Of course not, I trust you."

"Thank you."

The matter did not expand, and the two left, but the surrounding students did not disperse immediately. Many sophomores, juniors, and seniors asked whether what the male student said just now was true.

Following some students' explanations, more people turned their attention to Ding Ning.

It turns out that such a thing really happened.

"Hey, I thought this kid had a second-grade middle school illness just now, so he is so awesome!"

"Zizi, he is the number one student in the national college entrance examination."

"Snatching a girlfriend from Duan Baiyu is amazing."

Many students who had just met Ding Ning felt that it was exciting to watch, some thought that Ding Ning was overreaching, and some supported Ding Ning, thinking that there was no reason why he couldn't grab Duan Baiyu's girlfriend.

Ding Ning frowned at this. He had nothing to do with Lin Yumo at all, so he didn't bother to pay attention to these people's inquiries, and turned around and left.

Zhou Quan stopped everyone who wanted to continue asking questions, and said: "I am in charge of the great god's affairs now. If you want to know anything, you can ask me."

(End of this chapter)

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