The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 209 209 Fury! 2 more

Chapter 209 209 Fury! 2 more

A woman, well-dressed, and offered to deliver to the door, but was scolded, get out, this is the biggest blow to a woman.

Hearing Ding Ning's words, Zhang Rong immediately froze on the spot.

She Zhang Rong, not to mention the beauty of the country, but she is not an ugly girl. In terms of appearance, she still has a certain beauty. Even compared with Tang Qing, she is not far behind. She never thought that one day she would come to her door. No one else bothered to look at her.

Humiliation and anger filled my heart.

She really wanted to shout, you Ding Ning don't know what's good!
But she still held back, for the sake of the family, she had to endure, even if she was angry, she couldn't vent it, because the man in front of her was an opportunity for the family.

Today's collective apology was planned by Zhang Dong. He wanted to use this method to eliminate the gap with Ding Ning and shorten the distance, but according to Zhang Dong's father, Zhang Guofu, this is not enough. Ding Ning's relationship is closer. Only then can Ding Ning help the Zhang family.

Therefore, Zhang Guofu revealed his method, and this led to the current scene.

Zhang Rong knows that as a child of a family in Shangjing, marriage is often not something she can decide on her own. There are too many people who are not in love with each other for the development and survival of the family.

She is also well prepared that she may one day become a tool for family marriage and growth, because women in many families often end up like this.

So, when she was called to the study by her father and heard his father's explanation, Zhang Rong still agreed.

For the sake of the family, it doesn't matter if you sacrifice yourself.

However, she never expected that she was ready to sacrifice herself, but the man in front of her was not interested, and instead scolded her to get out.

"Do you think I'm mean? Let me tell you, I, Zhang Rong, am not that kind of mean woman. My body is clean. I can give you my first time, as long as you promise me one thing." Zhang Rong endured the grievance and said seriously.

However, Ding Ning replied very indifferently: "Whether your body is clean or not has nothing to do with me, and I am not interested. If you don't want to throw people outside, I advise you to put on your clothes and go out immediately."

Zhang Rong bit her lip and didn't say any more after all. She put on the clothes she had taken off, took a deep look at Ding Ning, and immediately walked out of the bathroom.

Ding Ning put the washed clothes on his body. When the strength in his body turned, the clothes dried instantly. He walked out of the bathroom and saw Zhang Rong sitting next to Zhang Dong with an ugly face. Obviously because of Ding Ning's refusal, he felt very angry and embarrassment.

Seeing Ding Ning come out, he turned his face away.

Ding Ning already knew the purpose of Zhang Rong's dedication and the real purpose behind this collective apology. Ding Ning also guessed.

Glancing at the drunk Tang Qing, Ding Ning didn't want to stay any longer.

He walked directly to Tang Qing, "Go, I'll take you back."

"Ding Ning, where did you go just now? Why didn't I see you?" Tang Qing was obviously drunk, so naturally he wouldn't keep Tang Qing here, and regardless of whether Tang Qing agreed or not, he hugged Tang Qing directly. After glancing at Zhang Dong and the others, they walked out of the box.

After Ding Ning left, Zhang Dong's complexion also became ugly. He didn't expect that his father's trick of beauties had no effect at all.

After breaking up with the others, Zhang Dong took his younger sister Zhang Rong home and reported the failure of the plan to his father.

"I didn't expect Dongzi's father to be so optimistic about that guy, and he didn't hesitate to use his daughter as a bargaining chip. It's really surprising." Seeing Zhang Dong's brothers and sisters go away, Jiang Haiyang sat in the car and muttered to himself.

"It's better to talk to Duan Shao about this matter."

Immediately, Jiang Haiyang dialed Duan Baiyu and told about the matter. After a long while, he hung up the phone. Jiang Haiyang tapped the steering wheel with his fingers and sighed, "Dongzi, your family values ​​this kid." Don't you know that Duan Shao's strategy against him is about to start, how can he beat Duan Shao."


Ding Ning sent Tang Qing to the girl's dormitory downstairs, took out Tang Qing's mobile phone, and called her roommate, and Tang Qing was sent back to the dormitory.

At night, there were no people on the campus, and it looked a little cold.

Ding Ning walked under the street lamp, his shadow was stretched very long.

In his mind, he was still thinking about Zhang Rong's voluntary dedication. This incident was obviously purposeful. Zhang Rong also said before leaving the bathroom that she could sacrifice herself if he asked him to promise one thing.

What did Zhang Rong ask him for?

Or, did she do that because of her own family reasons?
Just when Ding Ning was in a daze, there was a vibration in his pocket.

Ding Ning took out his mobile phone and glanced at the caller on it.

Few people call him on his phone, except for his family, very few people know his phone number.

And the people who call him now rarely call him, especially when it's dark, what happened?
Ding Ning connected Qian Wolong's call.

"Ding Xiaoyou, it's not good..."

After an unknown amount of time, Ding Ning put down the phone, and gusts of autumn wind blew up around him.

A chill emanated from Ding Ning's body. Ding Ning's face was expressionless, but his eyes were full of coldness.

The call from Qian Wolong was indeed something serious, and it was not a trivial matter. It was this incident that made Ding Ning's originally peaceful state of mind suddenly become turbulent and huge.

He immediately became angry!

Someone went so far as to do something to his family.

During Qian Wolong's phone call, Ding Ning heard that someone attacked his family members. Whether it was his parents or his younger sister Ding Qinghe, they were all attacked by mysterious people.

The parents fell into a coma for this.

He actually hit his idea on Ding Ning's family. The coldness on Ding Ning's body burst out instantly, his eyes were full of murderous intent, like a sleeping giant lion, he had already begun to wake up.

His family members are his backs, no one can touch them, anyone who touches them will die!

Without any angry words, the silent Ding Ning was like a volcano erupting at any time. Although his anger was invisible, it burned like a flame in his chest.


Ding Ning moved his feet, and in an instant, his figure disappeared in place, and as he flashed past quickly, all the streetlights on both sides of the surrounding area burst and sounded.

Bang bang bang!
The street lamp exploded!

At this time, the young men and women who were dating under the street lights were all startled.


"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm here."

"I seemed to see something flying over just now, what is that?"

"Honey, you must be dazzled."

"But you see so many lamps, all of them are broken, can't there be ghosts?"

For a moment, all the young men and women who were dating in the dark felt terrified.

By the way, did a ghost appear just now?

(End of this chapter)

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