The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 245 245 Who gave you the guts! 2 more

Chapter 245 245 Who gave you the guts! 2 more

There was a lot of wind and waves in the center of the river, but the area involved was not wide. It seemed that it was only below the Jiaolongdujie. The rest of the river was absolutely calm in comparison.

The waves rolled up several feet high and rolled repeatedly. Ding Ning stood alone on the river, staring at the sky.

Despite the rolling waves around him, he still couldn't get within a foot of him, as if there was an invisible force covering Ding Ning, making it impossible for even a drop of water to splash on his body.

In Ding Ning's line of sight, Ban Jiao was suffering from thunder disaster. The dazzling thunder and lightning fell on Ban Jiao's body one after another, and every time it fell, it would leave a scorched black scar, which scorched part of its body.

With such a great effort, Ban Jiao has already endured thousands of lightning strikes one after another, his whole body looks black, and many parts of his body even show his bones, his flesh and blood turned outward.

It looks terrible.

Crossing the catastrophe is to change one's fate against the sky, to break the original destiny, in order to reborn oneself and reach a higher level.

No matter on any planet with life, it is not allowed, so the heaven will send down thunder and calamity to destroy these life forms that want to change their lives against the sky.

Whether it is the half-flood dragon or Ding Ning himself, they are actually people who are fighting against the sky. Watching the half-flood dragon cross the catastrophe, Ding Ning can't help but think of himself.

Right now, his realm is not enough to cross the tribulation, but once he starts to cross the tribulation, the thunder tribulation will only be more terrifying than the half dragon's, not worse.

Moreover, he had previously wiped out the Wang and Huang families. Although some of them had a causal relationship and did not need to bear the karmic fire, there were still some that had no causal relationship and were all killed by him.

In this way, once he starts to cross the tribulation, the karmic fire will add to his body, it will be even more dangerous, and the success rate will be even lower than that of the half dragon.

It's because he didn't take into account the factors of fellow cultivators of righteousness and demons. Once the two methods are promoted at the same time, even he can't imagine what level Lei Jie will be.

However, Ding Ning is not a person who worries about the sky unnecessarily. Even though he knows that the thunder disaster in the future will narrowly escape him, he will not be dejected.

In this life, he wants to go higher and farther, even if the road ahead is full of thorns, he still wants to get over it.

His thoughts seemed to be drifting away. When his attention returned to the half-flood dragon again, he found that the thunder tribulation had reached the final stage, that is to say, as long as the half-flood dragon carried it over, it would get closer to the real dragon.


With a loud noise, Ding Ning frowned. He saw that the half dragon was directly blasted down from the sky by the thunder and smashed into the bottom of the water.

With a movement of his mind, Ding Ning instantly sensed the situation of the half-flood dragon. At this moment, the half-flood dragon was lying on the bottom of the water, in a very bad state, and its sudden appearance just now scared the surrounding fish.

"This thunder calamity is not the last thunder calamity. It seems that the next one will be the last thunder calamity!"

"In its current state, it must not be able to get through, then I will help you again!"

In an instant, Ding Ning could almost foresee that the current half-flood flood dragon would fail to cross the catastrophe under the last thunder tribulation. Without him, Ding Ning would naturally turn into ashes, as if it had never existed.

The palms were spread flat, and another group of true energy gathered in the palms, exuding a thrilling aura.

With a slight push, this group of true energy directly penetrated into the water and quickly shot at the half flood dragon.

The eyelids were dizzy, and Ban Jiao, who was about to lose the power to open his eyes, felt a pure power rushing towards him. This power, which he had absorbed before, felt it again suddenly. Naturally, he knew that it was Ding Ning. help it.

It took out the last bit of strength, straightened its head, opened its mouth, and the real energy entered its mouth instantly.

Gulp, gulp, gulp...

The surface of the river began to bubble, and immediately after, something seemed to be swimming under the water. The next second, a huge figure rose into the air and rushed to the sky again.

A neigh came from the mid-air, which seemed to symbolize its determination to face the last thunder disaster.

"Whether you can cross it or not is up to you." Ding Ning watched the half-dragon ascending to the sky, standing on the river with his hands behind his back, with a slight smile on his face.

Several dozens of miles away, several figures were galloping across the river, and the cry that tore through the night made them stop.

The black figure at the head of it said: "It seems that the monster has already started to cross the last thunder tribulation. Let's speed up. If it can't pass it, it will be wiped out. If it passes by it, then at the moment just after the tribulation, It is the weakest time, and the best time for us to capture it."

The few people behind were speechless, and they all acted on the order of this person. Then, several people speeded up. Immediately, the thunder disaster will soon be over. , the monster will recover part of its strength.


The last thunder tribulation was a bit like the sound of drums, very dull. At that moment, one could see above the dark clouds was a dazzling ray of light. If it wasn't covered by dark clouds, the ray of light would have enveloped the entire Jiangling city. Into the short day.


After this thunder calamity fell, the world fell into silence, and the figure of Ban Jiao did not appear.

But Ding Ning now had a smile on his face.

He felt the breath of the half-flood dragon, and the half-flood dragon was still alive, which meant that it had resisted the last thunder disaster.

The robbery was successful.

woohoo hoo...

The sky suddenly whipped up a gust of wind from top to bottom, and a huge body swished down, landing five miles away from Ding Ning.

Now that he had crossed, Ding Ning no longer worried about Ban Jiao, he walked slowly towards the place where Ban Jiao landed.

Five miles away.

Several men in black looked astonished. At this time, their whole bodies were soaked in water droplets, because they didn't expect that they were rushing to the position where the half-flood crossed the robbery, but before they arrived, the half-flood landed on the Here, they smashed into the water and splashed a lot of water.

Happiness comes a little suddenly.

The headed black figure looked ecstatic, and spoke in broken Chinese: "It has passed, it seems that we did not come in vain this time, and we are ready to do it."

They stayed on the surface of the water, and not long after, a huge body emerged from the water and floated on the surface of the river. It was the half dragon just after crossing the catastrophe. come out.

Needless to say, several black shadows surrounded Ban Jiao. They took the backpack behind them to their chest, opened it, and took out a long black rope from it.

Each person has a long rope, ready to catch the half dragon alive.

"Do it."

The leading black figure spoke suddenly, wanting to take Ban Jiao down in one fell swoop.

But just as he finished speaking, before his companions threw the long rope in their hands, a terrifying aura suddenly appeared and enveloped them.

Everyone's movements stopped at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, a voice from far and near fell into their ears, cold and angry: "Who gave your dog the guts to think of my pet."

(End of this chapter)

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