The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 223 223 Huang Haitian! 2 more

Chapter 223 223 Huang Haitian! 2 more

The smell of blood filled the air.

The entire Wang family was dead silent, without any sound.

Ding Ning's figure stood on the roof of Wang's house. The moon, which was completely covered by dark clouds just now, poked out half of its head, shedding a little light.

Taking a last glance at the courtyard, Ding Ning's state of mind did not fluctuate in the slightest at those dead bodies.

It's not that Ding Ning has never done murder, not to mention human beings, he has even beheaded gods in the eyes of ordinary people.

In his previous life, he caused thousands of killings, not to mention tens of thousands, otherwise he would not have the title of devil.

But after his rebirth, he seldom kills people easily. Even if someone provokes him, he just teaches him a lesson and doesn't kill him directly. He is not a murderer, and he will kill only when his bottom line is touched.

For example, someone wants to kill him, for example, someone wants to move his family.

He Ding Ning will kill only when other people are involved in these things.

But this time, he was no longer merciful. Even though some people were irrelevant to him, and would even suffer from karma, Ding Ning still did it.

There are some things that he really can't bear, even if the fire of karma is added to his body, he will do it.

"From now on, there will be no Wang family in Shangjing!" Ding Ning said indifferently. No one knows yet that one of the top second-level families in Shangjing has been wiped out like this. There is no one left in the clan. disappear.

Tomorrow morning, this will inevitably become the biggest news in Shangjing, and it will shake many families and forces.

But these are not what Ding Ning cares about, because his anger has not completely disappeared, and the destruction of the Wang family only made him vent half of his anger, and the other half will be left to the Huang family.

A little under his feet, Ding Ning flew across the sky like a big bird, as if he was flying towards the moon.

In a courtyard not far from Wang's house, a young man was sitting under a tree, looking at the sky and counting the stars. Suddenly, he saw a person flying by in the sky, and suddenly shouted in surprise: "Mom, mom, there is a Superman!" !"

"What Superman, I've watched too many cartoons." A woman's voice came, and there was some gibberish in her tone of an angry child.

"Mom, I really didn't lie to you. If you don't believe me, look, that Superman is flying in the sky, almost flying to the moon." Seeing his mother's disbelief, the boy pointed to the sky, hoping that his mother would come out and see.

"Oh, come quickly, I really didn't lie to you."

After a while, a woman wearing an apron finally came out and came under the tree, then glanced at the night sky, turned her head, and said to the boy: "There is no such thing as a superman, you little guy has learned to deceive people now. "

"I really didn't lie to you, I did just now." The girl felt wronged.

"You still don't admit it, you are looking for a fight, admit it quickly, are you wrong, are you still deceiving people?"

"I didn't. What I said was true."

Then, the woman picked up the boy, and couldn't help but slapped the boy's butt. The boy was in pain, tearing up, and he refused to admit it. He obviously saw Superman.


The Huang family.

It has been more than half a day, and the people who acted have not come back. The members of the Huang family also realized that something was wrong at this time.

Huang Haitian, the current head of the Huang family, is in charge of everything in the Huang family.

"It's about this time, and I haven't returned yet. I'm afraid something unexpected happened, so I'll contact you quickly." Huang Haitian said to the servant around him. Contact the Wang family to see if there is any news from him."

"Father, our Huang family and Wang family dispatched a total of three martial practitioners, not to deal with him, Ding Ning, but to take his family away. There is no possibility of problems." Huang Yuan is very confident in the family, and he doesn't think it will What an accident.

"Yuan'er, don't be too confident in everything. Sometimes, blind self-confidence will kill you."

Seeing that his father was about to preach again, Huang Yuan's eyelids twitched. If his father were to continue preaching, his ears would be full of calluses. He hurriedly said, "Oh, my stomach hurts. I'll go back as soon as I go."

After finishing speaking, Huang Yuan ran away in a hurry, Huang Haitian sighed, secretly thinking about this disobedient child.

Not long after, the servant who ordered to go down just now returned to Huang Haitian and reported the situation just now.

Huang Haitian frowned: "No one answered the phone? It shouldn't be, how could the Wang family not see that we contacted them."

Huang Haitian didn't think about what happened to the Wang family at all. After all, the Wang family is quite powerful in Shangjing, but he was puzzled. At this juncture, the Wang family didn't even care about it. They didn't even have a phone call. It's too casual for people to answer.

"Forget it, if you can't get in touch, then you can't get in touch. His Wang family must not take this matter to heart." Huang Haitian didn't get too entangled, and continued: "Then we can get in touch here?"

Huang Haitian had no choice but to focus on the strong man he dispatched.

Hearing Huang Haitian's inquiry, the servant's face was a bit embarrassed. Seeing that the servant did not speak for a long time, Huang Haitian frowned: "Did you get in touch?"

The servant shook his head, "I have called more than [-] times, just like the Wang family, but no one answered."

"It shouldn't be. It's fine if the Wang family can't be contacted. Why can't I get in touch with this end?"

"Is it possible that something went wrong?"

Huang Haitian felt that something was wrong. If it was a coincidence, it would be too coincidental. He ordered his servants, "Call the housekeeper, and I'll ask him something."

Not long after, the housekeeper came, and Huang Haitian said directly: "Ding Ning's background information was brought by the Zhang family before. Do you know any other important people in Jiangling who are close to him?"

"Patriarch, there is only Qian Wolong in Jiangling City who still has some strength, but with his strength, colliding with us is tantamount to nonsense. Besides, the strong men we sent are all in the realm of generals. He Qian Wolong A general cannot be an opponent at all." The butler said truthfully.

"Then think about it, is there any other factor that we have overlooked, or is there a possibility that other strong people can help that kid?" Huang Haitian wanted to judge from this, whether they miscalculated Ding Ning's strength, in case Ding Ning If there are any masters at home, that would be bad.

The housekeeper shook his head affirmatively: "I have confirmed that Ding Ning's family members are all ordinary people, and they are usually a little closer to that Qian Wolong. The possibility you mentioned, Patriarch, should not exist."

"Okay, I see." Huang Haitian was still frowning when he didn't hear any useful information: "This is strange, considering that the person we sent was just blocked by Qian Wolong, so it shouldn't be wasting so much time. Yes indeed!"

Just when Huang Haitian was thinking about what went wrong, a figure slowly appeared in front of the gate of Huang's house.

"Huang Family!"

Ding Ning glanced at the plaque, and a cold murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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