The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 261 261 Ding Ning Must Die! 2 more

Chapter 261 261 Ding Ning Must Die! 2 more

Huangfu Xuan did not die.

A frightened incontinent person, Ding Ning was afraid of getting his hands dirty.

He took Li Wei and Zhou Quan out of the Jinbi Palace. As for Huangfuxuan and the middle-aged man who was killed by him, Ding Ning, he ignored it. He believed that someone from the Huangfu family would come to deal with it.

As for whether Huangfu Xuan would tell Huangfu Weilong when he woke up, and wanted to take revenge on Ding Ning, Ding Ning didn't care at all.

Anyway, no matter what, he will fight Huangfu Weilong.

At that time, if Huangfu Weilong had the intention to kill, Ding Ning would not be merciful.

After Ding Ning left, everyone in the private room dared to pant and make noises. Just now when Ding Ning was present, none of them dared to speak nonsense, for fear of offending Ding Ning.

Afterwards, someone contacted the Huangfu family and took Huangfuxuan back. As for the death of the middle-aged man, the Huangfu family came to ask the people present, and no one dared to name Ding Ning.

They were really scared, afraid of talking nonsense and being retaliated by Ding Ning, that is a master who dares to kill.

After no results, the members of Huangfu's family could only go back first, and wait until Huangfuxuan woke up to find out the details.

Huangfu's family.

There was a corpse on the ground, it was Uncle Xuan.

Huangfu Weilong, Huangfu Yuan and several pillars of the Huangfu family were present, and none of them spoke, they were all waiting for Huangfu Weilong to speak.

Huangfu Weilong checked the blood hole in Uncle Xuan's heart, and thought for a while, "One blow is fatal, and the person who strikes is very strong."

"Old Ancestor, the person who made the move did not give our Huangfu family any face at all, and he didn't give you any face. He even killed your apprentice. This person must be severely punished." Huangfu Yuan said.

Huangfu Weilong got up, put his hands behind his back, and sat back on his seat, his face did not show any sadness because of the apprentice's death, and said calmly: "Is Xuan'er awake?"

"It should be soon. Once he wakes up, I will call him to your ancestor." After Huangfu Yuan finished speaking, his servants rushed over and said: "Patriarch, ancestor, Master Xuan is awake."

"Let him come here, the ancestor has something to ask him." Huangfu Yuan ordered.

Not long after, Huangfuxuan came in front of the crowd. At the same time, he also saw Uncle Xuan's body lying on the ground, and immediately, he couldn't help crying.

"Old ancestor, you have to decide for me, that guy, he killed Uncle Xuan, and he wants to kill me!"

"He is the devil, lawless and unscrupulous."

"He doesn't take anyone seriously, he is a murderer."

Ding Ning left too much shadow in Huangfuxuan's heart, to the extent that remembering what happened just now, it was a nightmare for Huangfuxuan.

Huangfu Xuan snotted his nose and burst into tears. Huangfu Yuan felt very ashamed when he saw it. He drank: "Don't be ashamed, take back your cowardice. Who is that person?"

Thinking of Huangfuxuan's appearance of being incontinent, Huangfuyuan became furious. How could his child be frightened like this? Huangfuyuan felt angry and distressed.

At the same time, he hated the person who frightened his son like this to death. Which arrogant person dared to touch Huangfu Yuan's son.

"Ding Ning, it's that Ding Ning." Huangfu Xuan said the person who shot.

After hearing that it was Ding Ning, both Huangfu Weilong and Huangfu Yuan were stunned for a moment, some did not expect it to be Ding Ning.

"What's going on? How could he kill you? Also, why did he attack you?" Huangfu Yuan asked.

Afterwards, Huangfuxuan told what happened. Of course, in his description, he must be the victim. Ding Ning was described as a big devil and a big villain.

However, my own son, I know, Huangfu Yuan can also think that it must be his son Huangfu Xuan who provoked Ding Ning first, but he, Huangfu Yuan, is a person who does not help relatives, no matter what the reason is, they are the ones who are ashamed and dead now Huangfu family.

"Old ancestor, look at this person..." Huangfu Yuan looked at Huangfu Weilong.

"Old Ancestor, this son is really arrogant. We must put an end to his arrogance. If you dare to kill your apprentice today, if you fail to keep it in the future, you will dare to deal with our Huangfu family just like you did to the Wang and Huang families."

"Yes, although he is young, he is very dangerous, especially with great growth potential. It is better to get rid of such a person as soon as possible, so as not to endanger our Huangfu family in the future."

Huangfu Yuan's elder brothers also spoke one after another, and they all agreed that they wanted to get rid of Ding Ning.

"Everyone be quiet and listen to the old ancestor." Huangfu Yuan signaled everyone to be quiet, wanting to hear how Huangfu Weilong would deal with it.

After all, the real speaker of the Huangfu family is Huangfu Weilong.

"Do you know why I proposed to compete with him?" Huangfu Weilong said calmly, looking at everyone.

"Grandpa, what do you mean?"

Huangfu Weilong smiled, but there was a murderous intent in his smile: "Because not only our Huangfu family wants him to die, but others also want him to die."

Huangfu Yuan and others didn't know who the other people in the ancestor's mouth represented, but what Huangfu Weilong said was obvious. He also planned to kill Ding Ning in the sparring with Ding Ning.

"This Ding Ning has joined the Yiren Group. With this backing, I can't shoot him for no reason, and I will offend the Yiren Group. Killing him will not be worth the loss, but in the name of sparring, even if he dies, the Yiren The human team will not say anything, they can only say that he made a mistake, or that he is not as skilled as others."

Huangfu Weilong revealed the truth. Outsiders don't know Ding Ning's identity as a member of the Inhuman Group, but it is not difficult for the Huangfu family to find out.

Another point, Huangfu Weilong didn't say clearly, killing Ding Ning, his Huangfu family can get closer to that force, getting rid of Ding Ning, for his Huangfu family, it will be beneficial and harmless.

With Huangfu Weilong's words, all members of the Huangfu family are relieved, and only two days later, the day of the sparring will come and Ding Ning's life will be ended.


"Master, this is Huangfu Weilong's information."

Li Wei's injuries were all healed, and he put a folder in front of Ding Ning.

After coming out of Jinbi Palace with Ding Ning, he went back to his family first, and then rushed back to the dormitory in the evening to bring these materials.

Ding Ning picked it up, glanced at it casually, let alone, he really didn't know, because Qian Wolong didn't know as much as the above.


Ding Ning knew that this kind of information was definitely not easy to obtain. It was not easy for Li Wein to collect so much, and he also wanted to help him not to lose to Huangfu Weilong.

Li Wei smiled and said nothing.

His Li family is now more prosperous than Ding Ning's, and everyone in the Li family knows this. Therefore, once Ding Ning is finished, their Li family will fall to the second level of the family, and it will be even worse than before.

In order to keep their current status, the Li family naturally had to spend a lot of money to help Ding Ning as much as possible, so they put great effort into collecting information about Huangfu Weilong.

Ding Ning glanced at the information in his hand, the more he looked, the more surprised he became, because compared with Huangfu Weilong described by Qian Wolong, the records above were more detailed.

(End of this chapter)

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