The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 226 226 Kill Duan Baiyu! 1 more

Chapter 226 226 Kill Duan Baiyu! 1 more

Put your fingers on the curtain, pull it lightly, and through the glass, you can clearly see the moon as white as a jade plate across the sky on the top of the mountain in the distance.

A dark cloud is slowly moving up, gradually covering part of the full moon, and tends to gradually cover it completely.

Anxiety was still floating in his heart, Duan Baiyu was about to look away, and didn't want to think about it anymore, about the news about the actions of Wang, Huang, and Zhang's family, he will ask tomorrow.


As soon as he closed his eyes, Duan Baiyu was about to turn around, but he turned halfway, straightened his body again, and looked through the window again, because he seemed to see a figure standing in the yard just now.

He didn't know if there was some illusion, and he cast his gaze again.

no one!

Duan Baiyu didn't see any figure: "It turns out I was wrong."

After murmuring, Duan Baiyu felt that he was a little nervous, and it was because he was dealing with an unknown pawn, why did he take it so seriously.

Duan Baiyu laughed at himself, thinking that he was a bit of a soldier, how could that guy come to him, he didn't believe it.

"Ring Ling..."

Suddenly, an alarm sounded from downstairs, Duan Baiyu came back to his senses in an instant, Uncle Jiang was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said: "I'll go and see, maybe the wild dogs nearby ran into the alarm again."

Although this area is in the suburbs, there are groups of stray dogs, and they usually come to them, and sometimes they will sound the alarm.

Duan Baiyu let out an oh and didn't care, and motioned: "Go."

Uncle Jiang hurried downstairs. Suddenly, there was a crackling sound downstairs, and then fell into silence.

"Uncle Jiang?" Duan Baiyu called out, but when no one answered, Duan Baiyu frowned instantly.

He walked down the stairs slowly, his movements were very light, and his eyes quickly scanned all the spaces and things he could see in front of him.

At first, he didn't see anyone, and at the same time, there was no sign of Uncle Jiang.

It wasn't until he walked down the last flight of stairs that he saw Uncle Jiang who was lying on the ground looking at him with a painful face. At this time, Uncle Jiang couldn't speak, his expression was extremely anxious, and he kept gesturing to Duan Baiyu , his expression seemed to be saying, Duan Baiyu, let's go.

In an instant, without even a sound of exclamation, Uncle Jiang was knocked down, and Duan Baiyu was shocked.

Uncle Jiang's strength, he knew in his heart. Ordinary martial arts practitioners may not be close to Uncle Jiang. You must know that when Uncle Jiang was young, he was a martial artist at the level of a martial artist. Although his strength has been greatly reduced over the years , but there is still some foundation, even if it is a martial artist at the general level, Uncle Jiang can count people in one battle.

But it is such a strong man who can be knocked down in an instant.

Who is it?

Could it be the person he caught a glimpse of just now?
At this moment, Duan Baiyu just noticed that there was a figure from behind sitting on the sofa beside Mr. Jiang who fell to the ground.

From this point of view, it should be this person who attacked Mr. Jiang. He ran to his residence in the middle of the night and injured Mr. Jiang. The anger in Duan Baiyu's heart suddenly came up. He was a little irritable at first, but now It was even more inspired.

"Break into the house at night, you are too daring."

Duan Baiyu was very angry, but this person is strong, he must not be an opponent, but Duan Baiyu is not a person who is afraid of trouble, even if this person hurts someone, he can't even run away without seeing the enemy. To find out, who is the enemy.

The figure sitting on the sofa did not answer Duan Baiyu's words.

Duan Baiyu had no choice but to walk slowly in front of him, trying to see clearly the face of this person and his identity.

He, Duan Baiyu, was in the capital, wandering among the major families, he thought he had no enemies, but had a lot of friends, so who could this person be?


Before Duan Baiyu really walked to the front, Ding Ning suddenly stood up and looked directly at Duan Baiyu.

When Duan Baiyu saw Ding Ning's face, he was in a daze for a moment, because he never imagined that the back sitting in front of him would be Ding Ning.

"How could it be you?"

Duan Baiyu really didn't understand why Ding Ning found him here, and why did he barge into his house.

There was a big hole above the door, and it was because of this that the alarm sounded. Ding Ning had broken into the house at night.

Watching Duan Baiyu's surprise from the beginning to the rapid transformation into calmness, Ding Ning couldn't help but be amazed at Duan Baiyu's psychological quality, how he calmed down so quickly.

However, he didn't care about this aspect, he came here to kill people, it doesn't matter if Duan Baiyu is calm or panicked.

"I don't care what the reason is. If you break into my residence and hurt me, you can sit in prison." Now that he knew that the person in front of him was Ding Ning, Duan Baiyu was no longer overly vigilant. Right now, they have an excuse to attack Ding Ning.

"Don't you want to know why I found you here?" Ding Ning said indifferently. He admired Duan Baiyu's acting skills very much. He obviously asked the Wang and Huang families to lay hands on him. Seeing him now, he can still look Act like nothing happened.

This is an acting school!
Duan Baiyu frowned, and the faint bad feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger. Could it be that the plan failed?
Thinking of this, Duan Baiyu's heart skipped a beat. Only this can explain why Tong Dingning appeared here.

Ding Ning learned that the Wang and Huang families had taken action against his family, and even found out who was behind it, so he came here and found Duan Baiyu's residence.

is it possible?

He didn't think that Ding Ning had such a great ability. Besides, the Wang and Huang families were not that good. After all, they were one of the top families of the second level, so it was impossible that they couldn't deal with Ding Ning.

Without waiting for Duan Baiyu to ask, Ding Ning took the initiative to say: "A few days ago, you went to Zhang's house, Wang's house, Huang's house..."

Ding Ning slowly talked about Duan Baiyu's visit to Wang, Huang and Zhang's family, and even told the plan to instigate the three families to take action against his Ding Ning's family. Hearing this, Duan Baiyu was startled, but Duan Baiyu refused to admit it.

"Don't frame me indiscriminately. Why should I target you? You are making an excuse for you to break into other people's houses." Duan Baiyu refused to admit it.

Ding Ning didn't care whether Duan Baiyu admitted it, anyway, he would not let Duan Baiyu go.

"Okay, the Wang and Huang families are on their way, and you should go down to accompany them." Ding Ning twisted his neck and said lazily.

"You want to kill someone?" Duan Baiyu immediately understood what Ding Ning had done when he heard that both the Wang and Huang families were on the road. inside.

"You dare to kill people in Shangjing, you lunatic, you will not escape the punishment of the government." Duan Baiyu was frightened by Ding Ning's crazy behavior.


Ding Ning stepped forward abruptly, and put himself in front of Duan Baiyu in an instant, and said calmly, "I will kill anyone who touches my family, and no one can stop me!"

"Madman!" Duan Baiyu's heart was beating wildly in shock from Ding Ning's murderous aura all over his body. The uneasiness in his heart surged out, as if he had found the source of the uneasiness, and it was the person in front of him.

"Forget it, let's see you on your way first." Ding Ning didn't bother to say any more, and directly planned to kill Duan Baiyu.

Suddenly, Duan Baiyu felt his whole body was icy cold, and the killing intent enveloped him impressively.

This guy is really going to kill!

(End of this chapter)

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