The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 276 276 Sword Formation Power! 2 more

Chapter 276 276 Sword Formation Power! 2 more

The sword energy suddenly fell, slashing from top to bottom with an unstoppable momentum.

This blow was the power of the formation, which was deduced by the three Heavenly Sword Immortals.

The three of them stood side by side, watching Ding Ning being cut in two by their sword qi. At this moment, they didn't have any intention of holding back their hands. Their only purpose was to kill Ding Ning.

When they saw Ding Ning throw a broken sword in the face of their attack, the three of them were all stunned for a moment, and then they couldn't help laughing.

Want to use this broken sword to block their attacks?
it is ridiculous.

But, immediately after, their laughter stopped abruptly, because that seemingly inconspicuous dagger changed thousands of times in an instant, as if countless copies were made in an instant, and many swords flew out of it. Take the short sword and immediately attach it to the cut sword energy.

He forcibly held back the sword energy, making it stop an inch above Ding Ning's head.

As long as he slowed down or didn't hold back, Ding Ning's head would have been cut in half by the sword energy just now.

Fang Tiankui was stunned for a moment, stunned by this sudden scene, he was expecting Ding Ning to be killed, and the sudden attack was blocked, which was really surprising.

The first sword energy was counterbalanced, and Gen Zhen's attack had not yet approached, but it was also blocked by thousands of daggers, preventing it from falling.

"I don't believe that you can withstand all the Bagua sword formations."

I thought it would be enough to use two small gossip formations, but now Fang Tiankui couldn't hold back, so he drank softly again, his voice vibrating between heaven and earth.




Even the strongest 'gan formation' and 'kun formation' were all dispatched.

This time, the rest of the Heavenly Sword Immortals all attacked, just as many people who watched the battle had expected, what a terrifying attack it would be if all the Heavenly Sword Immortals shot together, this time it became a reality.

The sword energy from the remaining six small gossip sword arrays began to fuse together one after another, turning into a more terrifying sword energy.

Ten meters, 20 meters, 50 meters, a hundred meters, a thousand meters!

This time, the sword aura was as big as a black cloud, and an ultra-long sword aura covered the sky and hung in the air. Although the sword aura was formed by condensing energy, it looked like a real long sword at this moment , can also reflect cold light.

Such a sword attack, just from the appearance, you can feel how terrible it will be once it falls.

"This time, let's see how you resist." Fang Tiankui snorted, and immediately ordered the others to urge the huge sword energy to slash towards Ding Ning.

The huge sword energy seemed to cut a hole in the sky and the earth, and was urged by the heavenly sword immortals to kill Ding Ning.

As the sword qi slashed out, a huge storm suddenly formed below it, sweeping away in all directions.


Everyone on the cliff was blown back by the gust of wind, whether it was Huangfu Weilong, Qian Wolong, or other martial practitioners, they were all shocked by this giant sword energy.

"This sword can destroy saints!" Huangfu Weilong felt his scalp go numb, even though he had been a martial saint for many years, he was also frightened by the sword energy. He felt that if he faced this blow, he would probably fall.

Gathering the power of many Heavenly Sword Immortals, and then assisting the formation, the power is too powerful, and he is no match for Huangfu Weilong.

At this moment, the figures of the Heavenly Sword Immortals, like the gods and men in the myth, all the stars gathered together, turned into a monstrous blow, sweeping Ding Ning.

"Little friend Ding..."

"Leader brother..."


"Ding Ning..."

Many people related to Ding Ning showed signs of worry again at this time. Compared with the previous worry, this time it was the strongest, because the momentum this time was really terrifying. It didn't look like the power that humans could emit, it was like a god. handwriting.

The horror of the Heavenly Sword Immortal in Mount Qingcheng was deeply engraved in everyone's minds.

call out……

The sky suddenly darkened, because the ultra-long sword slashed down, covering all the light, especially this aura, which made people on the cliff in the distance feel frightened, feeling like the end of the world is coming.

"Even if this blow loses the power of the two small gossip formations, it's enough to kill you!"

Fang Tiankui is very sure that this eight trigrams sword formation has never been missed. Anyone who offends Qingcheng Mountain will die under this sword formation in the end.

Ding Ning could not escape this ending.

The sword energy is suddenly tens of times stronger, and its power must also be increased by dozens of times.

Ding Ning's unmoving expression, at this time, still has no superfluous expression. Seeing the giant sword slashing down, Ding Ning's hands made handprints again, "Kyushu Flower Sea, ten thousand swords return!"


The short sword absorbed by the previous two sword qi merged into one place in an instant, and also turned into a huge long sword, facing the giant sword qi that was hundreds of times larger than itself.

And the sword energy produced by the Dui array and Gen array became illusory and fuzzy at this time. Ding Ning's move just now absorbed all the energy of the sword energy, leaving only the body.

A sky-lifting sword qi, a big sword composed of tens of thousands of small daggers, collided with the needle point against the wheat awn in an instant.

"court death."

Seeing that Ding Ning dared to take this blow head-on, Fang Tiankui sneered, and the rest of the Heavenly Sword Immortals also sneered. In their view, Ding Ning was courting death in disguise. ?
This giant sword energy can be said to be the strongest attack power of the Eight Diagrams Sword Formation, and it is the strongest killing move that can only be produced by gathering the strength of almost everyone.


Where there was a collision, there were sparks and lightning flashing.

The short sword temporarily blocked the falling of the giant sword energy, and the expressions of the Heavenly Sword Immortals headed by Fang Tiankui changed one after another.

"It's okay, he can't resist it."

Soon, they discovered that the giant sword energy was not completely blocked, but the speed of the falling was slowed down, but in fact, it was still falling.

This shows that Ding Ning's methods are still unable to truly block or resolve this move.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

At the fifth second, the dagger turned into a great sword, which began to crack and shatter into pieces.

In the next second, the great sword was completely shattered, and at the same time, the body of the extremely sharp short sword was quickly covered with cracks, and immediately, like sand, it was blown away by the wind!


Seeing this, Fang Tiankui and the other Heavenly Sword Immortals smiled, and they knew that Ding Ning couldn't resist, and now Ding Ning would definitely die.

Seeing the short sword shattered and the giant sword energy continue to fall, Ding Ning felt a little pity for a good weapon. Of course, it was just a pity, and he didn't feel bad. Although the short sword is sharp, it is not a magic weapon after all. Remind.

It seems that Sword Immortal still has some strength these days.

That being the case, he can only rely on himself to resist now.

Ding Ning didn't back down. Under the attention of all the people, in the hearts of many people, Ding Ning must die under the thought of this blow, only to see Ding Ning stretch out his palm again.

Everyone subconsciously thought, does he still want to break the blade with bare hands?
However, this sword energy is so terrifying, has he broken it?
In the next second, Ding Ning explained the answer in his heart for everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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