The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 247 247 Huangfu's Banquet! 2 more

Chapter 247 247 Huangfu's Banquet! 2 more

There was a wave of waves on the surface of the river, and there were waves one after another, but it didn't take long for it to return to tranquility again.

The half dragon swam its huge body, returned to Ding Ning, and stuck its huge head to Ding Ning's trousers, showing its intimacy. murderous thing.

Even if the half-flood dragon becomes stronger, it doesn't dare to be presumptuous with Ding Ning. First, Ding Ning planted a soul contract with the half-flood dragon, so he dare not disobey Ding Ning at all. Most of the reasons for Ding Ning, if not for the help of Ding Ning's last group of true energy, Ban Jiao would have died under the thunder calamity, this point, Ban Jiao is very clear.

After Ban Jiao said that he was very well-behaved, he raised his head and showed his sharp teeth, as if he was smiling.

Between its teeth, there is still flesh and blood, which belonged to the previous Japanese people.

A total of six people were all killed by Ban Jiao, without exception, only the man in black at the head was the most difficult to deal with, and it took Ban Jiao a lot of effort, the rest were swallowed by it in one gulp. nothing.

Ding Ning was a little distracted, he was thinking about why these Dongpu people appeared here, and the timing was so good, is it a coincidence or the other party came here for the half dragon?

After thinking about it for a long time, he didn't have any clues. If he had known earlier, he would leave a memory to search his memory, but it is obviously impossible now, but Ding Ning didn't care too much.

There must be no good things for these Dongying people to come here. At this moment, these people have entered the stomach of Ban Jiao, and it is impossible to do anything bad.

"Let's go, let's go back." Ding Ning glanced at Banjiao, and walked towards the courtyard of the villa by the river, Banjiao continued to follow obediently, following its actions, there were a lot of water splashes, rolling up continuously.

After returning to the villa, his parents and younger sister were both sound asleep, unaware that Ding Ning had been out for a while.

Banjiao turned into a small snake and returned to his sister Ding Qinghe. Ding Ning gave it a mission to protect his family. Banjiao dare not forget.

Now that the half dragon has grown its limbs, its strength has increased a lot, but in Ding Ning's eyes, it is actually quite weak, mainly because of Ding Ning's previous life. After all, in the last life, he even tore apart a real dragon. Having soaked in the blood of a real dragon, it is not surprising that he despises a dragon like Banjiao, which is not even [-]% as good as a real dragon.

"The breakthrough of the half dragon can only be done slowly. With its current strength, it should be no problem to protect the family." Ding Ning thought to himself.

Although his family is his bond, he will not give up this bond, let alone allow anyone to touch or threaten him.

The next day.

On a quiet morning, the meals are prepared early, and the family eats breakfast, creating a happy and harmonious atmosphere.

When his parents went to work, Ding Ning was going to Qian Wolong's place to ask about the Dongying people. He felt that the Dongying people appeared on the river last night. Take the shot during the weak period of crossing the catastrophe.

And this raises a question, how did those Dongpu people know that Banjiao would pass the tribulation last night?

You know, he wanted Ban Jiao to cross the catastrophe, or it was a temporary idea.

Ding Ning felt that behind these Dongpu people, there must be a master of divination, and the other party's target is Banjiao, so after he leaves, will they still target Banjiao?
If that's the case, wouldn't his family be vulnerable to danger? Ding Ning felt that he had to figure this out.

Take precautions before they happen, so as not to cause regrets.

Just as Ding Ning was about to go out, a guest came to the house.

"Xiaoxiao." Ding Qinghe looked at his best friend, she was Chen Xiaoxiao, who was in the same junior high school as Ding Qinghe, and is now in the same high school.

When Chen Xiaoxiao saw Ding Ning at home, his eyes were happy, he was a little embarrassed, and suddenly became shy.

Ding Ning nodded to Chen Xiaoxiao with a smile, and Chen Xiaoxiao's face turned red when he saw it.

"Haha, smile, your face has turned into a red apple, don't you still want to marry my brother, and become my sister-in-law?" Ding Qinghe joked, and he didn't shy away from it in front of Ding Ning.

But how could Chen Xiaoxiao admit it, his face was hot, and he retorted softly: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Tch, you still don't admit it. You refute with your mouth, but your body is very honest. Look at your face in the mirror." Ding Qinghe said, looking at Ding Ning who was indifferent, and secretly laughed in her heart. She is revenge on Ding Ning again and again. Seeing her ruffling her hair, Qiu.

"You two talk, I'm leaving." Ding Ning pretended not to hear anything, in his eyes, Chen Xiaoxiao was just an underage little sister, so let the two of them mess around at home.

After going downstairs, Ding Ning took a taxi and went straight to Qian Wolong's house.

However, when he arrived in front of Qian Wolong's villa, he realized that the door was closed and the door was closed. There should be no one there.

Taking out his mobile phone, Ding Ning dialed Qian Wolong's number, but it was not Qian Wolong who answered, only Zhao Long's voice came.

Ding Ning inquired, and only then did he know that Qian Wolong was not in Jiangling, but went to Shangjing, and was resting at this time.

That being the case, Ding Ning didn't say much and hung up the phone.

He was not in a hurry to find out about the Dongying people, and besides, he had a way to prevent those Dongying people from finding Banjiao.

Taking a taxi back home, younger sisters Ding Qinghe and Chen Xiaoxiao were about to go downstairs to go shopping, but the younger sister had to drag Ding Ning along with them.

In desperation, Ding Ning had no choice but to accompany the two of them to stroll around the commercial center in Jiangling, bought a lot of clothes and jewelry, and then returned home satisfied.

Glancing at the sky, Ding Ning was about to go back to the capital. However, before leaving, he had to do one thing. He told him to be careful of the Dongpu people. After that, he used a secret method to seal the breath of the half dragon without affecting it. Strength, in this way, even if there are Dongying people in Jiangling who want to target Banjiao, they will have no way to start.

Four hours later, Ding Ning returned to Shangjing.

At this time, the sky was already dark, the lights of thousands of houses had already been turned on, and the whole city was filled with neon lights.

Ding Ning stood in front of a tall building, staring at the most unique and tallest building in Shangjing, the Fuchun Mountain Palace!
"The address of the banquet that Li Wei mentioned is here." Ding Ning said lightly.

Two days ago, Li Wei almost begged him to come to this banquet, but Ding Ning didn't have the heart to refuse, so he agreed.

According to Li Wei, this banquet was held by one of the top five families in Shangjing, the Huangfu family.

At that time, there will be big figures from all over China coming here. It can be said that it is a rare high-end banquet in the past ten years.

Of course, Ding Ning was not interested in these things, and he only came because of Li Wei.

(End of this chapter)

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