The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 224 224 Erase a family! 1 more

Chapter 224 224 Erase a family! 1 more



"Hey, how dare you break in!"

A burst of noise broke Huang Haitian's thoughts, and he ordered the servants around him: "Go and see, what's going on?"

After getting the order, he immediately went out to investigate, and within a minute, he hurried back again.

"Patriarch, someone is calling at the door."

"Call me at the door?" Huang Haitian thought he had heard it wrong. In what era is this, and there are still people who dare to make trouble openly, it is too rampant.

In particular, he is the Huang family here, one of the top second-tier big families in the capital, who has the courage to attack his Huang family, do you want to seek death?

"Call someone immediately. If you dare to come to my Huang's house to act wildly, I want to see who has such courage."

Without Huang Haitian opening his mouth, when he heard the noise, many people came to the lobby to protect Huang Haitian.

With people, there is security. Naturally, Huang Haitian was not afraid that others could hurt him, so he led people towards the gate.

However, before he reached the door, all the voices in front of him stopped, and a figure walked towards him.

Both sides stopped.

When Huang Haitian saw Ding Ning for the first time, he was still in a daze. He felt that Ding Ning was familiar, until a flash of lightning flashed in his mind, and he suddenly remembered that this is not Ding Ning.

He has never seen Ding Ning himself, but he has seen Ding Ning's photos.

Huang Haitian rubbed his eyes again and again to make sure that he was not mistaken, the person in front of him was indeed the Ding Ning himself that his son was talking about.

Why did Ding Ning call at the door?
Huang Haitian was not stupid, he thought of the key point in an instant, and revealed it, no wonder the two strong men who went to Jiangling did not come back, it must be because of other changes in Ding Ning.

Suddenly, Huang Haitian was startled in his heart. He hadn't contacted the Wang family before. Could it be...

"Have you been to Wang's house?" Huang Haitian asked tentatively.

Ding Ning was expressionless, and said calmly: "Everyone in his Wang family is waiting for you underground."

Huang Haitian was stunned for a moment, and he tasted the flavor of Ding Ning's words in the next second. He suddenly widened his eyes: "What did you do to the Wang family?"

"I appear here, what do you think will happen to them?" Ding Ning said slowly, the smile on his face made him look quite cold.

This is a murderous laugh.

Huang Haitian's body trembled involuntarily. He had guessed Ding Ning's expression and tone. The actions of Huang, Wang, and Zhang's family against Ding Ning had completely failed.

And he, Ding Ning, is now here to settle accounts with them.

The Wang family couldn't be contacted, and with what Ding Ning said, it might be more ominous than ominous.

As for the Zhang family, since Ding Ning knew who was behind the scenes, how could he let the Zhang family go. Now that he came to their Huang family for the last time, he obviously wanted to finally solve their Huang family.

Huang Haitian glanced behind Ding Ning, those who were knocked down had already started to gather a pool of blood on the ground.

Coming to the door, killing people, this Ding Ning is already reckless!
Huang Haitian's heart was beating wildly, and he immediately shouted to the people around him: "Stop him for me, absolutely don't let him take half a step forward."

As soon as the words fell, all the bodyguards around rushed out, but Huang Haitian didn't dare to be careless, turned around and was about to flee to the backyard.

He targeted Ding Ning's family. Now that Ding Ning came to the door, it was impossible to overturn his Huang family.

How could he be Ding Ning's opponent as an ordinary person, so he asked the bodyguards to hold Ding Ning back.

He ran away quickly, of course, before leaving, he had to take his son and father away.

There is no need to worry about no firewood to stay in the green hills. There is no reason to fight Ding Ning here. Ding Ning is a martial artist. He is an ordinary person. He cannot be an opponent. When he leaves alive, he will use his relationship to find more With many martial arts practitioners, Ding Ning must not be an opponent, and right now, Ding Ning absolutely cannot be caught by Ding Ning.

Huang Haitian turned around and ran towards the backyard, immediately went to find his son and father, and left here quickly.

Facing many bodyguards rushing forward, Ding Ning was expressionless and directly greeted them.

bang bang bang...

Ding Ning's attack was fast and accurate. Facing more than 20 bodyguards, within a few seconds, all of them fell to the ground unconscious.

It's a joke to want to stop him with this little force.

But at this time, Huang Haitian ran very fast and disappeared.

Looking at the direction where Huang Haitian disappeared just now, Ding Ning was not in a hurry. With his powerful spiritual sense, he had already locked on to Huang Haitian. hospital.


Ding Ning didn't see much movement, but his figure changed several times and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Huang Haitian rushed over and told everyone in the family to leave quickly, which made many people confused for a while, but seeing Huang Haitian's serious expression, they didn't dare to be careless, and they all fled here.

For a while, the backyard was in chaos.

Huang Yuan was shocked when he heard that Ding Ning had come to kill him. At this moment, he didn't care about thinking too much. He carried his grandfather on his back and left with his father Huang Haitian.

"Let's go here!" Huang Haitian took his son and father, left and entered the study room, turned the bookshelf, and there was a secret door hidden inside, which turned out to be a passage.


The three quickly got in, and they didn't care about the other family members who were in a mess in the courtyard. After all, if Ding Ning really bumped into them, they would die.

It's better to escape first, without caring about others.

There was a narrow passage underground, and after the three of them got into it, they walked forward quickly, wanting to leave the area of ​​Huang's compound as soon as possible.

"Hurry up, let's go out immediately." Huang Haitian glanced at the front and said, he could be forced to use the secret road to escape, and there were not many in the entire capital, but today, just because of a young man, He used this secret way, and Huang Haitian felt dull in his heart.

When he goes out, Ding Ning must look good.

To live is capital, to die, everything is gone.

Less than ten meters away, Huang Haitian and the three all showed joy, and they were finally about to escape.

Immediately, all the footsteps could not help but quicken, but before they touched the doorknob two meters away, there was a sudden bang.


The tunnel collapsed, as if under gravity, it collapsed in an instant.

Now, all three of them have become underground rats, trapped underground, unable to move forward, unable to retreat, all of them were buried alive inside.

The sand surrounded the three of them, making them unable to move, leaving only a small cramped space with a little air, but even this little space was constantly shrinking.

They wanted to get out, but their bodies couldn't break free.

Breathing becomes more and more difficult, gradually dizziness, fainting...even death.

At this time, Ding Ning's figure was standing above the three people who were alive and suffocated to death in the ground.

"This way of death is cheaper for you."

"However, the mistakes made by your Huang family will be borne by more Huang family members."

This time, Ding Ning's gaze turned to those members of the Huang family who were in a hurry.

How can the Huang family be alone when the Wang family is destroyed!

"All disappear!"

Ding Ning's faint words floated in the air, and soon, the smell of blood gradually enveloped the entire Huang family.

(End of this chapter)

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