The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 238 238 Sword Cultivator! 1 more

Chapter 238 238 Sword Cultivator! 1 more

Li Tiangang's appearance at this time was even more miserable than before. The ten fingers of his hands were all crushed by Ding Ning, and they were drooping, unable to be used as normal.

Even the toes of both feet are treated the same way.

Just like what Li Tiangang wanted to do to Zhou Quan before, now it is all realized on him.

Li Tiangang is not a god, he also feels pain, even as a martial artist, his ability to bear pain is beyond ordinary people, the pain of Ding Ning crushing his ten fingers made Li Tiangang also sweat coldly on his forehead.

At this time, Li Tiangang's eyes were full of resentment. He never thought that he would fall into this situation, and his fingers and toes would be crushed forcibly.

Humiliation, anger, and unwillingness all rushed to his heart, making his resentment towards Ding Ning intensify.

Seeing that Ding Ning kept his hands on one of Li Tiangang's legs and kept crushing them, only the sound of bones breaking could be heard faintly, and Li Tiangang's facial features were almost twisted together because of the pain.

Zhou Quan couldn't bear to watch this scene.

"Great God, let's just forget about it." Zhou Quan said in a low voice.

He was afraid that Ding Ning would kill Li Tiangang. In Zhou Quan's mind, killing was still a relatively distant word. This kind of thing was usually only seen in the news, TV, or movies, and he had never come into contact with it so closely.

This shocked him physically and mentally.

The Ding Ning in front of him made him feel a little strange and scary.

"Forget it?" Ding Ning stopped moving, turned to look at Zhou Quan, and seeing Zhou Quan's eyes flashed with kindness and kindness, Ding Ning suddenly said: "Okay, anyway, I am also avenging you, as long as you are satisfied." .”

"Great God, you have taught him a lesson, why don't you stop embarrassing him and let him go." Zhou Quan tentatively said, he was afraid that Ding Ning would disagree, so his eyes were a little embarrassed, and he didn't want Ding Ning to embarrass him .

let him go?
Ding Ning thought for a moment, then asked, "Do you really want to let him go?"

Zhou Quan nodded.

Ding Ning said nothing, squatted down, stared at Li Tiangang who was stuck on the ground by a sharp sword, and said lightly: "I can let you go, but I hope you remember one sentence, if you want to seek revenge from me, come to me directly, don't move!" People around me, do you understand?"

Hearing Ding Ning's words, Li Tiangang nodded, and the resentment on his face disappeared in an instant. Ding Ning saw it, but he didn't break it. He raised his hand and pulled out the sword, not intending to return it to Li Tiangang, " you go."

Although Li Tiangang was injured by his sharp sword, he is not weak, so his vitality will not be cut off because of this. As long as he is given time, he will fully recover soon.

He didn't say a word, let alone showed any resentment, he staggered to his feet, limped, and walked towards the door.

Seeing that Li Tiangang was about to leave, Zhou Quan said to Ding Ning, "Master, why did you come here so fast? If you came later, my feet would be amputated by this guy."

"Then you let me let him go."

Zhou Quan said with a smile, "It's better to let go of enemies than to end them. He knows how powerful you are this time, so he won't dare to continue to be your enemy."

Ding Ning smiled lightly.

But at this moment, a silver light suddenly shot from the door, the silver light was very fast, and the target went straight to the two of them.

Ding Ning grabbed Zhou Quan and threw him behind, so that the vision in front of him instantly widened, and he faced Yinmang directly.


The silver light shot at Ding Ning's eyebrows, Ding Ning lifted his arm, and the sharp sword in his hand directly blocked it, only heard the sound of collapse, the silver light was hit back, and the blade in his hand was trembling constantly, if you look carefully, you will find that there is a A thin crack had begun to appear.

Zhou Quan was taken aback by this sudden change, because he didn't react at all. Fortunately, Ding Ning just caught him and threw him behind him. Otherwise, if the silver light fell on him, he must have died at this time. The can no longer die.

The feeling of brushing shoulders with death made Zhou Quan palpitate, he suddenly looked at the door, this sudden change, there will never be another person except Li Tiangang.


Zhou Quan saw Li Tiangang with a sneer and sinister face, standing at the door, staring at him and Ding Ning.

"I, Li Tiangang, will not lose, you both have to die!"

The cold words came from Li Tiangang's mouth, as if they were vicious curses. He is not in a good state at this time, but it doesn't mean that he will leave in such a disheveled manner.

Facing the extremely fast Ding Ning, he has no power to parry, but this does not mean that Li Tiangang will admit defeat, he still has a hole card.

As a person from Qingcheng Mountain, how could it be possible to have all the strength he showed before.

Therefore, when Ding Ning said that he could let him go, he felt that the opportunity had come. At that time, he made up his mind. When the two of them were unprepared, he suddenly took out his strongest hole card, and he would definitely be able to kill Ding Ning.

No matter how fast Ding Ning is, it cannot be faster than the sword in his body!
"Do you think that if you take away my sword, I will have no means of attack? How do you know that my strongest hole card is not the sword, but the sword stored in my body."

"This sword is invincible and invincible, you are dead!"

"Ding Ning, today I will ask you to bury my dead junior brother Duan Baiyu with him!"

In the room, Yinmang stabbed Ding Ning continuously, the speed was like thunder and lightning, very fast, Ding Ning kept dodging, it seemed to be very difficult, Li Tiangang looked proud at this scene.

Sure enough, Ding Ning was no match for his flying sword.

Seeing the victory in his hands, Li Tiangang smiled even more. He could use his mind to control the sword and execute all kinds of beheadings on Ding Ning without personally going into battle. This is his most powerful method in Qingcheng Mountain.

Niwan Flying Sword!

When the sword comes out, no one can stop it!
"Are you afraid? Are you afraid? Haha... I will cut off your flesh and blood with one sword and one sword, and turn you into a bone!"

Vicious words came from Li Tiangang's mouth. If he had no choice, he would not use this strongest hole card easily, because it would consume him a lot.

And this unnecessary consumption was caused by Ding Ning, so he resented Ding Ning even more.

The silver light flew back and forth, almost coming and going without a trace, like a miracle.

This is a fairy-like method, as if a sword fairy appeared.

At this moment, Li Tiangang returned to his former high-spirited and aloof attitude. Although he was a little embarrassed, he still couldn't hide his pride.

In his smile, it seemed that he was sure of victory.

"My flying sword has killed eight people since the day it was forged. I hope your blood can help my flying sword."

Li Tiangang waited for Feijian to kill Ding Ning, and watched quietly with a smile on his face.

However, as soon as his words fell, the smile on his face froze.

He numbly touched his forehead, where unstoppable blood flowed out.

He stared at the blood in his hand in disbelief, and then looked at the white light floating not far away, his eyes were full of shock.

" are also... a sword cultivator?"

Unfortunately, Ding Ning did not give him the answer he wanted. This time, Li Tiangang completely collapsed and died.

(End of this chapter)

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