The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 204 204 Who Let You Go! 2 more

Chapter 204 204 Who Let You Go! 2 more

(Yuan Xiu is outside the door, and the revision has been completed, don't blame, don't delay reading)

Akun and others led the way, and in less than 10 minutes, Ding Ning arrived at the Jinbi Palace.

"Young Master Huang, people have been invited." Akun knocked on the door and reported.

I only heard a lazy voice coming from the room, saying: "Come in."

Akun turned to look at Ding Ning, and said with a smile, "Ding...Mr. Ding, please come inside."

Stepping into the room, Ah Kun ran up to Young Master Huang and said, "Young Master Huang, this is Mr. Ding."

Young Master Huang frowned, and said angrily, "Mr. Ding, Mr. Ma, why are you being so polite to him? He doesn't deserve me to call him Mister."

"Young Master Huang, he..." Ah Kun was about to explain to Young Master Huang how terrifying Ding Ning's strength was, but was stopped by Young Master Huang with a wave of his hand, and said impatiently, "Stay here, shameful thing."

Ah Kun didn't dare to say any more, so he had to stand behind.

After angrily scolding Akun, Young Master Huang looked at Ding Ning, sized him up for a moment, and then swaggered back to the sofa, laying there comfortably with his legs crossed, and said indifferently: "You are very famous recently, I heard The deaths of Master Han and Zhang Jiahao are related to you, did you do it?"

As soon as this Young Master Huang opened his mouth, he had an interrogating attitude, and his expression and demeanor were all high-ranking. It was clear that this guy invited him here just to make trouble for him.

"So what if I did it, so what if I didn't do it?"

Since he wanted to trouble him, Ding Ning naturally didn't bother to be polite, walked to another sofa as if no one else was there, sat down, and both Huang Shao and Wang Shao were stunned.

"Hehe, it's pretty crazy." Huang Shaoqian laughed, straightened up, sat up, and said lightly: "I don't care if the deaths of the Han family and the Zhang family are related to you, I will come to you , only one thing."

Ding Ning was silent.

Huang Shao continued: "I've always loved talents. It's said that you have good skills. How about this? From now on, you can do things for me, be my subordinate, listen to my orders, and if you perform well, I won't treat you badly." ,How about it?"

"Let me do something for you?" Ding Ning smiled.

"That's right, I don't know how many people want to do things for my Huang family. I value you. It's your good fortune. If you don't know the good and the bad, if you were someone else, you would have kowtowed to thank you."

"Kowtow to thank you?" Ding Ning laughed again.

"If you agree, hello to me, hello to everyone. If you don't agree, then you won't give me face. For those who don't give me face, I will be very angry. Once angry, bad things will happen. Good things, such as broken legs, broken hands, Zizi... I think you should be a smart person, right."

"Boy, I advise you to nod your head and agree immediately. Those who offend Young Master Huang will have no good end." Young Master Wang said beside him.

"Ha ha……"

Listening to the words of the two, this time, Ding Ning laughed aloud. Facing Ding Ning's smile, Huang Shao and Wang Shao both showed anger, and asked one after another, "Do you agree or disagree?"

Ding Ning clapped his hands, got up, and walked straight to the door, apparently wanting to leave.

"What do you mean? Do you want to leave without saying a word?" Huang Shao slapped the coffee table hard and stood up.

"What an arrogant guy, you're a little too crazy." Wang Shao also sneered.

Ding Ning stopped, turned around, and said calmly, "I have nothing to say to you two idiots."

As soon as this Young Master Huang came up, he looked superior and wanted to treat himself as his younger brother. For this kind of person, Ding Ning really felt that talking to such a person was a waste of time.

People with IQ problems have nothing to say.

"You dare to scold me!"

For Ding Ning's words, it was like a slap in the face, slapping Huang Shao fiercely. In fact, it was not only Huang Shao, but also Wang Shao, because Ding Ning scolded the two of them.

Huang Shao and Wang Shao were all enraged. Ding Ning was even more arrogant than they imagined. Originally, according to their plan, it would be best if they could subdue Ding Ning and let Ding Ning be their subordinate. It will make Duan Baiyu satisfied, and he will be more grateful and important to them, because that is enough to show that they, Huang Shao and Wang Shao, have means. If Han and Zhang can't handle it, they can handle it, highlighting their second nature. The strength of the son of the hierarchical family.

However, Ding Ning didn't play his cards according to the routine at all, and even scolded the two of them.

How could the two of them endure this kind of thing? Huang Shao slapped the coffee table and ordered Yuan Xiu to repair Ding Ning severely.

"Smash his mouth out for me. If you dare to scold me, I will make you dumb!" Young Master Huang was furious. He, Young Master Huang, had never been called stupid before.
Yuan Xiu walked out, while Huang Shao was still ordering, ordering Yuan Xiu to strike hard.

Ding Ning turned around and looked at Yuan Xiu with interest.

Seeing Yuan Xiu slowing down, Huang Shao was furious, "Hurry up and fuck me, what are you doing?"

Yuan Xiu didn't listen to Huang Shao's words, he walked slowly in front of Ding Ning, directly saluted, bowed, and said, "I've seen Mr. Ding."

Seeing Yuan Xiu, who had turned his water glass into powder with his hands before, now he saluted Ding Ning and even gave him a respectful compliment, both Huang Shao and Wang Shao were stunned.

Huang Shao was the first to react, and said angrily: "Yuan Xiu, what are you doing, I told you to do it, why didn't you do it, you said you would do things for my Huang family, now you ignore my words, do you want to rebel? "

Yuan Xiu turned his head and said, "Young Master Huang, you can ask me to deal with anyone, but for Mr. Ding, I'm sorry, I won't take action."

Young Master Huang's expression was extremely ugly. He thought that with Yuan Xiu around, he could take care of Ding Ning. For this reason, he blew out the cowhide in front of Young Master Wang, but it turned out like this.

In fact, it wasn't that Yuan Xiu didn't want to make a move, but that he didn't dare, because he knew how terrifying Ding Ning was.

When he saw Ding Ning appearing here, Yuan Xiu felt as if he had been struck by lightning. He didn't expect that the person Huang Shao wanted to target was Ding Ning. When he thought of Ding Ning's horror, he couldn't help but feel chills in his heart.

How terrifying Ding Ning's strength is. He has witnessed it with his own eyes. At that time, Mr. Qian and Lu Xiong fought on the beach. In the end, Ding Ning killed Tang Jiujue and the unidentified master beggar. What Ding Ning showed was miraculous. Even if Yuan Xiu is ten times stronger than Ding Ning, he is still no match for Ding Ning. For Yuan Xiu, Ding Ning is like a nightmare, otherwise, he would not have left Jiangling.

However, he didn't expect that not long after he came to Shangjing, he met Ding Ning again.

"Okay, okay, you are all good, you just wait for me." Huang Shao pointed at Ding Ning and Yuan Xiu, his fingers trembling angrily, and finally said to Wang Shao: "Wang Shao, let's go!"

"Who made you go!"

A faint voice suddenly reached Huang Shao and Wang Shao's ears.

(End of this chapter)

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