The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 212 212 Killing casually! 1 more

Chapter 212 212 Killing casually! 1 more

(I really don’t write long-winded articles, it’s exaggeration, it’s foil, um, that’s it, simple and direct, crisp and neat, this is the author!)
Outside the iron gate, Ding Ning and Zhao Long blocked the door, blocking the way of Tang Yu and others.

Listening to Ding Ning's cold and domineering words, a big man next to Tang Yu sneered directly: "Boy, what a big tone, just because you want to stop us?"

Another bald man also spoke immediately, his eyes fell on Zhao Long, and said: "Zhao Long, last time, I didn't share life and death with you. This time, if you dare to come, I will let you come and go."

The people around Tang Yu spoke one after another, and they didn't pay much attention to Ding Ning and Zhao Long in front of them.

Because, there are only two people, Ding Ning and Zhao Long, Zhao Long's strength, they have been taught before, it is not weak, but they have a lot of people here, it is not particularly difficult to defeat Zhao Long, and Ding Ning does not have any strong momentum, His tone was very loud, and he was not looked down upon by a few people, thinking that Ding Ning was just a braggart who came here to seek death.

"You two are afraid that we will leave, so you don't hesitate to show up to stop us. It seems that you two are ready to die."

"I want Zhao Long's head, and none of you will snatch it from me."

"Then I'll take the head of the person next to him. No, before that, I should smash his mouth. If I dare to speak so loudly in front of me, I should let him know how ignorant I am. "

Facing Ding Ning and Zhao Long, all the men present, except Tang Yu, spoke one after another, and they didn't pay attention to what they said.

Obviously, they didn't think that Ding Ning and Zhao Long had the strength to prevent them from leaving.

"Boss, these two people, you don't need to take action, see brothers, how to kill these two guys in front of you."

"Zhao Long's death is equivalent to breaking Qian Wolong's arm!"

The few people chattered non-stop, one by one gearing up, ready to strike immediately.

Seeing that these men were about to make a move, Tang Yu suddenly stopped a few of them, and a thunderous voice came out of his mouth: "All back."

Back off?

The big men who had already walked a few steps all turned their heads to look at Tang Yu in doubt, their eyes were full of puzzlement, why did they retreat at this time.

"Back off!"

Tang Yu said it again. Although these big men looked taller than Tang Yu, they obeyed Tang Yu's words and did not disobey Tang Yu. They all stepped back immediately and stood behind Tang Yu.

Two of them stood on both sides of Tang Yu's shoulders, and they were really puzzled, so they asked, "Boss, why don't you let us do it?"

"Yeah, Zhao Long's injury must not have recovered. It won't be long before we work together to get rid of him. As for the other brat who speaks loudly, I can beat him with one hand."

The two of them disagreed, and felt that it was inexplicable that Tang Yu asked them to retreat, and the other people behind them basically had the same idea.

"You can't beat him." Tang Yu stared at Ding Ning, answering the questions of the two brothers around him.

"Boss, stop joking, this guy is a bit crazy, but if you say we can't beat him, then you are underestimating the brothers."

"Yeah, boss, if you say we can't beat Zhao Long, that's fine. He Zhao Long is invincible in Jiangling and has two skills, but if you say we can't beat this kid, it's not that he's destroying his aura and making others up." the majesty."

Several big men didn't believe that they couldn't beat Ding Ning, which meant that Tang Yu looked down on everyone, and Tang Yu, who faced the people behind him, only answered one sentence, which made them all shut up immediately.

"He is Ding Ning."

Ding Ning!

This arrogant young man is Ding Ning, the boss Tang Yu wants to kill the most?
Several people behind Tang Yu looked at each other, they didn't expect that Ding Ning would appear here.

Didn't it mean that Ding Ning is not in Jiangling?
Even if they failed to target Ding Ning's family, and Ding Ning heard the news, it would take at least four or five hours to drive from Shangjing to Jiangling.

How long has passed before Ding Ning appeared in Jiangling.

Surprise, doubt, curiosity and other emotions arose in everyone's hearts, and their moods were all very complicated. They all knew that the person the boss Tang Yu wanted to kill the most was Ding Ning. Tang Yu's strength, they all knew, anyway, among them, None of them are Tang Yu's opponents, otherwise Tang Yu would not be the boss.

Even so, Tang Yu said that he was not Ding Ning's opponent, so he chose to use tactics against Ding Ning.

Everyone is very curious about how strong Na Ding Ning is.

However, they didn't expect that the Ding Ning in Tang Yu's mouth was standing beside Zhao Long in front of him, a young man who didn't look too eye-catching, but had a big tone.

"Is he Ding Ning? I want to try to see if he is really that powerful!" A big man looked at Ding Ning, and before Tang Yu could speak, the big man rushed out without warning. Two steel forks came, and under this rush, the two steel forks also thrust forward, ready to pierce Ding Ning's body.


Tang Yu shouted, but it was too late, the big man had already arrived in front of Ding Ning.

"Boss, let Lao Wu go. If he doesn't try it himself, he won't believe it." Another big man comforted.

"You..." Tang Yu was so angry, he had already told everyone that Ding Ning's strength was unfathomable, why did these guys dare to fight alone.

"He will die." Tang Yu said coldly.

"Boss, it's not that serious. The fifth one is the fastest. Even if he misses the attack, he will retreat immediately." The man said, and the others also echoed, thinking that Ding Ning could not be so scary.

And just as these people finished their words, the big man who held a steel fork and stabbed down on Ding Ning's body suddenly stopped in mid-air.

Everyone stared at the scene in front of them, only to see that Ding Ning's hand grabbed the front end just now, which made the big man unable to continue stabbing, and no matter how hard the big man tried, he couldn't move forward.

Immediately afterwards, there was a crisp sound, and everyone's hearts were shocked. They saw that Ding Ning's fingers were like knives. He was thrown by Ding Ning and shot at the rushing man.



The people behind Tang Yu turned their heads slowly, and saw that the big man was directly nailed into the steel plate by half of the steel fork, his body was hanging in the air, his chest was bleeding, ticking, his eyes were wide open, and he was dying.

Instant kill!

Until then, the brothers around Tang Yu realized just how terrifying Ding Ning was. It was only a few blinks from the big man's attack to his death. In such a short period of time, one of them was missing on their side. big living.


This time, the way they looked at Ding Ning changed, and the expressions on their faces became serious and stiff.

Ding Ning is so powerful, can they leave here alive?
Everyone's heart began to beat drums.

The blood is ticking, ticking, like the devil ringing the death knell and starting to urge people on the road.

(End of this chapter)

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