The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 205 205 That's right, it's me! 3 more

Chapter 205 205 That's right, it's me! 3 more

"Why, we want to leave, but you still want to stop it, let me tell you, this is not a place where you can run wild!" Huang Shao snorted.

"Hehe, I don't care about where this place is, but I don't like people threatening me the most." Ding Ning looked at the two of them: "After threatening me, I wanted to leave in a hurry. You think I, Ding, are easy to bully?" ?"

"What do you think, let me tell you, I'm from the Huang family in Shangjing, you'd better think clearly about the consequences of provoking me." Huang Shao said coldly.

"Consequences?" Ding Ning snorted, he didn't even care about the Han family and the Zhang family, so how could he care about the Huang family.

All of a sudden, Young Master Huang felt a blur in front of his eyes, and then there was a crisp sound of 'pop' in the room.

Immediately, Young Master Huang's face began to ache.

"You dare to hit me..." Young Master Huang looked at Ding Ning in disbelief. He never thought that Ding Ning would dare to attack him.

However, in the face of his words, Ding Ning slapped backhand again, and Huang Shao couldn't dodge it even if he wanted to. A slap mark immediately appeared on the other cheek, which was red.

"What are you..."

It's another slap, whoever is numb, Ding Ning is not used to whose son you are.

He wanted Yuan Xiu to smack his mouth, how could he, Young Master Huang, know that Yuan Xiu had to be obedient when he saw him, Ding Ning still had a little impression of Yuan Xiu, if Yuan Xiu really dared to make a move just now, he didn't mind After tidying up Yuan Xiu again, I didn't expect Yuan Xiu to be very sensible, so he didn't dare to make a move against him.

Since you, Young Master Huang, said before that you wanted to smash Ding Ning's mouth, then Ding Ning will be realized on Young Master Huang.

Huang Shao wanted to curse, but it was a pity that Ding Ning received a series of slaps. After a few slaps, Huang Shao's face was swollen like a pig's head.

"You dare to hit Young Master Huang, the Huang family will not let you go..." Young Master Wang was frightened by Ding Ning's unscrupulous attack, but he couldn't help but want to use the Huang family to suppress Ding Ning.

Ding Ning turned his eyes, moved his body, and instantly came to Wang Shao.

"What are you going to do?" Wang Shao was a little scared of Ding Ning at this time. In his eyes, Ding Ning was a lunatic.

"I just want to tell you, don't talk to me about the Huang family, the Li family, the Wang family, I, Ding, no matter whose family you are, as long as you provoke me, even if you are the son of God, I, Ding, will take care of it." " Ding Ning stared at Wang Shao's eyes and said.

Wang Shao was so terrified that he couldn't speak. Ding Ning's aura at this time was too terrifying, especially the cold tone and arrogant aura, as if even if Tiandi wanted to suppress Ding Ning, Ding Ning could stab Tiandi to the ground The hole comes out.

"If you don't want to be like him, just shut up honestly."

After warning Wang Shao, Wang Shao didn't dare to say anything.

Huang Shao's face was swollen into a pig's head, his mouth was like a sausage, his appearance was both miserable and funny.

Ding Ning stopped, did not directly kill Huang Shao, there is no cause and effect, he would not easily kill ordinary people,

After clapping his hands, Ding Ning tidied up his clothes, and said slowly, "Young Master Huang, right? If you want to take revenge, I welcome you at any time. The family I provoked here in the capital is no less than your Huang family."

After Ding Ning finished speaking calmly, Yuan Xiu opened the door with great insight, and Ding Ning walked out with his hands behind his back.

In the room, only the dumbfounded Young Master Wang, the beaten-up Young Master Huang, and the trembling Akun remained.

After Ding Ning disappeared, Ah Kun called out to Young Master, and then ran to Huang Shao's side.

As for Huang Shao who was beaten into a pig's head, half an hour later, he just came back to his senses. Will the swelling and pain on his face go away for a while? He said viciously: "I swear, I will never let you Ding Ning go, just wait for me.

Ding Ning left the Jinbi Palace, and Yuan Xiu also followed.

"Mr. Ding, please stop." Yuan Xiu said.

Ding Ning said lightly: "Is there something wrong?"

Yuan Xiu was a little apprehensive towards Ding Ning, and asked after a while, "Mr. Ding, can I follow Mr. Ding around?"

"You want to be my servant?" Ding Ning frowned.

Yuan Xiu nodded quickly, "Mr. Ding, can you give me such a chance?"

Ding Ning turned around and said without looking back, "With your strength, if you want to be my servant, you can practice for another 30 years."

"Is it really not possible?" Seeing that Ding Ning ignored him and walked away directly, Yuan Xiu was a little disappointed. Ding Ning's strength is strong. If he can follow Ding Ning, it will definitely help his strength increase, but it's a pity , Ding Ning did not accept him.

Ding Ning didn't take Xu Hao and the sons of the two big families, Huang Shao and Wang Shao, to heart.

In Ding Ning's heart, these sons of big families in the capital city who seem to outsiders to be superior and have a background in the sky are no different from ordinary people. Even martial arts practitioners, he never cared about them.

As long as you don't provoke him, then everyone will live in peace. If you dare to take the initiative to trouble him, Ding Ning doesn't mind erasing a few families from the upper capital.

After returning to the dormitory, only Zhou Quan was there, and Zhou Quan immediately sat up from the bed, "Master, are you okay? I heard that two groups of people are looking for you."

Ding Ning shook his head, the person who can hurt him in this world has not yet been born.

"I knew you would be fine, my lord. Those who trouble you, my lord, usually end up miserable." Zhou Quan said, his phone ding ding ding.

"Huh? Is there any new news in the gossip group?" Zhou Quan clicked on it, and exclaimed in surprise, "Xu Hao is hospitalized?"

"Being beaten, who is so fierce?"

"Huh..." Zhou Quan suddenly realized that something was wrong. He remembered that one of the two groups who were looking for Ding Ning today was Xu Hao. He immediately looked at Ding Ning and asked, "Master, Xu Hao is hospitalized. It must have come from your hand."

"Who is Xu Hao?" Ding Ning asked.

"It's him." Zhou Quan showed Ding Ning a photo of Xu Hao, and Ding Ning said flatly, "Oh, so it's him!"

Got it!
Upon hearing this, Zhou Quan knew that he must be right.

"My God, can we keep a low profile, you have offended several people in the first few days of school," Zhou Quan sighed.

"Able people should do more work."

"Eh... can this idiom still be used like this?"

Just when Zhou Quan complained that Ding Ning had offended many people, Li Wei opened the door and entered the bedroom.

"Where's Ding Dashen?" Li Wei asked, as if he was in a hurry.

"What's the matter, do you also know about Xu Hao's hospitalization? Alas, you don't know, our god is causing trouble again." Zhou Quan sighed, and then told about Xu Hao being sent to the hospital by Ding Ning.

"What Xu Hao? Zhou Quan, please be quiet first." Li Wei didn't want to talk about Xu Hao's affairs, because compared with Xu Hao's hospitalization, what he wanted to talk about was a bigger matter, which shocked many people in the capital. Big news for the family.

"Li Wei, what are you trying to say?"

Li Wei shrugged Zhou Quan away, came to Ding Ning's bed, and asked seriously: "Master Ding, did you really do what happened to the Han family and the Zhang family?"

He ran back in such a hurry just to confirm this matter, because he suddenly remembered that last night, Ding Ning asked him for the address of the Han family.

"What happened, what Han family? Zhang family? Li Wei, tell me carefully." Zhou Quan was very curious.

Li Wei didn't have time to explain, and wanted to hear the real answer from Ding Ning.

Ding Ning didn't hide it, it wasn't a big deal anyway, he sat cross-legged on the bed, looked at Li Wei with a smile, and said lightly, "That's right, it's me."

(End of this chapter)

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