The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 244 244 helps you break through! 1 more

Chapter 244 244 helps you break through! 1 more

(Accept suggestions, do not accept swearing, and reject trolls!)
"Brother, why are you back?"

Seeing Ding Ning appear at the door, Ding Qinghe cried out in surprise, with a surprised expression on his face.

Ding Ning closed the door, rubbed the hair of his sister Ding Qinghe in front of him, and said with a smile: "What? You are allowed to go home on vacation, and I am not allowed to come back to have a look?"

"Oh, you messed up my hair, I just combed it." Ding Qinghe shook off Ding Ning's devil's hand and complained to Ding Ning.

Ding Ning stared at Ding Qinghe for a long while, Ding Qinghe was looked at strangely by Ding Ning, snorted: "I'll come back when I come back, why are you staring at me, hum!" Then he walked away.

She was still the same younger sister who loved to talk back and play with him.

Ding Ning thought that before the Wang and Huang families sent people to target his family, it would leave scars in Ding Qinghe's heart. At that time, the girl was crying and her eyes were red, which was very distressing. Unexpectedly, this little girl did not So affected, still as lively and lovely as before.

This is good, this is good.

Ding Ning was relieved, if that incident really brought trauma to his younger sister Ding Qinghe, he would have to consider whether to erase that memory in Ding Qinghe's mind, now it seems that there is no need, this girl has adjusted herself very well .

When Ding Ning came back, his father Ding Shengyuan and his mother Yang Xueyi were very happy. Yang Xueyi cooked a large table of dishes, and the family sat together in a harmonious atmosphere.

As for the kidnapping before, Ding Shengyuan and Yang Xueyi didn't mention it, they didn't blame Ding Ning.

He just asked Ding Ning to take care of himself when he was studying outside and not to worry about his family.

Ding Ning nodded with a smile. Naturally, he came back this time not simply to visit his family. His strength has been promoted to the concentration level, so he can naturally refine a more powerful amulet for his family.

This is his main purpose. With the lessons learned from the past, Ding Ning does not want his family to be threatened again.

He watched TV and chatted with his family until late at night before Ding Ning returned to his room.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Ding Ning began to refine a new amulet. Based on his experience, it didn't take long for the new amulet to be refined. The three amulets, as thin as cicada's wings, emitted a faint gleam, suspended in Ding Ning's body. In the palm of the hand, in comparison, the new amulet is ten times more powerful than the previous one. It was refined by Ding Ning without any spare effort. Once activated, it is equivalent to Ding Ning's full-strength attack in the late stage of God Concentration. It is quite powerful. Come on, the safety of the family is also guaranteed.

After refining the talisman, Ding Ning's eyes fell on the half flood dragon who was beside him.

The power of the amulet has been improved, and he feels that he has to help him improve the strength of the half-flood dragon. If the half-flood dragon is stronger, the safety of his family will be more assured. The martial artist was already killed on the spot.

"I promised you to help you break through, and today I will fulfill my promise."

Ding Ning said to Ban Jiao, Ban Jiao raised his head, he could understand Ding Ning's words, and made a chi-chi sound.

"Let's go."

Ding Ning stood up, his figure flashed, and disappeared into the room. Through the window, Ban Jiao saw Ding Ning's figure had already gone outside, and it followed with a whoosh.

At night, the wind by the river is very cool, especially in this late autumn season. Although the night wind is not as piercing as the winter wind, it is still very uncomfortable when it blows on people.

Ding Ning stood on the boulder, waiting for Ban Jiao. When Ban Jiao came to him, Ding Ning stepped into the river and stepped on the river like a flat ground.

Ding Ning walked in front, and Ban Jiao followed behind. At this time, Ban Jiao had recovered his original appearance, no longer a little snake.

One person, one dragon, walking on the wind-blown river, gradually disappearing into the night.

When I came to the center of the river, because it was far away from the city, I couldn't see the lights, and the surroundings were dark, only the moonlight shone on the river, shining a cool white light, and it seemed that there was only one person left in the whole world.

Ding Ning stopped, glanced at the sky, and said indifferently: "When you and I met, you only evolved two legs. Now I will help you and make you develop the other two legs!"

Hearing this, the semi-dragon eyes shone with light, as if he was delighted and excited by Ding Ning's words, his tail kept wagging, and he pressed his head very intimately against Ding Ning's trouser leg.

"Are you ready? You will be robbed soon."

The half dragon immediately flew into the air, and nodded to Ding Ning. Ding Ning didn't say anything, and directly mobilized a ball of true energy, and threw it at the half dragon.

Banjiao opened its mouth wide and swallowed it in one gulp, only to see its seven or eight meter long body swaying constantly, and the body began to swell and become bigger.

If you look carefully, you will actually find that the body of the half-flood dragon is developing at an extremely fast speed, and it has grown even bigger.

Only Ding Ning knows how much energy there is in a group of true energy. This group alone is enough for half dragon to evolve.

Around the moonlight in the sky, at some point, dark clouds have already begun to appear, and they are growing stronger all the time, and the moonlight is gradually swallowed up, making the moonlight on the river disappear very quickly, making the whole world darker and darker .


The sky moved, and thunder flashed.

The thunder tribulation of Banjiao is gestating and is about to come.

"Don't worry about crossing the catastrophe. If you can't, I will help you." Seeing that Ban Jiao was a little afraid of the catastrophe, Ding Ning couldn't help but smiled and said lightly.

Banjiao swung its only two calves towards Ding Ning, as if bowing to Ding Ning, and then rushed towards the dark clouds all over the sky.


Thunder Tribulation is here!

When Ban Jiao and Lei Jie met, the sky, the earth, and the surrounding fields brightened instantly, and then darkened again for a brief moment.

When he looked up again, he could only see that the figure of Ban Jiao had already entered into the thunder cloud.


At this moment, the earth trembled, as if the gods were angry, the river rolled up with big waves, and the rain fell.

At this time, many of the people living in Jiangling were awakened by the sudden thunder, and they were shocked.

"It's late autumn, why is there still thunder and rain, this terrible weather, I can't sleep peacefully." A big man in a big flower pants cursed, turned around, and continued on. sleep.

Some people got up, made a cup of coffee for themselves, stood in front of the window, stared at the people in the distance, and sighed: "This is probably the last rain, winter is coming soon."

The sudden appearance of thunder in Jiangling in the middle of the night caused many citizens to be surprised. However, they basically didn't care about it. They should sleep and work.


Several figures galloped through the mountains and forests, quickly passed through the city, and finally stopped by the river.

"China has a vast land and abundant resources. Sure enough, there are many monsters. Mr. Hanzo's prophecy is correct. There are really monsters here who want to go against the sky. Thunder will fall in late autumn and rain will fall in the heart of the river. It can't be wrong. It's a sign that monsters will evolve. Today is the best way to catch them." It's a good time, don't miss it."

One of them spoke bad Chinese, with a cold look in his eyes. Immediately, with a wave of his hand, several people behind him stepped on the river with him, heading straight for the center of the river. Disappeared in the rainy night without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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