The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 218 218 Waiting for someone to come! 1 more

Chapter 218 218 Waiting for someone to come! 1 more

Kill with Poison Man!
There was no change in Ding Ning's face. It was not difficult for him to kill the poisonous man.

As for what the poisonous man said, he should only tell him the actions of the people behind him, Ding Ning was just pretending to cooperate, so he could take the opportunity to penetrate into the memory of the poisonous man, otherwise, he could directly kill the poisonous man .

After the True Yuan Sword killed Wang Peng, Ding Ning didn't recall him immediately, in order to get rid of the poisonous man at the same time, so as to avoid trouble.

And after he went deep into the memory of using the poisonous man, it was useless to use the poisonous man.

Kill it directly with the True Essence Sword.

"It turned out to be a small character. I'm even more curious. Which family in Shangjing City has such great power against me." Ding Ning muttered in his mouth. It was not the family in Shangjing who used the poisonous man to act, but a strange and somewhat mysterious guy.

"In that case, I'll wait here to see which family in Shangjing is targeting my family."

Ding Ning did not intend to leave with his parents and sister. This time, he had to find the person behind the scenes and solve the problem thoroughly. Otherwise, it was uncertain when the person behind the scene would attack again. It was impossible for Ding Ning to be able to do it in time every time. If he arrived, if he couldn't make it, there would be an accident, and he would regret it too late.

To solve it, it must be solved at the source.

Wang Guofu's cry echoed in the courtyard. Wang Peng's death was a big blow to Wang Guofu. Even though he broke Wang Peng's limbs with his own hands before, it still hurt in his heart. How could it be possible? Don't feel distressed, tiger poison doesn't even eat babies, let alone a living person.

Ding Ning ignored Wang Guofu and completely regarded the Wang family as his own territory, without any appearance of outsiders.

When they came to the room where their parents were restrained, Ding Qinghe untied all the ropes on Ding Shengyuan and Yang Xueyi, but they were still in a coma.

"It's okay, their bodies are very good now, and they will wake up in a few days."

After checking the absorption of true essence in his parents' body, Ding Ning comforted Ding Qinghe. Now his parents' bodies are experiencing the benefits of washing the essence and cutting the marrow. His body, but the body of his parents may not be able to bear it, so he thought to let his parents absorb the aura of the seaside first, and improve his physical condition little by little.

The power of true essence is like ginseng, a giant tonic product. It cannot be eaten by just anyone, it also depends on whether you can adapt to the energy of ginseng.

In the same way, parents are ordinary people, and it is not appropriate to use the power of real energy to improve them all at once.

Now there is no such worry, because the incident has already happened. Fortunately, the parents did not explode and die because of this, but they are gradually absorbing and adapting to the power of the true essence.

Not long after, Zhao Long came first instead of the poisonous man's accomplice.

Seeing Wang Peng being held in Wang Guofu's arms, crying non-stop, and another corpse lying on the ground, Zhao Long's heart trembled. He didn't need to think too much, he already knew who killed these two people.

After seeing Ding Ning, Zhao Long said: "Mr. Ding, Master woke up, he said you might be here, so I'm here."

Zhao Long came just in time, Ding Ning asked Zhao Long to send his family back to avoid unnecessary troubles, he didn't just use the number of the poisonous man's accomplices, what level of powerhouse they would be, send them away first, it's safe after all Yes, as for him, of course he stayed here, waiting for the male accomplice who used drugs to show up.

Younger sister Ding Qinghe was worried about Ding Ning's safety and refused to leave. In the end, she couldn't stand the little girl's stubbornness, so Ding Ning had to stun her and ordered Zhao Long to send her back to Mr. Qian's place, hoping that there would be no more accidents.

Before, the group of people who disappeared without a trace disappeared quickly after failing to rob Dingning’s family. No one thought that it would dare to kill a carbine and take people away in front of Qian Wolong. For this, Qian Wolong woke up very guilty and resigned. blame yourself.

Qian Wolong naturally felt sorry for Ding Ning for letting people go away twice in a row, still under his nose.

Fortunately, there was no danger twice, but Ding Ning didn't want it to happen again for the third time.

Zhao Long knew the seriousness of the matter. Ding Ning entrusted his family to him, which was regarded as his trust in him. Without further words, Zhao Long carried the people and disappeared into the traffic.

Ding Ning was sitting in the lobby of the Wang family, with a flowery nanmu chair under his body, and beside him was a teapot that had just poured hot water.

Just like that, take a sip from time to time, and time goes by little by little.

None of the servants of the Wang family dared to speak to Ding Ning. Ding Ning even killed his son in front of Wang Guofu, which left a terrible shadow on the servants of the Wang family. Ding Ning was terrified, afraid that Ding Ning would wipe them off too.

In the eyes of some people, Ding Ning has become a devil and should not be provoked.

Didn't dare to bb without watching Wang Guofu, his son was killed by the man in front of him, crying very sadly, but he didn't dare to yell at Ding Ning.

When the tea was cold, Ding Ning didn't need to ask, the servants beside him offered to add hot water. If they didn't know, they would think that Ding Ning was the owner of this yard.

Two hours have passed in a row, and Ding Ning has been waiting impatiently.

This guy is really slow.

If he didn't know the whereabouts of these people, Ding Ning couldn't bear it.

Continue to wait.

Now that he is determined to solve the source, Ding Ning will naturally not leave halfway, he must wait until the other party comes.

Finally, at the third hour, the gate of the Wang family was opened.


In front of the lobby, a wind suddenly blew, and all the leaves outside the door were swept in, flying in mid-air, and after landing slowly, they covered the bluestone ground.


There were slight footsteps, and Ding Ning was still sitting there, drinking tea as if nothing had happened.

Three figures appeared at the door. After the three appeared, they stepped directly into the courtyard, and the door closed immediately.

"We are here to pick up people, where is the target?"

One of them saw Ding Ning sitting in the hall, as if he was the master of the house, and asked in a superior tone.

"Hey, let me ask you something, are you so deaf?" Seeing that Ding Ning treated them as air, the first figure who spoke angrily cursed.

call out.

Ding Ning was drinking tea, holding the lid of the teacup in one hand. Hearing this, he swung his arm, only to see the lid of the teacup fly out at a high speed in an instant.

The man suddenly scolded: "You still dare to do it?"

Ding Ning still ignored him, but the teacup lid that Ding Ning threw just now did not ignore this person. Instead, he had an intimate contact with this person, directly passing through the corners of the person's mouth.

Immediately, there was a scream in the courtyard.

Hearing the scream, the man started to talk, and said angrily, "You're courting death!"

(End of this chapter)

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