The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 210 Chapter 210 Night Chapter Jiangling! 1 more

Chapter 210 Back to Jiangling at night 210! 1 more

Gangneung City.

"Master, that girl wants to stay with her parents all the time, no matter how much she persuades her, she won't be able to persuade her." Zhao Long's voice sounded in front of Qian Wolong.

Qian Wolong sighed: "Leave her alone, I have already contacted Xiaoyou Ding, and he will return to Jiangling soon."

"I hope Mr. Ding won't blame me. It's because I didn't protect his family well." Zhao Long lowered his head with some remorse.

Qian Wolong patted Zhao Long on the shoulder and said, "It's not your fault, the opponent is too strong, you can't handle so many people by yourself, even if I'm there."

"It's also thanks to Mr. Ding for staying behind and hurting those guys, otherwise, I'm afraid I would have died on the spot." Zhao Long said, the scene at that time appeared in front of his eyes.

Zhao Long resisted the person at the beginning, but a few strong men appeared behind him, and he immediately fell into crisis. If the person who struck him with a fatal blow hadn't been flashed by a black glow, he would have been killed on the spot. Seeing that the situation was wrong, the remaining few people shot directly at Ding Ning's parents. As a result, a dazzling light suddenly erupted from Ding Ning's parents, after which the mysterious strong men were all blown away. , When he reacted, those people had all disappeared, leaving only a pool of blood on the ground, and it was unknown whether they were dead or fled.

"By the way, master, I have sent someone to investigate the two groups of people who made the move, but unfortunately, only one of them was found."

"Oh? Who is the other party?" Qian Wolong's expression flashed.

"He is a descendant of Tang Jiujue!"

"What?" Qian Wolong was startled, Tang Jiujue was dead, so that means Tang Jiujue's descendants came to take revenge?However, if the other party wanted revenge, he should come to Qian Wolong for revenge. How could he find Ding Ning's family.

"I was the one who implicated Ding Xiaoyou's family." Now that he knows the identity of the other party, it is not difficult to figure it out. He and Tang Jiu had a unique contract that day, and he could survive to the end and win that battle. Basically, it was all because of Ding Ning. Perhaps it was because of this that Tang Jiujue's descendant was eyeing Ding Ning's family.

"We must not let them leave Jiangling, I want to give Ding Xiaoyou an explanation." Qian Wolong said seriously.

"I see."

Late at night, on the national highway leading to Shangjing and Jiangling, an old driver was listening to the radio, smoking a cigarette and humming a little song.

"One step is wrong and life is wrong, going to the sea as a dancer for life..."

"The dancing girl is also human, the pain in her heart is like... Fuck, what is it?"

While humming, the driver's heart suddenly trembled, his eyes widened, and he stared straight ahead.

He seemed to see a figure running past from the side just now.

But after thinking about it, this is not right. In the middle of the night, even if you run at night, you can't run so fast. Besides, on this national road, there is no way to go to the village or back to the store. Who can run here at night.

"Made, did I see a ghost?"

The more the old driver thought about it, the more he broke out in a cold sweat, and the song in his mouth immediately changed to a great compassion curse.

"Nan Wu drink 囉 怛 that duo 囉 Yeye..."


The figure galloping on the national highway was none other than Ding Ning. He was concerned about the safety of his family, and Ding Ning didn't want to delay any time.

That night, he rushed back to Jiangling overnight. Ding Ning's speed, once he ran with all his strength, even the high-speed rail could not catch up.

About half an hour later, Ding Ning returned to Jiangling City from Shangjing, thousands of miles away.

When Ding Ning appeared in front of Mr. Qian, Mr. Qian was surprised. He knew that Ding Ning was going back with all his strength, but he didn't expect that Ding Ning's speed would be so fast. How long had it been since he finished calling.

"Where are my parents?" Ding Ning asked directly without talking nonsense.

Knowing that Ding Ning was worried about the safety of his family, Qian Wolong took Ding Ning directly to the ward.

"elder brother."

When Ding Qinghe saw Ding Ning walk in, he burst into tears. With Ding Ning around, Ding Qinghe felt that he had a backbone.

"It's okay, I'm back." The murderous look on Ding Ning's body quickly disappeared the moment he saw his family, and he patted Ding Qinghe on the back, "Don't worry, Mom and Dad will be fine."

"Brother, they haven't woken up yet and have been in a coma. The doctor can't explain why. What happened to them?" Ding Qinghe said with red eyes.

Ding Ning walked to the bed, looked at Ding Shengyuan and Yang Xueyi who were lying on the bed, and put his hands between their eyebrows.

After a while, Ding Ning took his hand back, and he said to Ding Qinghe: "Mom and Dad are fine, and they will wake up soon, don't worry."

"Really?" Ding Qinghe said.

"Of course it's true. When did your brother lie to you?" Ding Ning patted Ding Qinghe's head.

Regarding the situation of his parents, after Ding Ning checked, he felt relieved.

He didn't have any fatal injuries on his body, but fell into a coma and couldn't wake up. Even the doctor couldn't explain why. This was related to the amulet of true essence he left behind.

The amulet will only explode automatically when it is in danger, but what Ding Ning did not expect is that after the activation of this amulet of true essence, there is still a part of the remaining energy, which is currently wandering in the body of the parents. Both Ding Shengyuan and Yang Xueyi It's ordinary people, their bodies can't bear this kind of power, so their consciousness has been suppressed and they can't wake up.

However, this is not a bad thing. This part of the remaining energy is constantly improving the bodies of the two of you. After this power is completely integrated into the body, the two of you will wake up, which is a blessing in disguise.

With Ding Ning's guarantee, Ding Qinghe was happy. Ding Ning asked Ding Qinghe to rest. He came to take care of his parents.

After taking off his clothes and putting them on for his younger sister, Ding Ning walked out of the ward.

Outside the door, Mr. Qian and Zhao Long didn't leave, they waited outside.

"Ding Xiaoyou, I'm sorry, I didn't protect your family well." Qian Wolong said very apologetically as soon as he opened his mouth. If it wasn't for his fault, Ding Ning would not have intervened. As a result, Tang Jiujue's descendants were eyeing Ding Ning The reason for all this, in the final analysis, is actually because of his money Wolong.

"Mr. Ding, don't blame the master. I, Zhao Long, didn't stop those people. I, Zhao Long, were incompetent. If you want to blame you, you should blame me." Zhao Long said immediately, not wanting Ding Ning to put his anger on Qian Wolong.

"This matter has nothing to do with you. You don't need to blame yourself. I should also thank you for protecting my family when I was not in Jiangling."

"Little friend, you are serious. If you say that, I will feel even more guilty." Qian Wolong said.

"Okay, let's not talk about this matter, I just want to know who did it to my family!"

As he spoke, the murderous intent on Ding Ning's body was gradually revealed, making Qian Wolong and Zhao Long beside him feel chills involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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