The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 283 283 Almost Offended! 2 more

Chapter 283 283 Almost Offended! 2 more

The peaceful days lasted for more than half a month, and Qingcheng Mountain's revenge never came.

During this period, Ding Ning once again demonstrated his rocket-like self-study speed in the School of History. In less than five days, he completed the freshman course by himself. of.

You finished our half-semester course in five days, doesn't it seem that we are too weak.

With this stimulation, many students wanted to take the exam with Ding Ning and be promoted to sophomore.

Courage is commendable, but in the end, many people felt a slap in the face.

The exam of the History Academy is purely about memory, because all the test points are related to whether you can remember or not. Without a strong memory, you can't pass the exam at all.

No, when a dozen or so students who also wanted to skip a grade looked at the test paper in front of them, they couldn't write for a while. There were indeed some test questions that they had never even seen before.

On the other hand, Ding Ning, when he found the test paper, it was like a godsend. He had never heard of the pen in his hand, and he was writing quietly, which made him envious.

Many students couldn't help but sigh in their hearts, learning this thing really requires talent.

Ding Ning was the first to finish answering and handing in the test paper. Then, under the gaze of everyone, he walked out of the examination room, surrounded by more students from the School of History.

"Great God, Great God."

Ding Ning heard Li Wei's voice, and he looked behind the crowd, where Li Wei and Zhou Quan were standing there, waving at him.

Squeezing out of the crowd, Ding Ning smiled and said, "Why are you here?"

"The Great God swept the first exam of the School of History, of course we are coming, let's go, let's go out to celebrate." Li Wei said.

He was not worried. Ding Ning failed the exam. It is normal to pass the exam, but it is not normal to fail the exam.

The three of them found a small shop and ordered a few dishes. Li Wei talked about the life of being invited by many families these days, and rushed to invite them every day.

"If it weren't for you, the Great God, no one would pay attention to me, Li Wei, in front of those sons and brothers. The person I, Li Wei, should be most grateful for today is you, the Great God." Li Wei said seriously.

Ding Ning smiled, he was not interested in the power in the capital, so the Li family didn't take his name to the present and didn't take it to heart.

After all, Ding Ning once stood on top of billions of stars, how could he be excited about being the king and hegemony in a city on a small earth.

To be honest, he doesn't care about developing on the earth at all. Now, the earth is just a station for him to recover his strength. He will leave here after all. The vast universe above his head is where he can flex his muscles. battlefield.

Li Wei said a lot of words of thanks, very sincere, which made people feel a lot of emotion, and Zhou Quan also expressed his thanks.

And it is precisely because of these words of thanks that Ding Ning also felt that the relationship between him and the two has changed. Li Wei and Zhou Quan and him are no longer purely roommates. Ding Ning became a big shot.

That sense of distance does not come from the space, but from the heart.

It's like people who are not on the same level, it's hard to get closer.

At the end of the meal, Li Wei was a little embarrassed: "Master, someone wants to pass me and want to see you. Originally, I could shirk it, but I really have to give face to this person."

"Okay, time and place." Ding Ning did not refuse.

A sense of disparity had already arisen, and Ding Ning didn't even think about smoothing it over. We were all roommates, and if he could help the two of them, he would do so.

The next day, Li Wei drove the car and stopped in front of the Fuchun Mountain Palace building.

As soon as he arrived at the destination, Ding Ning vaguely guessed the identity of the person who wanted to see him.

After entering it, what Ding Ning saw was a young man who was almost the same age as him, sitting on the sofa.

"Master, this is one of the five great families, the direct descendant of the Lin family, Young Master Lin." Li Wei introduced.

"Hello." Lin Gao smiled, asked Ding Ning to sit down, and then sat back himself.

"You have something to do with me?" Ding Ning cut to the chase.

"Hehe, I'm looking for you. I really have something to do. Since you are so straightforward, I won't beat around the bush. To tell you the truth, I appreciate your strength. If you are interested in doing things for me, you can ask for any conditions."

"I don't know what you want?"

Lin Gao said lightly, Ding Ning's strength is highly valued by the family, if he can subdue Ding Ning and control Ding Ning in the palm of his hand, then Lin Gao will definitely be highly regarded by everyone.

"Not interested." Ding Ning stood up, ready to leave.

"Wait, do you really not think about it?"

Although he thought that Ding Ning would refuse, he offered that Ding Ning could put forward any conditions, but Ding Ning refused without even thinking about it, which made Lin Gao very unhappy.

In his opinion, this Ding Ning is too ignorant, with some strength, does he still want to go crazy?
"I don't have the habit of doing things for others. If you want to find a subordinate, you have found the wrong person." Ding Ning said directly. He didn't want to tell Lin Gaoduo, but wanted to recruit him to be his subordinate. How could this be possible.

"Do you still want to offend my Lin family?" Seeing that Ding Ning was about to go out, Lin Gao shouted.

Ding Ning put down the hand that opened the door, turned around slowly, looked at Lin Gao with an indifferent expression, and said, "So what if you offend me, I don't pay attention to the Huangfu family, what are you doing with the Lin family. "

"You..." Lin Gao was very angry.

He wanted to curse, but in the end he swallowed it back. Ding Ning's strength left a deep impression on him. This is the master who dared to kill the Heavenly Sword Immortal of Qingcheng Mountain. If he provoked the other party, he would kill him too. It would be a tragedy.

"Young Master Lin, don't be angry, the Great God is like this, don't take it to your heart." Seeing this, Li Wei couldn't stay any longer, and hurriedly chased Ding Ning.

Lin Gao ignored Li Wei's words. Looking at the closed door, Lin Gao's face was cold: "Well, Ding Ning, do you really think you are a martial artist, so you can despise our Lin family? I won't let you It's been rampant for too long."

"I'll get it back sooner or later."

Li Wei caught up and apologized to Ding Ning, but Ding Ning didn't blame Li Wei, knowing that Li Wei cared about the Lin family behind Lin Gao. After all, the first-level family had a strong impression on Li Wei and their entire Li family. It's deep, even if their family status has been improved, they dare not offend these first-level families.

"In the future, if there is such a son who wants to see me again, don't tell me." Ding Ning said.

"I see." Li Wei nodded fiercely.

On the second day, another first-level son sent a message to Ding Ning, asking Ding Ning to do something for him. Ding Ning always answered all of these questions.

And those who received the reply were all furious and furious.

In a few days, he offended the remaining four first-level families, except for the Zhao family, the Sima family, the Lin family, and the Wang family.

(End of this chapter)

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