The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 260 260 Incontinence! 1 more

Chapter 260 260 Incontinence! 1 more

The people present are all the sons and young masters of the upper-class society in the capital. Their knowledge is definitely well-informed, but the scene of the heart bubbling and bleeding continuously makes some people turn pale , unbearable.

The smell of blood permeated the air, and a man who was majestic just now lay there in the blink of an eye, motionless.

Everyone's eyes fell on Ding Ning at the same time, and they all swallowed their saliva.

This guy is too scary, he didn't talk too much at all, he killed people directly.

And seeing Ding Ning blowing the blood on his finger, it seemed that he stabbed the middle-aged man to death with one finger.

Looking at the blood hole on the chest of the middle-aged man, it was obvious that this was the case.


This is simply an unscrupulous lunatic who kills without blinking an eye.

The people present finally saw how terrifying the people who wiped out the Wang and Huang families were. Before, some people thought that Ding Ning's erasure of the Wang and Huang families was fake, and it might be because of the help of outsiders, but now, they witnessed After the scene, no one doubted anymore.

Didn't Ding Ning still look calm after killing someone?

It's as easy as crushing an ant to death.


Ding Ning's gaze swept across the faces of the crowd, everyone avoided Ding Ning's gaze, and did not dare to look directly at Ding Ning, who knew whether Ding Ning would kill them as well after meeting Ding Ning's gaze.

Zhang Dong turned his head and did not look directly at Ding Ning. Ding Ning's expression reminded him of the scene in the Emgrand KTV in Jiangling City. At that time, Ding Ning easily defeated the martial artist in an instant.

But what was very different from that time was that this time, Ding Ning directly killed the other party, there was no toss-and-blow fight at all, and once he made a move, it was a fatal attack.

"Is this his nature? Or is he becoming more and more ruthless?" Zhang Dong murmured in his heart, and Ding Ning's terror in his heart had once again risen to a higher level.

To say that the most shocking one at this time was Huangfu Xuan, because in his consciousness, even if Uncle Xuan made a move, even if he was not Ding Ning's opponent, he would not be killed immediately. It will lead to such an ending.

Now, he was left alone, without Uncle Xuan by his side, and suddenly became a sitting position.

"You dare to kill, kill the apprentice of the ancestor!" Huangfu Xuan pointed at Ding Ning and shouted loudly.

Although Uncle Xuan died, Huangfuxuan believed that Ding Ning did not dare to kill him, especially with so many people present, once Ding Ning killed him, he would be an enemy of the Huangfu family.

His Huangfu's family is one of the five major families in Shangjing, he believes that Ding Ning must know this, so he must be scrupulous.

Thinking of this, Huangfuxuan was no longer afraid.

The identity of the Huangfu family is his amulet, no matter how arrogant Ding Ning is, he still has to show face.

And just after Huangfuxuan scolded him, he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and he was grabbed by Ding Ning.

"What are you going to do? You killed the ancestor's apprentice, and the ancestor will definitely not let you go." Huangfuxuan swung his body, trying to break free from Ding Ning's palm, with a flustered look on his face, but he still couldn't help threatening Ding Ning. .

"I'm cleaning up the house for your ancestor. In your ancestor's name, there won't be that kind of apprentice who wants to take someone's life as soon as he comes up. If I kill him, it's too late for your ancestor to thank me, no Blame me." Ding Ning said lightly.

The corners of Huangfuxuan's mouth twitched, this was the first time he had heard of such nonsense.

"Do you think the old ancestor will believe your words? I will explain the truth to the old ancestor. You just killed someone on purpose." Huangfuxuan barked his teeth and claws.

Ding Ning looked at Huangfuxuan in front of him, and really wanted to laugh. This kind of young master's mentality is really unique. He has already fallen into a situation where people treat me like a knife and I treat you like fish, don't you know it?
I really thought that no one in the world could touch him.

"Oh? Are you going to explain the truth to your ancestor?" Ding Ning couldn't help laughing after all.

"That's right, the old ancestor found out, and will definitely not forgive you." Huangfuxuan said, even when he said this, he didn't know where the courage came from, and he showed a look of complacency.

"Then what if you don't have a chance to tell your ancestors?"

As soon as Ding Ning said this, the complacent look on Huangfu Xuan's face stopped abruptly and turned into a stiff face, unable to cry or laugh.

"You want to kill me?" Huangfuxuan's heart beat wildly at Ding Ning's words, especially after seeing Ding Ning's methods just now, Ding Ning said that killing him is not impossible, after all, his little life, now Just in Ding Ning's thought.

"If you kill you, your ancestor, they won't know your so-called truth, will they?" Ding Ning's words, like a dark wind, entered Huangfu Xuan's ears.

"No, you can't kill me. If you kill me, they will also tell my ancestors about you killing me." Huangfuxuan pointed to the group of young masters who were silent and did not dare to speak out.

"It's very simple, just kill them all." Ding Ning said lightly.

And this sentence fell into the ears of everyone present, no less than the sound of thunder, and their legs were so frightened that their legs went limp.

Nima, is Ding Ning planning to slaughter them all here?
Immediately, someone stood up and assured Ding Ning: "Young Master Ding, no, Mr. Ding, we really won't tell the truth. We swear that if we tell the truth, there will be a thunderbolt from the sky."

"Yes, we can swear, please let us go, this matter has nothing to do with us." Others also echoed one after another.

Just kidding, Ding Ning in front of him kills without blinking an eye. Although they all have identities and backgrounds, they are also very nervous when facing Ding Ning, a devil-like character.

Life is the most important thing, what face, all die.

Someone even pointed at Huangfuxuan and said: "Huangfuxuan, don't drag us into the water, we have no grievances or enmities with Mr. Ding, we won't go out and talk nonsense, you want to die, don't drag us to die together."

"Yes, none of us participated in this matter. It has nothing to do with us. We don't know anything. It's too dishonest for you to drag us into the water."

In an instant, everyone began to criticize Huangfuxuan one after another. They were all taken aback when they saw Huangfuxuan. You must know that these people were very respectful to him just now.

Li Wei, whose injury is slowly recovering, saw this scene in his eyes and sneered in his heart, did you, Huangfuxuan, also end up in this scene?
Hearing everyone's accusations, Huangfuxuan became the target of everyone's criticism. Looking at Ding Ning's indifferent gaze, Huangfuxuan was really scared.

Ding Ning slowly raised his hand.

Huangfuxuan's face immediately showed panic, and he said repeatedly: "You can't kill me, you can't kill me."

"Why can't I kill you? You don't need a reason to hurt anyone, and I don't need a reason to kill you either." Ding Ning returned what Huangfu Xuan said before, intact.

At the same time, his palm slowly extended towards Huangfu Xuan.

Huangfuxuan's pupils widened, and he kept saying: "Don't, don't, don't..."

And Ding Ning's hand was getting closer and closer, as if the god of death had come to arrest Huangfuxuan's life.

Just when Ding Ning's hand touched Huangfuxuan, Huangfuxuan's eyes widened, and his straight neck suddenly drooped.

He fainted.

At the same time, a foul and smelly smell emanated from Huangfuxuan's lower body.

(End of this chapter)

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