The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 249 249 He is the backer! 2 more

Chapter 249 249 He is the backer! 2 more

"Liguo, our family, how did we jump from the third-level family to the second-level family all of a sudden?"

Facing the woman's question, Li Liguo withdrew his mind and said, "I heard that we have relied on a big shot. It is because of this big shot that our Li family has gained a firm foothold in the second-level family in just a few days. foot."

When the woman heard this, she couldn't help asking curiously: "Which big man can have such great energy?"

"I just heard from members of my family that this big shot personally wiped out two top families in the second level not long ago!" When talking about this matter, Li Liguo couldn't help showing respect. With a look on his face, he continued: "The whole two second-level families have all been wiped out, and after this incident, this big man still has nothing to do. It seems that someone at the top is speaking for him. You said that our family relies on Isn’t this great man of mine very powerful?”

The woman took a deep breath, and there was a different light in her eyes. She seemed to be imagining how the great man could destroy the whole family of two second-level families. No loss, what kind of energy it has!
"Our family is really lucky to have such a big shot. With the help of this big shot, it won't take long for our family to become the top of the second-level family." The woman said happily.

Li Liguo nodded, "It's not difficult."

"I don't know if this big man will come to the banquet tonight. It would be great if we can meet each other." The woman looked forward to it.

Li Liguo's expression also brightened, and he also really wanted to see with his own eyes the appearance of this great man, what kind of domineering man he was.

After a few minutes, Li Sheng came back from the toilet with a complicated expression on his face, Li Guoli asked what was wrong.

After thinking for a long time, Li Sheng decided to speak out.

"What did you say? The children of my family really said that the big man's name is Ding Ning?" Li Guoli was stunned for a moment.

Li Sheng nodded, "I heard it with my own ears, this big man can't really be him."

Li Guoli shook his head, and said firmly: "Impossible, it must be impossible, maybe it's just a coincidence of the same name."

"But, I think..." Li Sheng wanted to say more, but Li Guoli waved his hand and said, "Stop talking, it must be the same name."

There are more and more people in the hall, and their identities are uneven, but basically, people with similar status and identities are in the same circle, so the whole hall looks like a lot of people, but it doesn't look chaotic.

People from the three levels of families in the upper capital occupy one place respectively, and people from all over the country occupy one place. Basically, the corners of the hall are full of people, and the middle place seems very empty.

Li Wei walked in front, leading Ding Ning to where the Li family was.

Patriarch Li saw Ding Ning and Li Wei from a distance, immediately stopped talking with others, and took the initiative to greet them.

This scene also caused Li Guoli, Li Sheng, and the woman's family to look over together.

When Li Guoli and his son saw Ding Ning next to Li Wei, they all twitched, feeling a bad feeling in their hearts.

The woman also stared at Ding Ning, and immediately her anger surged up again, and said to Li Liguo: "This guy is here, didn't you say that you want to deal with him, now is a good time, my family will definitely help."

How could Li Guoli have the mind to deal with the woman beside him, his eyes were fixed on Ding Ning and Li Wei, who were approaching.

He wanted to make sure whether Ding Ning in front of him was the big man Ding Ning from his own Li family.

"Patriarch." Li Wei said with a smile, then stepped aside and said, "Mr. Ding is here."

"Mr. Ding, you are here." Patriarch Li said very politely, with a smile on his face.

This person in front of him is a nobleman of his Li family. If it wasn't for the use of Ding Ning's name, his Li family would have to spend a lot of effort to enter the second-level family from the third-level family.

However, with Ding Ning's permission and support, those problems that seemed difficult to solve before were solved in an instant. With a little use of the relationship, and then using Ding Ning's name, all the families were very respectful and did not embarrass him. They all showed their favor one after another, making the Li family suddenly step into the second-level family.

In the past few days, the Li family has continued to expand, absorbing most of the remaining power of the Wang and Huang families, and only a small part has been divided up by other families. Although the remaining power of the Wang and Huang families is not much, they were once top-notch The family, for the Li family, is still a big piece of cake. After these days, it is almost a joke. As time goes by, it will completely become the strength of the Li family.

And all of this is thanks to Ding Ning. Many second-level families did not touch his Li family. The main reason is because of Ding Ning. They are afraid of Ding Ning's reputation and Ding Ning's behavior.

Who dares to provoke such a ruthless person so easily.

Just like that, his Li family seized this opportunity to grow rapidly and improve their strength. I believe that it will not take long before they will completely gain a foothold in the second-level family.

"I met Mr. Ding."

"Hello, Mr. Ding."

After the head of the Li family greeted him, the other pillars of the Li family behind him also spoke up one after another. Among them were Li Wei's uncles and uncles, who were all in their forties, but none of them showed contempt for Ding Ning. Because they know that the young man in front of them has unimaginable energy.

Seeing Patriarch Li's respectful and flattering attitude towards Ding Ning, and Ding Ning's occasional nodding and opening his mouth to speak a few words, Li Liguo couldn't help feeling infinite bitterness in his heart.

Just a moment ago, he was still thinking that his family was strong and he had a big shot. He could use this advantage to deal with Ding Ning, but right now, his thoughts were shattered.

Ding Ning is the big man in the Li family's mouth.

Li Sheng knew the bitterness in his father's heart and understood his father's mood at this time. Although he had a premonition, when he knew that the Ding Ning he was talking about was the Ding Ning he knew, Li Sheng couldn't believe it.

At this time, Li Sheng couldn't help recalling a sentence in his mind, gold really shines everywhere!

"Hey, Li Guo, you should go and deal with him. He has come to our family." The woman seemed to have not realized the real situation, and she was still yelling, wanting Li Liguo to avenge her.

"shut up!"

Unexpectedly, Li Liguo turned his head suddenly, glared at the woman fiercely, and scolded: "Are you blind? Didn't you see that person talking and laughing with the Patriarch? You still want me to go Get rid of him!"

"Do you know who he is? He's the big man we rely on, you stupid woman!"

Li Liguo finished speaking in one breath, and seemed to be venting his depression.

As for the woman, when she heard that the important person was Ding Ning, she felt as if she had been shocked by an electric shock, she stayed there for a long time, unable to believe it.

"Is he the big man?"

"Impossible, impossible..."

"He's obviously a brat!"

(End of this chapter)

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