The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 282 282 Peaceful days! 1 more

Chapter 282 282 Peaceful days! 1 more

"Three years ago, I experienced the strength of that monster by the riverside. Several generals made a move, which was enough to subdue it, and the entire army was wiped out..."

The man in ancient clothes pondered for a while, and then asked, "Have their bodies been found?"

The kneeling figure shook his head.

"Could it be that the monster's strength has increased? Impossible, there must be other factors." The man in ancient clothes said to himself, judging the cause of the death of the six warriors a few days ago.

"My lord, could it be that local martial arts practitioners have intervened in this matter?" The kneeling figure reminded.

"I'll know if I do a divination."

The man in ancient clothes stood up, picked up a pair of dominoes from an altar, and muttered a few words silently before putting the dominoes back in front of his eyes.

After staring at the dominoes for a while, the man in ancient clothes flashed his expression, "It seems that local martial arts practitioners are really involved. Find out how many people in Jiangling City can pose a threat to generals."


The kneeling figure retreated, and not long after, a gorgeous-looking woman in pink kimono came on wooden clogs, knelt behind the man in ancient clothes, rubbed his shoulders lightly, and said softly, "Teacher, do you need me to help? "

"It's not time for you to make a move yet."

"Teacher, then I..."

"Your only task now is to serve me." The man in the ancient costume turned around, picked up the woman in the kimono, pressed her under him, and closed the wooden door casually, isolating the beautiful scenery of spring.


After passing the graduation thesis, Ding Ning completed four years of study in less than a year and became the fastest graduating student of Shangjing University.

This incident caused Ding Ning's name to spread again in the school.

The School of Political Science and Law commended Ding Ning, and Shangjing University itself also commended Ding Ning, and awarded Ding Ning a certificate of honor as a three-good student.

Ding Ning did not go to accept the award, Zhou Quan received it on his behalf. Thinking of what happened between Ding Ning and many families in Shangjing, and looking at the three-good student award in his hand, Zhou Quan couldn't help but smile wryly. Is it appropriate for this award to be awarded to Ding Ning?

Ding Ning killed 35 Heavenly Sword Immortals, but he didn't wait for revenge at Mount Qingcheng. Instead, he was surrounded by many classmates every day. Wherever he went, people came running to either sign autographs or take photos together. He was almost becoming a star.

Faced with this kind of thing, he couldn't beat or scold him, he could only avoid it, but what was even more ruthless was that these classmates ran to his dormitory to block him, and even the female classmates ran in.

Ding Ning felt that the dormitory of this school would not be able to live, otherwise he would have to deal with these trivial matters every day. Anyway, he had finished his studies, and the regrets of his previous life had been made up for, so it would be fine even if he left school.

So Ding Ning started looking for a place to move out of the school.

Li Wei suggested that Ding Ning live in his Li family. Now that the Li family's territory has expanded, all the territories of Wang and Huang's family have been included in his Li family's sphere of influence, just like changing a shotgun for a cannon.

Ding Ning refused, because the Li family is a big family, it's too noisy, and after all, it's not his own territory, so he can't get used to it.

He wanted to find a place to live by himself, and then, Ding Ning began to wander around the capital, looking for a place he liked.

The urban area, Ding Ning was the first to veto it, was noisier than the school, so he could only focus on the suburbs.

Ding Ning had something to do, so the Li family was naturally very enthusiastic. Li Wei just said something to the Li family leader, and the Li family leader came in person and ran after him.

Almost all the suburbs around Shangjing were visited. In the end, Ding Ning chose a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters. It was sparsely populated and very clean. The most important thing was that the aura here was stronger than other places. declined here.

But Ding Ning caught his eye. The head of the Li family said on the spot that his Li family would be responsible for the construction of the house and would finish it as quickly as possible.

Since the Li family is in charge, Ding Ning doesn't have to worry about it anymore. Because of his relationship, the status of the Li family has undergone tremendous changes. It is not an exaggeration to build a residence for him now.

But for the time being, he has to live on campus.

The men's dormitory has increased guards, and no girls dared to sneak in. Coupled with Li Wei's warning, there were fewer male students who dared to continue to surround the dormitory door, and Ding Ning was able to calm down.

In fact, the enthusiasm of the students won't last long. In a few days, Ding Ning will look like a passing star.

Liu Ruyi called Ding Ning and asked him how he was thinking about continuing to study in other colleges. If Liu Ruyi hadn't reminded him, he would have almost forgotten about it. After all, he was about to leave school and end his campus life completely.

However, at the beginning, he told Liu Ruyi that he could go to other academies to continue his studies, and he had the right to relax while practicing.

He would naturally be responsible for what he said, so he asked Liu Ruyi to recommend a major to him at will. Anyway, with his memory, he can quickly master any major.

After hanging up the phone, Qian Wolong called immediately after, greeted him, and went back to Jiangling.

On the second day, Liu Ruyi informed that all the procedures for entering another college were completed, and he could go to class. When Ding Ning was going to visit the new college, he forgot that he didn't know Liu Ruyi had chosen him. Which college?

He made a special call back to Liu Ruyi, only then did he know that this time he entered the School of History.

Ding Ning leisurely went to the School of History to take classes. All the freshman classes were his choice, and he could enter at will. This was the privilege that Liu Ruyi had won for him.

So under the watchful eyes of many first-year students from the history department, they ushered in Ding Ning, a new student. Seeing Ding Ning appear, many students were taken aback, thinking that Ding Ning had made a mistake, but the teacher on the podium saw Ding Ning Entering my class, I was overjoyed immediately, and I would like to introduce it to everyone. At this time, the students realized that Ding Ning is the second major for further study.

Originally, Ding Ning was from the School of Political Science and Law, but he finished all four years of courses in less than half a semester, and even graduated smoothly. This is enough to make people envious. Now this guy came to study In the second major, I became classmates with students of the same year.

Nima, you are also in the nine-year compulsory education, why are you so good.

Ding Ning looked at the classmates in front of him, and briefly introduced himself. Even without his introduction, everyone knew him.

To Ding Ning's surprise, he also saw acquaintances in the new class.

Sun Lei and Yang Jian are all sitting under the classroom right now.

Ding Ning smiled at the two of them, which scared them so much that their hearts almost jumped out.

They knew that Ding Ning was terrifying. They provoked Ding Ning before because they thought Ding Ning would be easy to deal with, but now they have a completely different idea. Ding Ning wiped out the Wang and Huang families one after another. Two days ago, he killed 35 Heavenly Swords in one go. Xian, the two of them have deeply realized that Ding Ning is not something they can afford.

No matter how dare they offend Ding Ning, seeing Ding Ning now, he looks like a quail honestly.


The two responded to Ding Ning with expressions that looked uglier than crying, fearing that Ding Ning would kill them too in a fit of anger.

Ding Ning didn't know that he was almost leaving a shadow in the hearts of the two of them.

He was really just saying hello normally.

(End of this chapter)

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