The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 225 225 Behind the scenes! 2 more

Chapter 225 225 Behind the scenes! 2 more

In just a few minutes, the Huang family became a scene of hell on earth.

In the entire Huang family, there was not a single living thing, and there was death everywhere.

The Zhang family, the Wang family, and the Huang family were all taken away by Ding Ning one after another. Except for the Zhang family, which was not destroyed, the Wang and Huang families, it can be said, were directly wiped out of Shangjing by Ding Ning.

The night breeze was slightly cool, blowing through Ding Ning's hair.

Although he killed many people, the clothes on his body were spotless, not even a single blood spot, it was surprisingly clean.

He withdrew his gaze from the moonlight and slowly looked towards the direction of Beijing University.

"Since those who acted have been punished, you should be the next one to come up with the plan." Ding Ning murmured, letting the night wind blow and make his clothes flutter.

The three families of Wang, Huang, and Zhang targeted him, Ding Ning, and even his family, not only because of the conflict between him and the three sons, but this was only one of the factors. The reason was Duan Baiyu's participation.

When Ding Ning checked the memories of the three people, he saw this scene from the memory of one of them.

What Baiyu said at that time was also learned by Ding Ning one by one.

And the plan against Ding Ning's family came from Duan Baiyu's mouth.

Knowing that the real driving force behind this was actually Duan Baiyu, Ding Ning held back his anger and did not take the lead in finding Duan Baiyu to settle the score. He just wanted to put this dish at the end. Now that the three families of Wang, Huang, and Zhang are finished, it is time to solve Duan Baiyu's case. White jade.

He, Ding Ning, thought that he and Duan Baiyu did not rush out, but Duan Baiyu turned his ideas on him, this matter is absolutely unforgivable.

As for why Duan Baiyu did this, the only reason Ding Ning could think of was the incident when he bumped into Lin Yumo and Duan Baiyu walking on the bridge at Xuezi Lake.

This was the only time he met Duan Baiyu face to face.

At that time, someone said that Lin Yumo liked Ding Ning, and the confession incident at the gate of the campus made Lin Yumo ask Duan Baiyu if he believed her, but Duan Baiyu smiled and said that of course he did, and then looked at him lightly Ding Ning left immediately.

Ling Ding Ning didn't expect that just because of this, Duan Baiyu treated him like this, it was really vicious.

He didn't do it himself, but cleverly borrowed the power of others to deal with him.

It is really an unusual method.

"Unfortunately, you never thought that you would be exposed one day. You want to hide in the back and watch others put me to death. Duan Baiyu, you have messed with the wrong person!"

Ding Ning's words were floating in the air, and in the next second, he went straight to Shangjing University, looking for Duan Baiyu.

After returning to Shangjing University, Ding Ning scanned with his spiritual sense, but did not find Duan Baiyu.

Explain that Duan Baiyu did not live on campus.

This is difficult to deal with, the capital is so big, it is impossible for him to find one by one, even if he has a strong spiritual sense, he can't do it to this extent.

After thinking for a long time, Ding Ning called Li Wei. He knew that Li Wei's family background belonged to the third-level circle in Shangjing.

Li Wei was also very surprised when he received a call from Ding Ning in the middle of the night, "I said, God, you finally showed up. Where have you been these two days? The dormitory is not coming back, and the class is not on. The instructor is busy looking for you everywhere." Woolen cloth."

Ding Ning didn't have time to pay attention to these things now, he went straight to the point and asked if he knew Duan Baiyu's address.

Li Wei smiled and said, "What did I think it was? So it was this. Duan Baiyu is a celebrity on campus, and he has frequent contacts with many families. He doesn't live on campus."

"Where does he live?" Ding Ning felt that Li Wei was a bit long-winded.

"Great God, you don't want to trouble him, do you?" In view of the fact that he gave Zhang's address before, and the news that Zhang's family was broken down the next day, Li Wei felt that Ding Ning asked Duan Baiyu's address this time. , I'm afraid it's not a good thing.

"No trouble, just kill someone!" Ding Ning said directly without hiding anything.

But when these words fell into Li Wei's ears, it was no less than a thunderclap, and his whole body was shocked.

Does Ding Ning want to kill Duan Baiyu?

"Master, don't be impulsive. Duan Baiyu has a lot of connections. Once you kill him, you will cause a lot of trouble." Li Wei persuaded, not wanting Ding Ning to mess around.

Ding Ning's murderous intent was fixed in his heart, and it could not be dispelled by Li Wei's few words, "You just need to tell me where he lives, and you don't care about other things."

Seeing Ding Ning's resolute tone, Li Wei thought for a while, and finally sighed: "His home is... well, I don't know anything, I'm sleepwalking, hey, why did I call someone..."

On the other end of the phone, after Li Wei told Duan Baiyu's address, he began to pretend to be stupid. After all, if Duan Baiyu really died, it would definitely cause quite an earthquake. It's better for him to pretend he doesn't know about such things.

Li Wei would not have imagined that the earthquake caused by the next day was far beyond his imagination, because too many big events happened that night. These happened overnight, and it was absolutely like a tsunami, sweeping the entire capital.

After getting Duan Baiyu's address, Ding Ning took a taxi, because he didn't know the address at all. Fortunately, there were few cars at night and the speed was not slow at all. In less than half an hour, he came to the place provided by Li Wei. Place.

A small white two-story building was built on the edge of a big river.

The light was on at this time, obviously its owner had not rested yet.

Ding Ning paid the fee and got out of the car. The door was locked, and there were guardrails on both sides that were more than one meter high. For Ding Ning, this obstacle was not even difficult. With a little step, he could enter the courtyard .

"Master, it's already midnight, why don't you go to sleep, don't wait for the news, Wang, Huang, and Zhang's family will work together to take that kid's family away, there will be no trouble," Uncle Jiang said.

Duan Baiyu has been sitting on the sofa all night, waiting for news. In his opinion, Duan Baiyu attaches too much importance to the results of the three companies' actions.

"If that guy is an ordinary person, I'm naturally not worried. I'm just afraid that that guy will rush back quickly. If that happens, I don't know what will happen." Duan Baiyu said slowly.

Hearing this, Uncle Jiang continued: "I think you still pay too much attention to him, young master. This time, the Wang and Huang families are the main force, and they all dispatched martial arts practitioners. These three martial arts practitioners are not weak. One A master who uses poison, in the early stage of generals, and in the middle stage of two generals, even if that kid appears, it is enough to deal with him."

Duan Baiyu nodded. He also felt that the chance of accidents in this matter was low, but he still couldn't relax because he always had a feeling of uneasiness in his heart. This feeling hadn't appeared for a long time.

He was guessing whether this uneasiness was related to this incident, so he wanted to know whether the operation was successful or not as soon as possible.

"I hope everything is just my illusion." Duan Baiyu let out a long breath, got up and stretched his arms, and walked to the window.

(End of this chapter)

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