The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 217 217 Use the poisonous man, die! 2 more

Chapter 217 217 Use the poisonous man, die! 2 more


Seeing his son Wang Peng suddenly fell to the ground, Wang Guofu jumped on him, unable to feel Wang Peng's heartbeat, Wang Guofu burst into tears instantly, crying heartbroken.

There was only such a son in the Wang family, but now he died in front of his own eyes.

The man who used poison had a flickering look on his face. He didn't notice what Ding Ning did just now. He only vaguely felt something shoot out from Ding Ning's mouth, showing a white light. After that, Wang Peng died.


Using Poison Man to feel Ding Ning's fear, he just heard the people above say that Ding Ning's strength should not be underestimated, and he should not be careless. He is very talented and fortunate to be a martial artist, but his strength is not terrible.

However, at that moment just now, all the inferences about Ding Ning in his mind were overturned.

Ding Ning's strength is not only terrifyingly strong, but also can be described by extraordinary talent, this is completely a monster.

At this time, he couldn't help regretting coming to Jiangling to deal with this matter.

As soon as Wang Peng died, Ding Ning's eyes naturally fell on the poisonous man.

"How do you want to die?" Ding Ning said lightly.

The murderous intent is already covered by the poisonous man, Wang Peng is just a small character, only Wang Peng can't snatch his parents from Qian Wolong's nose, this person is the one behind it.

Furthermore, Wang Peng also said before his death that it was he Ding Ning who offended a big shot in Shangjing, so this person must be related to a certain family in Shangjing, and it was because of that family that this person came to Jiangling to confront him His family shot.

"Shangjingcheng..." When Ding Ning thought that the people from Shangjingcheng were targeting him, he didn't need to think too much, he would definitely not be able to escape the few families that had a gap with him.

Is it the Zhang family?Or the Han family?Or the Huang family, the Wang family?

Ding Ning didn't bother to think about it anymore, he just had to go through the memories of this poisonous man, and he would know everything.

"Actually, this matter has nothing to do with me. We don't need to get to the point of life and death."

Seeing Ding Ning walking towards him, using the poisonous man, he felt a little flustered, and said with a smile on his face.

However, Ding Ning didn't talk to him. He didn't want to kill this guy yet. This guy's memory is still useful to him.

The poisonous man doesn't know Ding Ning's intentions, he just feels that being approached by Ding Ning is very unfavorable to him, if Ding Ning uses the trick just now, give him a shot, and he will be killed if he is caught off guard what.

Even if he is a master of poison, he is not invincible.

The eyes kept turning, and the poisonous man was thinking about countermeasures. Suddenly, he stopped panicking and said directly: "You want to know who is going to deal with you, I can tell you, how about you let me go?"


Ding Ning stopped, showing a genuine interest.

Seeing this scene, the poisonous man was overjoyed, felt that there was something interesting, and took the initiative to go to Ding Ning and said, "The person who ordered me is very powerful. I hope that I can only tell you about this matter."

He didn't want the third person to know what he meant. After all, not only he and Ding Ning were present, but Wang Peng's father Wang Guofu was also present.

"I can only tell you secretly, I hope you don't mind." Using the poisonous man to behave honestly, Ding Ning said lightly: "Okay, you can tell."

The poisonous man signaled to stick to Ding Ning's ear before he could speak, but Ding Ning didn't refuse, and directly poked his head over, signaling that the poisonous man could speak.

A hint of success flashed in the depths of the poisonous man's eyes, and he pretended to be close to Ding Ning's ear.

at this time.

The poisonous man suddenly shouted in Ding Ning's ear: "Go to hell."

The sound was as loud as thunder, and the birds on the old tree in the backyard flew away immediately.

Although he is good at using poison, he is not lacking in skill at all, otherwise he would have burped his fart long ago when he walked in the world of martial arts practitioners. Although this loud shout is not as powerful as the lion's roar, it is not weak. Ding Ning was so close, and at that moment he used the energy in his body. With the two advantages, Ding Ning would definitely be dizzy from the shock.

Feeling that Ding Ning has not reacted yet, the poisonous man secretly rejoiced, if he does not take advantage of the victory to pursue this opportunity, it will be a waste of this great opportunity.

At the moment when Ding Ning easily killed Wang Peng, he was still thinking about how he could poison Ding Ning to survive under Ding Ning's hands. Only by poisoning Ding Ning could he survive.

The way of poisoning is vicious, but he is too far away from Ding Ning, and he is not easy to poison. That's why he took the initiative to tell the people behind it just now. The purpose is to confuse Ding Ning and get close to Ding Ning.

Right now, everything has come true as he wanted, and he has created the most favorable opportunity for himself to poison himself.


The poisonous man turned ruthless, at some point, there was an unknown short sword in his hand, and he stabbed towards Ding Ning's heart without hesitation.

With the sharpness of the dagger in his hand, combined with his poison, no one can live with one strike, it can be called a sword that will kill.

This is also one of his trump cards. It is precisely with this sword that he has resolved many crises. At critical moments, this dagger has saved his life several times.

The dagger stabbed out without a sound, as if nothing had happened.

Following the movement of the poisonous man, Ding Ning seemed to have just reacted. However, instead of avoiding or blocking the dagger, he landed his hand directly on the poisonous man's head.


As the sword fell, Ding Ning's hand also fell.

The scene stopped instantly, and neither of them made any unnecessary movements.

I don't know how long it has passed, Ding Ning withdrew his palm, and the look of the poisonous man was a little dazed. He stared blankly at the short sword in his hand, but he failed to stab it, and then looked at Ding Ning's eyes watching him.

He is confused, what is the situation?
It's fine for Ding Ning to wake up so quickly, but it's unbelievable that the dagger in his hand didn't even penetrate Ding Ning's body.

In his consciousness, this short sword is invincible, and such a scene has never appeared before.


Ding Ning's answer was simple: "The dead don't need to know that much."

The poisonous man was startled suddenly, and quickly backed away, the dagger in his hand didn't stab anymore, because he had a premonition of a dangerous aura.

All of a sudden, he opened a distance of more than 20 meters from Ding Ning. He didn't believe that Ding Ning could still hurt him.

Ding Ning looked at him first, didn't move, and laughed at himself in the poisonous man's heart, whether he was too cautious, when he was about to mock Ding Ning, he saw the corners of Ding Ning's mouth squirming.

Immediately afterwards, he couldn't help touching the back of his head, and his eyes finally fell on the white glow that pierced through his head from behind and hovered over Ding Ning's palm.

"It turned out to"

As he said that, the poisonous man also fell to the ground with a slap.

(End of this chapter)

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