The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 239 239 Windfall! 2 more

Chapter 239 239 Windfall! 2 more

(Some things cannot be written, so don’t worry too much about the loopholes in the storyline, everyone just read it for fun, after all, reading is just for entertainment, isn’t it)
Sword repair?

Ding Ning shook his head, he is not a swordsman, but his and Li Tiangang's methods are somewhat similar.

Although Ding Ning had never seen Li Tiangang's Niwan Flying Sword, he had the experience of the previous life, and he saw its essence the moment the silver glow appeared.

At first, Ding Ning was also a little surprised. A martial artist on Earth can do this and can also keep the sword in his body and control the flying sword with his mind.

This kind of method is not terrible, after all, it can kill people invisible, and it can be called miraculous to take the head of a person thousands of miles away.

But after Ding Ning and Li Tiangang's flying sword collided, he realized that he had overestimated the power of the opponent's flying sword.

Under Ding Ning's probing, he found that the power of Li Tiangang's flying sword was only one-tenth of the power of the true essence sword in his body, and it could not cause fatal damage to him.

Therefore, he deliberately showed an irresistible look before, but he was just pretending to show Li Tiangang.

After that, he killed Li Tiangang in an instant with his own True Essence Sword.

In fact, as early as when Ding Ning let Li Tiangang go, he had already released the True Yuan Sword and hid it behind Li Tiangang. The purpose was to kill Li Tiangang. Whether Tiangang is honest or not, of course, no matter whether Li Tiangang will make a move or not, the result will not change. Ding Ning will definitely kill him.

Naturally, he would not let Li Tiangang go away because of Zhou Quan's soft heart and kindness. He still understands the truth that if he lets the tiger go back to the mountain, there will be endless troubles, not to mention that Li Tiangang is still a martial artist. It's disgusting enough to play tricks.

He didn't believe that Li Tiangang was an upright gentleman who used his roommate Zhou Quan as a threat. If Li Tiangang did this kind of thing for the first time, he would definitely do it for the second time.

Ding Ning couldn't understand Li Tiangang's cultivator who was fighting for his life, and he had seen even more sinister people's hearts, so how could he let Li Tiangang go away alive.

Right now, Li Tiangang is dead, and the hall is instantly quiet, the lights are flickering, and there is a malfunction.

Zhou Quan stared at Li Tiangang who was motionless on the ground, walked over slowly, and apologized to Ding Ning: "Master, I'm sorry, I almost hurt you."

Zhou Quan blamed himself all over his face. If he hadn't decided to let Li Tiangang go just now, the thrilling scene just now would not have happened.

If Ding Ning hadn't reacted quickly, both of them would have died under Li Tiangang's surprise attack.

"It's good to be kind, but kindness sometimes depends on who you use it on. For some people, if you are kind to them, you will end up in death." Ding Ning said lightly, and patted Zhou Quan on the shoulder.

In fact, he can also understand Zhou Quan's mood at this time. Thinking back, the scene where his kindness almost killed him was not the same as Zhou Quan at this time.

Ding Ning didn't say much, Zhou Quan is not a martial artist after all, some things are not suitable to talk to him, he just wanted to let Zhou Quan understand that the truth between farmers and snakes, not every kindness and kindness can be exchanged. nice return.

Zhou Quan fell into deep thought, but Ding Ning ignored it. He walked in front of Li Tiangang's body, pointed his finger, and a flame ignited on Li Tiangang's body, melting his body instantly.

After a while, Ding Ning noticed that where Li Tiangang was just now, there was a piece of white jade pendant, which did not burn down with the flames.

Ding Ning showed a look of surprise, not to mention that his flame can burn everything in the world, but it is not an ordinary flame, it is an alternative way of using spiritual energy, and ordinary things can be burned.

This jade pendant was not burned, obviously, this thing is somewhat extraordinary.

Ding Ning picked it up and played with it in his hands, lost in thought for a while.

It didn't take long for his expression to recover, and a smile appeared on his face.

He did not expect Li Tiangang to send him such a big gift. This jade pendant looks ordinary, but it is not. There are probably not many people who can recognize it in the whole world.

And Ding Ning is just one of the people who knows the origin of this jade pendant.

The material of the jade pendant itself is very special. It is the core substance of the stars, and it contains a lot of energy. According to Ding Ning's thinking, this thing should not appear on the earth, because it is extremely rare even in the cultivation world. If you want to get it This stuff is so hard.

"It's a pity that there is only such a small piece, and I don't know how much energy there is in it." Ding Ning weighed it. I don't know how long this jade pendant has been on the earth. The energy inside will gradually disappear with the passage of time. Putting it in his arms, Ding Ning planned to do research later.

Then, he set his gaze on the silver light floating in the air.

Since Li Tiangang's death, this silver light has remained motionless, as if it has become an ownerless thing.

This is a sword, similar to his True Essence Sword, even smaller.

Ding Ning could feel the vibration of his true essence sword, and said lightly: "Since you want to absorb it, then I will give it to you."

As he said that, the True Essence Sword beside him uttered a sound, which seemed to be a sound of excitement and joy, very anthropomorphic, and immediately rushed towards the silver sword.

Without the silver light that the master urged, it was not long before it was swallowed up by Ding Ning's True Essence Sword.

Ding Ning could feel that his True Essence Sword was slightly sharper, the increase was not much, but it was nothing.

He hoped that if Li Tiangang's flying sword was stronger, it would definitely be a big meal for the True Essence Sword, and the increased power would no longer be sporadic.

"This Qingcheng Mountain, there should be sword cultivators like him." Ding Ning said to himself, his eyes were shining brightly, and the corners of his mouth were raised. He was looking forward to more troubles from Qingcheng Mountain sword cultivators.

His True Essence Sword is already hungry and thirsty!
At this time, on Mount Qingcheng, Li Tiangang's death caused quite a shock.

"The ever-burning lights are off!"

"What? Whose ever-burning lamp?"

"Li Tiangang!"

"Brother Li is dead? Hurry up and notify the head!"


Shangjingcheng, Huangfu's family.

A majesty enveloped the entire Huangfu family in an instant. The middle-aged man who was sitting in the study and scribbling wildly on the rice paper with a brush in his hand suddenly stopped his movements and looked towards the depths of the family.

"Ancestor woke up?" the middle-aged man murmured.

He didn't care about continuing the calligraphy at the moment, put down the pen, and immediately ordered the housekeeper to go to the family's taboo place to meet the ancestor.

At this time, all members of the Huangfu family felt the aura of majesty, and they all raised their heads and looked at one place.

"Is it the ancestor?"

"The old ancestor is still alive, hurry up and visit the old ancestor."

Following the appearance of this aura, all members of the Huangfu family rushed to one place, with surprise flashing on everyone's face.

For the ancestor to wake up, this is the most important event for the entire Huangfu family.

(End of this chapter)

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