The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 175 175 Let me be your girlfriend! 3 more

Chapter 175 175 Let me be your girlfriend! 3 more

When Yang Jian and Sun Lei heard that someone pointed out that Lin Yumo liked Ding Ning in front of Duan Baiyu, both of them couldn't help but look happy.

"Haha, God helped me. I was thinking about how to get Duan Baiyu to target him, but I didn't expect him to provoke him. Ding Ning, Ding Ning, you are courting death."

Listening to Yang Jian's words, Sun Lei also sneered at the side: "This guy dares to rob Duan Baiyu of a woman, he will suffer."

"Let's go, let's go see Brother Duan. Although he has attracted Brother Duan's attention, it's not enough. We have to add more fire to make the fire burn more vigorously."

It didn't take long for the two of them to meet Duan Baiyu. Yang Jian was polite first, but didn't go straight to the point.

After talking for a while, Yang Jian said, "I don't know if Brother Duan has heard of someone recently? His name is Ding Ning, and he is a freshman."

Ding Ning?

Duan Baiyu's eyes flickered for a moment. Yang Jian, who caught the application, remained calm but was very happy in his heart. Obviously, he just mentioned Ding Ning, which caught Duan Baiyu's attention.

Yang Jian continued: "This Ding Ning looks taciturn, but he is a very arrogant person. When he first entered the school, he even put down his words and accepted anyone's challenge. He was very arrogant."

Duan Baiyu didn't open his mouth to ask about Ding Ning, but according to Yang Jian's understanding of Duan Baiyu, he just knew that this meant that Duan Baiyu was interested, otherwise he would have interrupted him long ago.

After that, Yang Jian talked about Ding Ning's performance in the military training, and the recent promotion to sophomore after skipping a grade.

During this period, Duan Baiyu has been listening.

When Yang Jian and Sun Lei left, it was already half an hour later.

"Young Master Yang, why didn't you mention the matter of Ding Ning and Lin Yumo in front of him, that's how you added fuel to the fire." Sun Lei was puzzled.

Sun Lei, who followed the whole process, didn't say a few words, but he also saw and listened to the conversation between Yang Jian and Duan Baiyu, but after listening for a long time, he didn't see Yang Jian mentioning it .

It stands to reason that Duan Baiyu is interested in Lin Yumo, and Ding Ning's threat appears, and pointing this out is the best way to add fuel.

Yang Jian looked at Sun Lei with a smile, "Young Master Sun, do you think I didn't increase the heat enough to stimulate Duan Baiyu's thoughts against Ding Ning?"

Sun Lei nodded.

Regarding this, Yang Jian said indifferently: "Young Master Sun, do you think Duan Baiyu is a fool?"

"Of course not. If he is stupid, there will be no smart people in this world." Sun Lei said.

"Since he's not stupid, on the contrary, he's very smart, so if I talked about the campus confession on the spot, how do you think he would react?"


"Besides being angry?"

Sun Lei shook his head, not expecting it.

"There's still shame." Yang Jian said the answer: "An exceptionally smart person like Duan Baiyu is very proud in his heart. The woman he likes will never allow anyone to get involved. If I say it on the spot, I will poke her." His sore spot, on the contrary, as long as I just mention some other things about Ding Ning, he will naturally pay attention to it."

"Do you think the things I mentioned are irrelevant? Wrong, I was letting Duan Baiyu know about Ding Ning from the side, so as to attract his attention. In this way, he will definitely make a move, because someone like him Such a person will not allow anyone to threaten him."

After Yang Jian's explanation stopped, Sun Lei gave a thumbs up and said several times.

"As expected of Young Master Yang, since the heat has been increased enough, we can sit back and watch the show."

"That's right, I'm also curious how Duan Baiyu will deal with him." Yang Jian laughed.


Ding Ning found that since that day, he has become famous in the School of Political Science and Law. Not only freshmen know him, but now, even juniors and seniors know him. Whenever he appears, someone will approach him and ask Said: "I heard that you robbed Duan Baiyu of a girlfriend, is it true?"

"Brother, you are very courageous. You dare to fight for the girl Duan Baiyu likes. You are enough man!"

"On this one, I respect you as a man."

"Be tough, the senior blesses you, don't give up too early."

Ding Ning just ignored these people who came forward and said something messy. He didn't bother to explain to others that he had nothing to do with Lin Yumo. As for Duan Baiyu, he was not afraid. The other party thought whatever he liked, as long as he didn't take the initiative to provoke him , he would not trouble Duan Baiyu either.

Classes, self-study, business as usual.

In a few days, Ding Ning felt that he could skip a grade again, and he had almost read the sophomore books.

After the last class in the afternoon, Tang Qing called. Ding Ning didn't go back to the dormitory, but went to the football field.

Tang Qing was standing under the iron net next to the football field. Standing there with a slender figure, she formed a scene of her own, causing many boys who were running to look back frequently.

"I'll call you here to walk with me, so I won't delay you." Tang Qing said.

Ding Ning shook his head.

"Then let's go, I like walking in the sunset the most." Tang Qing smiled and spun around, the skirt moved with her body, it was very beautiful.

At this time Tang Qing was like a naughty child, very cute.

The two walked under the setting sun, and the setting sun stretched their figures very long.

Ding Ning is not a person who is good at words, he is always very quiet, and most of the time, he is silent. Such boys can be said to be boring, but even though Ding Ning seldom talks, Tang Qing is still willing to do things with Ding Ning friend.

Ding Ning didn't speak, Tang Qing said to herself, this is their usual way of getting along.

Tang Qing talked about her feelings after entering university, and sometimes asked Ding Ning a question, and Ding Ning would reply, and would not say anything more.

"You look like this, it will be difficult to find a girlfriend in the future." Tang Qing complained about Ding Ning's cherishing words like gold.

"Alone is fine." Ding Ning said.

"But you're going to have a family after all, so maybe you want to be alone forever." Tang Qing curled her lips.

"Hehe, why not?" Ding Ning said.

"Tch, just talk about it." Tang Qing snorted, but Ding Ning didn't say anything, watching Tang Qing who was walking in front swinging her skirt.

Just as Ding Ning was staring at Tang Qing's back, Tang Qing suddenly turned her head and said with a smile, "Ding Ning, how about I be your girlfriend."


Ding Ning suddenly came back to his senses, has he been confessed?

And the object of the confession is Tang Qing.

In Ding Ning's mind, the scene of Tang Qing dying alone in the previous life suddenly appeared, just like a movie, constantly flashing in his mind.

In this life, he has already changed the direction of Tang Qing's fate. Tang Qing should not marry Li Sheng, let alone a series of things after that.

However, if he and Tang Qing became boyfriend and girlfriend, Ding Ning really didn't think about it.

"Are you agreeing or not?" Tang Qing's gentle voice rang in her ears.

"Can you tell me why you like me?"

Just as Ding Ning was about to say this, his expression changed suddenly, and he exclaimed, "Be careful."

(End of this chapter)

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