The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 211 Don't even think about leaving! 2111 more

Chapter 211 211 Don't even think about leaving! 2 more

"Didn't the other group find out?" Ding Ning frowned.

After Zhao Long quickly described the situation at that time, Ding Ning realized that there were not just one group of people who attacked his family, but two groups.

Only one of the groups has been identified, the other group is not yet known.

"Where are they now?"

"I've followed the master's instructions to keep an eye on these people. Mr. Ding, if you want to go there in person, I'll guide you right now," Zhao Long said.

"Okay, wait for me for a while." Ding Ning nodded, and he returned to the ward. There was even breathing in the room.

And following Ding Ning's whisper, two naked eyes suddenly appeared in the room.

"Half Jiao."


A small black snake crawled out from Ding Qinghe's sleeve, with two eyes shining, looking at Ding Ning.

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Ban Jiao called out, as if greeting Ding Ning.

Ding Ning beckoned, Ban Jiao fell into his hand, and Ban Jiao spit out a message at him.

"You're injured." Ding Ning noticed that there was a gash on Ban Jiao's body, exuding a faint bloody smell when exposed to the air. With Ban Jiao's strength, this kind of wound should have healed long ago, but This wound is not.

Ding Ning touched it lightly, and Ban Jiao's body trembled, as if the wound was unbearably painful.

"It was injured by a sharp weapon, and there is a special force. Is this force that prevents the wound from healing?" Ding Ning knew the reason when he touched it. He must have fought against the strong man who appeared to protect his family. , was injured by the weapon in the opponent's hand, and this weapon is very domineering, containing a very strong destructive power, once stabbed by it, it is difficult to heal.

If it was a warrior who left such a wound, most of them would be helpless and difficult to heal. However, in front of Ding Ning, no matter how unique this power is, it would not be difficult for Ding Ning.

As Ding Ning mobilized the true energy in his body, gradually, the wound on Ban Jiao's body began to heal, and the destructive power was also eliminated from the body, and this destructive power turned into There was a blur of white gas, which looked like a dagger. Ding Ning glanced at it, and the trace of white gas gradually faded away.

It's just the remaining power, but it can still form its original appearance. It can be seen that this weapon that can hurt half dragons is very extraordinary. Ding Ning is clear about the defense power of half dragons. , Even if the half dragon does not move, it will be fine if someone cuts it with a knife, but this weapon that hurts the half dragon is different. Its sharpness is unimaginable, otherwise it will not kill him The Zhenyuan amulet left by the parents was shattered, causing the energy in it to wander in the body, causing people to fall into a coma.

After a moment of ecstasy, Ding Ning's eyes returned to the half dragon, and saw that the wound healed quickly, and the half dragon without the pain had more vitality, and kept sticking its small head to Ding Ning's body, expressing intimacy.

"Let me see who hurt you and made the idea on my family." Ding Ning touched Ban Jiao's head and said, his mind sank, and he went directly into Ban Jiao's mind.

Ban Jiao didn't stop Ding Ning's consciousness from penetrating in, and directly opened his mind, allowing Ding Ning to browse the memories in his mind.

I don't know how long it took, Ding Ning withdrew his mind, browsed through Ban Jiao's memory, Ding Ning saw the scene at that time, the situation was similar to what Zhao Long said, no wonder Zhao Long couldn't resist it, because there were indeed many people who shot, And not weak.

"You did a good job, I won't let you get hurt in vain."

After remembering the traits of the murderer who attacked his family, Ding Ning mobilized a part of the power of the true essence and injected it into the body of the half dragon, feeling the power of the true essence, and the half dragon was extremely excited, because the power of the true essence helped too When he grows up, he can take it one step closer on the way to the dragon.

On Earth, if a half dragon wants to condense the power of the level of true essence through self-cultivation, it is basically impossible. True essence is a kind of power after the transformation of spiritual temperament, which is much more advanced than the original force. Strength, even if it is lost, is of great help to Ban Jiao.

Ban Jiao greedily absorbs and digests the true energy passed by Ding Ning. This is Ding Ning's reward for it, so that Ban Jiao not only recovers all its strength, but also becomes stronger because of it.

"I'm going out to settle accounts with those people. You stay here and protect them." Seeing Ban Jiao's lively appearance, he knew that this guy had fully recovered, and was even a little excited because of his improvement in strength.

Hearing this, Banjiao stared at Ding Ning's little head, nodded in a very humane manner, and really understood Ding Ning's explanation.

Although the amulet of true essence is gone, Ban Jiao is here and his family is still very safe, so Ding Ning doesn't have to worry too much.

After walking out of the ward again, Zhao Long began to lead the way to where the group of people were. Qian Wolong stayed behind to prevent accidents.


"Boss, it seems that not only us are the ones who want to deal with him, but other people also want to touch his family." A fat man with a bald head sat on an abandoned iron board and said to a young man beside him.

"It's a pity, if that Qian Wolong shows up later, we will definitely capture all of that kid's family members. At that time, Boss, you can kill his parents and take revenge." Another tall man also said beside him.

"Actually, we should be more grateful to that other group of people. If they hadn't acted early and carried the bags for us, after being swept by that light, we would be the ones who died." Someone in the corner spoke, expressing luck, with words With emotion.

Several people present, headed by Tang Yu, planned to attack Ding Ning's family, which was also his idea, because he wanted revenge.

When his father Tang Jiujue fought Qian Wolong, he was actually there, but he didn't get too close. He witnessed the whole process of his father Tang Jiujue's death in battle, even though his father died because of Qian Wolong. However, he did not think that the real murderer who killed his father was Qian Wolong, but Ding Ning.

Because at the last moment, the ray of white light shot from Qian Wolong's body came from Ding Ning, and was finally taken away by Ding Ning. It is precisely because of this that he, Tang Yu, will stare at Ding Ning.

He knew that Ding Ning was powerful, so he didn't directly attack Ding Ning, but decided to grab Ding Ning's relatives and threaten Ding Ning. However, he never expected that even though he was fully prepared, he still failed in the end.

Ding Ning's parents had magical body protection, as well as the mysterious and terrifying little snake on Ding Qinghe's body, which were unexpected.

Tang Yu thought about the reason for the failure of this operation, and considered the next action. Not long after, a younger brother ran over in a hurry and said out of breath: "Boss, we seem to be under surveillance. We have been exposed here. We move."


Hearing this, all the other people around stood up, and their expressions changed. Tang Yu also stood up suddenly, his eyes flickering: "It must be Qian Wolong's people, let's leave here immediately."

Tang Yu didn't dare to be careless. Qian Wolong was the opponent his father wanted to get rid of the most. If he was careless, his Tang family would be completely extinct.

Several people were about to leave the abandoned factory, but just as they opened the iron gate and stepped out, suddenly, a voice came to everyone's ears instantly.

"Don't even think about leaving!"

(End of this chapter)

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