The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 275 2758 Hexagram Sword Formation! 1 more

Chapter 275 275 Bagua sword array! 1 more

All 35 Heavenly Sword Immortals lost their minds because of Ding Ning's first move.

Not to mention breaking the blade with bare hands, unexpectedly, he really resisted everyone's attack.

This is somewhat beyond everyone's expectations.


Fang Tiankui's loud roar woke everyone up. Immediately, the rest of the Heavenly Sword Immortals started to move, surrounding Ding Ning, constantly changing their shapes. At this time, the positions of each of them moved according to a certain pattern.

If you look at it from the sky, 35 is constantly wandering, forming a picture of the eight trigrams.

This is the eight trigrams sword array, which was created by Qingcheng Mountain.

Ding Ning was able to break the long sword with his fingers, which made Fang Tiankui realize that facing Ding Ning alone might be really dangerous. No wonder Li Tiangang died in Ding Ning's hands. This man's strength is not ordinary terror.

Based on this, he didn't intend to deal with Ding Ning alone at the beginning, and everyone acted together, not to mention the guarantee, everyone can be said to have contributed to Li Tiangang's revenge.

Looking at it now, this decision was extremely wise. Although the first strike failed, for everyone, it could only be regarded as being amazed by Ding Ning's strength, not fearful.

What's more, this has only just begun to fight, and they haven't used their strongest methods yet.

There are 35 of them, although in terms of individual strength, not all of them have reached the level of Martial Saints, but when all of them work together to form a sword array, even if the opponent is a Martial Saint, they can easily kill them.

The sword array was just now their sharp weapon to kill the enemy.

The gossip sword formation was quickly formed, and Ding Ning was still surrounded in the center.

Ding Ning was a little surprised to see the [-] or so Heavenly Sword Immortals laying down the sword array, constantly changing angles and positions. In his previous life, he didn't stay on Earth for a long time. After leaving the world of comprehension, I know very little about the martial practitioners on Earth. I didn't expect the martial practitioners on Earth to form formations, especially this sword formation. Even Ding Ning couldn't help but be amazed when he saw it.

He underestimated the martial practitioners on earth, as Huangfu Weilong said, there are quite a lot of capable people and strange men on earth.

There are not a few strong ones.

I don't know how powerful this sword formation is, but if they dared to appear after Huangfu Weilong was defeated, the power of the things that the Heavenly Sword Fairy took out these days could at least surpass Huangfu Weilong.

"Let's fight!"

"Kun array."

"Shock array."

Several voices sounded from around Ding Ning, eight directions, eight formations, forming a huge gossip sword formation.

The sword formation is complete.

With the completion of the Eight Diagrams Sword Formation, the aura from the heavens and the earth began to flow in, injecting into the body of the 35th Heaven Sword Immortal to maintain the Eight Diagrams Sword Formation.

Conquering the enemy with formations and cultivating with formations is the most terrifying aspect of Tianjianxian. There are too few people who can do this.

In the entire world of martial arts practitioners, Qingcheng Mountain is probably the most.

The martial practitioners who witnessed this scene were all shocked by the creation of the sword array. In their line of sight, they could faintly see a gossip phantom floating above the heads of the 35 Heavenly Sword Immortals, glowing faintly. golden light.

"Only when I step into the Martial Saint Realm can I directly absorb the aura between the heaven and the earth, and these Heavenly Sword Immortals only need to set up a sword array, even if they have not stepped into the Martial Saint Realm, they can still use the aura to practice. The means, I am afraid that they have already broken through that layer of shackles."

Huangfu Weilong said enviously, with this kind of sword formation to assist in cultivation, how many detours can be avoided and how much time can be saved, but it is a pity that Qingcheng Mountain will not spread this method.

Furthermore, for today's Huangfu Weilong, no matter how strong the sword array is, it is useless. After all, this thing cannot be deployed by one person.

His realm doesn't need to be like this anymore.

He now wants to know how he will face Ding Ning in the Eight Diagrams Sword Formation.

As the leader of the crowd, Fang Tiankui was in charge of the gossip sword formation at this time, seeing Ding Ning facing their sword formation and still maintaining his previous expression, he couldn't help sneering in his heart.

"Let's see how long you can continue to be rampant. Once our Qingcheng Mountain sword formation is completed, we can cross the border to kill the enemy. What's more, if you gather the strength of 35 of us, even if you have the ability to reach the sky, you will be buried under our sword formation."


Fang Tiankui's expression changed, and he said loudly: "Duizhen."


With the sound of "Dui", the three Heavenly Sword Immortals rushed out from the encircled sword formation, and as they rushed towards Ding Ning, a golden shadow with the word 'Dui' representing the direction of the Eight Diagrams rushed over.

In the Eight Diagrams Sword Formation, Dui Formation, one of the eight small formations, began to charge and attack first.

The three Heavenly Sword Immortals stood shoulder to shoulder and formed a row. The sword aura of the three long swords in their hands turned into a huge sword aura, and slashed at Ding Ning fiercely.

The phantom of the Dui character also merged into it, multiplying the power of this sword energy.


Before it arrived, Wei went ahead, and the terrifying sword energy traversed the sky, as if to cut the sky and the earth in two.

Those who watched this scene couldn't help but gasp, shocked by the power of this sword array. Compared with before, this is a huge ultimate move, and its power has increased geometrically.

It's not just as simple as three people working together.

If everyone's sword qi were fused together, how terrifying it would be is unimaginable.

Everyone who saw this scene felt that Ding Ning must be in danger, and this was the attack of the three people.

Fang Tiankui smiled lightly, he wanted to see the panic expression on Ding Ning's face, but unfortunately, he stared at it for a long time, and Ding Ning's expression did not change in the face of the attack, which made Fang Tiankui a little disappointed.

It can really be installed!

Fang Tiankui didn't think that Ding Ning really hadn't changed at all, he must be strong and calm, deliberately showing no expression.

"See how long you can survive." Fang Tiankui snorted softly, and said again: "Gen Zhen."

Swish swish.

Three more Heavenly Sword Immortals rushed up, turning into another huge sword energy, ready to make up the knife after the first sword energy fell.

Calmly watching the two sword qi attacking towards him one after another, Ding Ning's eyes were really calm.

Although he was amazed at the beginning that the opponent could set up a sword formation, but that was all.

Thinking about how many formations Ding Ning had encountered in the cultivation world back then, among those formations, there were countless ones that could destroy the world. Compared with those formations, the eight trigrams sword formation in front of him is like a child's play.

It's no wonder he can change color.

Because in Ding Ning's mind, these formations are too crude, and with the vision of his previous life, he can see through the loopholes of the eight trigrams sword formation at a glance.

Even though the two small gossip formations are attacking right now, Ding Ning still has no change in expression, because he can break through them easily.

"Since you are attacking me with a sword formation, I will show you what a real sword formation is."

Flipping his palm, a short sword appeared in Ding Ning's hand. This sword was obtained from the poisonous man. It is very sharp and a good weapon.

At this time, Fang Tiankui and others used the sword array as their ultimate move, and Ding Ning decided to use the same sword technique to teach the other party how to behave.

Suddenly, the first huge sword qi strikes, hanging above the head.

Ding Ning didn't move, he just threw the dagger to the sky, and immediately made a handprint, saying calmly: "Flowers bloom in Kyushu, and one sword can transform into thousands."

(End of this chapter)

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