The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 237 237 Do what you say! 2 more

Chapter 237 237 Do what you say! 2 more

Ding Ning's airborne attack was so tyrannical that Li Tiangang had no power to fight back and could only be beaten passively.

This is definitely a lot of pressure on Li Tiangang.

Li Tiangang was suffering in his heart at this time and couldn't express it. The pressure was indeed a good thing for him. It could stimulate his potential, and even take advantage of this to break through the realm and enter a higher level of martial arts practitioners.

However, everything has a limit, and when the limit is exceeded, the nature changes.

It's like a rubber band. After you pull it down to a certain extent, and then pull it harder, it doesn't get longer, but breaks.

This is the situation right now. The power that Ding Ning erupted was too much pressure for Li Tiangang. He couldn't use Ding Ning's pressure to break through his own realm. On the contrary, he was oppressed by Ding Ning and could only passively bear.


Li Tiangang fell to the ground, motionless.Obviously Ding Ning paused his attack.

"Is he dead?" Zhou Quan asked suspiciously as he stared at Li Tiangang who had been lying on the ground for a long time.

"He won't die so easily." Ding Ning knew Li Tiangang's life and death well. After all, Li Tiangang was not a mortal, but a martial artist. There is less qi, and more qi is released, but there is still life left.

Furthermore, Ding Ning didn't want to beat Li Tiangang to death all at once, otherwise, if he kept attacking, Li Tiangang would definitely be blasted to pieces.

He didn't want Li Tiangang to die so easily.

He hasn't avenged Zhou Quan's revenge yet, so how could he be willing to beat Li Tiangang to death.

Sure enough, within a few seconds, Li Tiangang made a movement, and he slowly got up from the ground.

It's just that Li Tiangang at this time is very different from before. He was dressed in white and spotless before, but now he is covered in dirt, so he still has the temperament of a troubled man.

The cold eyes, pale face, and dirty body all told that Li Tiangang was a bit miserable at this time.

"Very well, you managed to piss me off!"

Li Tiangang stared at Ding Ning with pity. His body was not as straight as before, and he was a little stooped. Obviously, Ding Ning's attack just now caused him a lot of damage.

"No, he wants a weapon."

Seeing Li Tiangang poking his hand behind his back, Zhou Quan was startled, thinking that Li Tiangang was just about to take out the sword behind his back and was going to fight Ding Ning desperately.

Ding Ning didn't have too many expression fluctuations. He didn't pay too much attention to the sword behind Li Tiangang, but stepped to Zhou Quan's side step by step, and wrapped a cloud of spiritual energy around Zhou Quan's hands.

Zhou Quan was taken aback for a moment, not knowing what Ding Ning meant, he was about to ask, but the next moment, his eyes widened, and he found that his finger that was almost ravaged by Li Tiangang before was turned into pieces. In automatic repair, the wounds are healing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This... this..." With Zhou Quan's knowledge, he has never seen such a magical method. He wanted to ask Ding Ning, but Ding Ning didn't say much, but said lightly: "I won't let your hands be abolished, don't worry. Come on, your finger, it will heal soon."

Naturally, Ding Ning took advantage of this time to help Zhou Quan restore the ten fingers of both hands. Ding Ning even used a little real energy to inject it into it to speed up the healing of the wound.

It can be said that in an instant, Zhouquan's hands returned to their original state, even more delicate than before, like a pair of women's hands, Zhou Quan was stunned when he saw it, and murmured: "Are these still my hands? "

Ding Ning ignored the shocked Zhou Quan, and turned his eyes to Li Tiangang again. At this time, Li Tiangang had already taken out the sword behind him. Only then did the sword body itself appear.

As for why accidents are entangled, emotion is a sharp sword without a scabbard.

call out!
With the long sword in hand, the blade trembled, and there was a low cry.

Just by the sound of the sword, one can hear the extraordinaryness of this sword.

This is not an ordinary sword, it must have some power.

"Among the younger generation, few people can force me to use it." Li Tiangang's palm caressed the sharp sword, as if caressing the skin of a lover, his eyes were full of tenderness and love.

To treat a sword as a person is to treat the sword as a lover.

Ding Ning's eyes flickered. He realized that Li Tiangang's strength seemed to lie more in the sword. After holding the sword, Li Tiangang obviously had a different momentum from before.

It seems that with this sword in hand, Li Tiangang is the real Li Tiangang.

"My sword is called Qingfeng Sword, it kills without blood."

As he said that, Li Tiangang suddenly picked up the sharp sword, and the humming blade was trembling, touching the ground.

It seems that he is ready at any time to take someone's life and seal his throat with a sword.

"My junior brother, Duan Baiyu, died at your hands. Today, I took your life with the Qingfeng sword, and paid homage to my junior brother, so that he can rest in peace."

"So, I'm going to kill you!"

As soon as Li Tiangang's words fell, a dazzling light flashed in the air. In the room, the sun's light could not reach here directly, but this light was not weaker than the sun's light at all.

This is the sword light, instantly killing people.

"Luohua is intentional and flowing water is ruthless, and the breeze breaks everything with a sword!"

All I saw in the hall was a sudden burst of light. The sharp sword in Li Tiangang's hand was like a light source, shooting out countless sword lights, dazzling and compelling.

Moreover, this sword light is not just a simple light, it has lethality, and it instantly affects every corner of the hall.

Puff puff.

Waiting for a while, the surroundings are like thorns shot by a hedgehog, there are small holes everywhere, and the decorations, vases, teapots, fish tanks, etc. that were originally placed in the room, at this moment, all turned into pieces.

Zhou Quan was startled by the sudden sword glow, and hurriedly squatted down, subconsciously dodging, but at this time, Ding Ning dodged in front of him.

call out!
Li Tiangang charged suddenly with a sharp arrow in his hand, this sword slashed in the air, and once again released the sword light, making people blinded.

However, in the face of this attack, Ding Ning remained expressionless, letting the sword glow penetrate his eyes, as an ordinary person, he would have been stabbed blind long ago, but Ding Ning is safe and sound at this time.

The sword fell in Li Tiangang's hand. According to his idea, he used Qingfeng Sword's sword light to interfere with Ding Ning's sight, and then used agile swordsmanship to quickly execute the killing move. Ding Ning would definitely fall under his sharp sword.

But when he landed the first sword, he was stunned, because Ding Ning didn't react at all when facing the sword light, and even the expression on his face was still the same as before, without any expression.


The sharp sword stopped suddenly, unable to cut down, as if it had encountered something hard.

But Li Tiangang's eyelids twitched, watching the scene where Ding Ningdan grabbed the sharp sword in his hand with one hand, the shock in his heart was beyond words.

How could someone take over his sharp blade empty-handed.

Shock spread in his heart. At this moment, he only felt a vibration in his arm, and a huge force pulled him, making it impossible for him to grasp the palm of the sword. With a whoosh, the sharp blade came out of his hand, and it changed hands in an instant. up.

Li Tiangang backed away in shock, unable to believe that with Ding Ning's terrifying power, it was enough to grab his sharp sword, and he could still snatch the sword from his hand.

How could his hands be so terrible.

Ding Ning, who snatched the sharp blade, didn't give Li Tiangang too much time to be surprised. He flicked his backhand, and the Qingfeng Sword suddenly stabbed at Li Tiangang. The speed was so fast that Li Tiangang couldn't dodge it.

Li Tiangang fell to the ground, and Qingfeng Sword firmly nailed his body to the ground.

Then, he turned his head and saw Ding Ning, who was looking down at him, standing beside him.

"You won't kill me?"

"Kill you? Hehe, I said that I will make you repay a hundredfold, but my promise has not been fulfilled. How could I kill you?" Ding Ning said, raised his foot towards Li Tiangang's hand, and stomped hard on it. go down.

"I'm a man who always walks the talk!"

Ding Ning's voice echoed in Li Tiangang's ears, and the pain drowned him like a tide.

(End of this chapter)

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