The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 248 248 The new family! 1 more

Chapter 248 248 The new family! 1 more

Fuchun Mountain Palace.

This high-end building that best reflects identity, status, and appearance in Shangjing is brightly lit today.

The entire building was lit up, making it extremely eye-catching.

Such a scene, even the locals in the capital, have rarely seen it.

Especially at the very top of the Fuchun Mountain Palace, on the building of the Nine Dragons Opera Ball, all nine dragon balls are lit up, which may not happen once in ten years.

And tonight, it's lit up.

There was an endless stream of people entering the Fuchun Mountain Palace building, all dressed brightly, with suits and ties, and they seemed to be very serious.

Ding Ning's clothes are more casual, casual clothes, very lifelike.

When he walked to the door, because of his low-key attire, sure enough, he was stopped immediately.

"Sir, not everyone can enter here at will. If you have nothing to do, please leave." The security guard stepped forward and stopped Ding Ning, but his words were quite polite, not rude or unreasonable.

"I'm here for a party."

Hearing this, the security guard was stunned for a moment, and asked Ding Ning to show the invitation.

Of course, Ding Ning didn't have an invitation card. At that time, Li Wei asked him to come, but he didn't give him an invitation card, probably he missed it.

Just as Ding Ning was about to take out his mobile phone and make a call to Li Wei, a voice sounded from behind Ding Ning.

"Hey, don't block our way, get out of the way quickly, there is no invitation to join in the fun."

Ding Ning turned his head and saw a pretty but arrogant woman looking at him with disgust.

"Are you talking about me?" Ding Ning frowned.

"It's not about you, it's about who. Hurry up and get out of the way." The woman replied immediately, and finally muttered: "I don't know where the country bumpkins came from, come here to embarrass yourself."

Ding Ning felt sullen in his heart at the woman's venomous tongue, if he hadn't been too lazy to argue with the woman, he would have slapped him long ago, who are he beeping with?

"Suhua, why haven't you gone in yet?"

At this time, two men walked up behind the woman, one was a bit older, about 40 years old, and the other was very young, in his early twenties.

Seeing the middle-aged man, the woman seemed to have more confidence, she pointed at Ding Ning and said, "This country bumpkin stands in the way, it's annoying to see."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man and the young people around him looked together, and when they saw that the person in front of them was Ding Ning, they were all stunned for a moment.

It's you?

Li Liguo, Li Sheng and his son exclaimed almost at the same time.

Ding Ning did not expect that this woman was Li Sheng's family.

"Do you know each other?" Seeing that her husband seemed to know Ding Ning, the woman asked suspiciously.

Li Liguo naturally recognized Ding Ning. Ding Ning's visit left him a deep impression. In his eyes, Ding Ning was by no means an ordinary young man.

Even Qian Wolong has to pay attention to it, how dare he, Li Liguo, take it lightly.

But right now, his wife dared to provoke Ding Ning. Seeing Ding Ning's uncertain expression at this time, Li Liguo's heart skipped a beat, and he raised his hand and slapped the woman beside him, scolding: "Why are you talking to Ding Ning?" Sir, please apologize to Mr. Ding immediately."

The woman was stunned. She didn't understand why her husband treated her like this. What's so great about this young man in rustic clothes.

She didn't want to apologize, but seeing Li Liguo's serious eyes, she opened her mouth and expressed her apology.

"Mr. Ding, I'm sorry."

Li Guoli hurriedly said: "Mr. Ding, don't blame her, she doesn't know you."

"Forget it." Ding Ning replied lightly. Hearing this, Li Liguo was relieved.

"Mr. Nading, you are busy first, we will go in first." Li Liguo put on a smile, and then led Li Sheng and his wife into the building.

After Li Liguo and the others had completely entered the building, not long after, Li Wei ran out of the building, saw Ding Ning at the door, and gasped, "Master, I'm to blame, I forgot to get you an invitation."

If he hadn't seen Ding Ning's call, Li Wei would have forgotten about it, so he ran down immediately.

"Let's go." Ding Ning walked in front, and the security guard wanted to stop him, but Li Wei took out an invitation card to signal, and the security guard backed away.

"Master, I thought you wouldn't come." Li Wei walked ahead and led the way, talking non-stop. After a few days of seeing each other, Ding Ning felt that this guy had gained weight again.

It didn't take long for the two of them to come to a huge hall. There were many people in it. Looking at it, there were no fewer than a hundred people. It was much bigger than Qian Wolong's birthday party before.

The presence of so many people is enough to show the influence of the Huangfu family.

Through Li Wei's description, Ding Ning already had a general understanding of the Huangfu family in his heart.

This is a family that is countless times stronger than the Zhang family, Wang family, Huang family and other families. In Shangjing, it has a deep foundation and strong energy, and it has stood for decades without falling down.

The banquet was hosted by the Huangfu family.

"Master, you don't know that the people who can participate in the banquet held by the Huangfu family are all famous people from all over the country."

"I have no identity, and I don't even have the qualifications to step here."

Li Wei knew that Ding Ning was not very clear about the situation of the various families in the upper capital. At this time, he acted as a commentator, constantly introducing, pointing to the crowds in front of him, introducing his identity.

Generally, people who pass by here and see Li Wei will take the initiative to say hello.

"You're doing really well," Ding Ning said.

Li Wei hurriedly said: "Master, don't bully me. I can have what I am today, not because of you, God Ding, my Li family has jumped into the second-level family now, otherwise If it was in the past, they wouldn't even look at me when they saw me, and they would all be dragged to the sky."

"Hehe, do I still have such a big face? Why don't I know." Ding Ning smiled lightly.

Li Wei said seriously: "Master, don't underestimate yourself. Nowadays, there are not many people in the capital who don't know your name. They don't know you. If they do, they all have to come to greet you at this time. "

Ding Ning smiled, he didn't care about these things, but what Li Wei said was right, he Ding Ning destroyed the Wang and Huang families and was still safe and sound. There will be some family members who have repeatedly shown goodwill to him.

"Great God, my family is over there, why don't we go there, father and Patriarch, I want to thank you, you are a nobleman of our Li family." Li Wei said.

"No need, it's not a big deal." Ding Ning shook his head. The Li family was able to move from the third-level family to the second-level family in just a few days. .

Ding Ning couldn't go over, Li Wei smiled wryly, and said, "Master, please save face."

"is it okay."

Ding Ning was covered in goosebumps by Li Wei, so he had no choice but to nod.

At this time, Li Guoli brought Li Sheng and his wife in front of the crowd of Li's family. The woman was still complaining about the time Li Guoli hit her.

"What is that country bumpkin? Although we are offshoots of the Li family, but now that our family has gone a step further, our energy has also increased. Why should we be afraid of him as a young man?"

Li Guoli's face changed a few times when he was told by the woman, and it made sense after thinking about it, no matter how powerful he was, he was just jumping around in the small place of Jiangling, and it was impossible for Ding Ning to make such a big wave when he went to the capital.

"Okay, I was wrong, I'll take care of him, okay?" Li Liguo figured it out, now that his Li family is in power, Li Guoli took the opportunity to say something nice, and he was afraid that he would not be able to offend him.

Thinking about how he was afraid of Ding Ning at the door and slapped his wife just now, he felt really ashamed.

His eyes flickered, Li Guoli felt that he was not in a hurry, and after the banquet was over, he had a good talk with Master Li.

He was not in a hurry to clean up Ding Ning, Li Guoli had a picture of Ding Ning at the door just now in Li Guoli's mind, as if Ding Ning couldn't get in.

"Hehe, even if you know some martial arts, you are still nothing but an ant in Shangjing, where there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers." Li Guoli felt that he should change his mentality.

Why is his courage getting smaller and smaller now?

(End of this chapter)

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