The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 284 The 284 family is the whole world! 3 more

Chapter 284 The 284 family is the whole world! 3 more

To Li Wei's surprise, Ding Ning offended the three families of Lin, Sima, and Wang. Instead of retaliating against Ding Ning, the three families took the initiative to come to apologize.

There was even an apology banquet, and the heads of the three families asked the three young and old to express their apologies.

This move caused quite a stir in Shangjing.

These three families represented the power of the top families in Shangjing, but they actually bowed to Ding Ning, which made people feel surprised.

But there are also many families who expressed their understanding. After all, Ding Ning's strength lies there. Although he does not have a strong family background behind him, Ding Ning himself has a strong background. He does not need anyone to help him. He alone is enough.

The reason why the Lin family, Wang family, and Sima family took the initiative to apologize to Ding Ning must be because Ding Ning's personal strength is too strong.

So he didn't want to offend Ding Ning.

For a time, Ding Ning's reputation became more and more famous in the whole capital, and no family dared to underestimate him.

If a big family that has been passed down for many years is considered a wealthy family, then Ding Ning alone at this time is a wealthy family in the capital.


Lin Gao was very unhappy. It was his shame to apologize to Ding Ning. He didn't understand why the Patriarch had to ask him to apologize.

Even if Ding Ning is powerful, his Lin family shouldn't be so afraid.

Anyway, his Lin family is also one of the five big families.

What's more, Ding Ning didn't only offend his Lin family. Although the Huangfu family didn't say anything on the surface, they were all five big families. How could they not know the Huangfu family's hostility towards Ding Ning.

Just kept pressing.

Lin Gao couldn't figure it out, Ding Ning was only one person, why should his huge Lin family be so afraid of Ding Ning, even if his personal strength is strong, it is still limited.

Unable to figure out the key point, Lin Gao couldn't help but take the initiative to find the Patriarch, wanting to ask for clarification.

"Do you think we are really afraid of a young man?" Lin Jiazhu said.

"Isn't it?" Lin Gao asked.

Patriarch Lin smiled: "Remember, no matter how strong an individual is, it is limited in front of a country."

Lin Gao was puzzled, showing a puzzled expression, how could this be related to the national level.

Patriarch Lin was not in a hurry to speak, and continued: "Our five major families have been operating in Shangjing for many years. If we really use all our strength, let alone Ding Ning, no matter how strong a martial artist is, he will eventually perish. "

"Then why not kill him?"

"Kill? Why do you want to kill?" Patriarch Lin smiled: "It would be a pity to kill such a powerful young man."

"Patriarch, you mean, it's still useful to keep him?"

"Haha..." Patriarch Lin laughed loudly, with a teachable look on his face, and said: "Nowadays, many foreign forces are eyeing our Huaxia covetously, and they are constantly probing us. Our Huaxia has not many manpower available. This Ding Ning Joining the Inhuman Group will inevitably lead to collisions with foreign powerhouses, so instead of wasting our efforts against him, why not let him fight against those foreign powerhouses."

When Patriarch Lin said this, Lin Gao naturally understood that the five major families did not take action against Ding Ning, they just wanted to use Ding Ning's hand to fight foreign powerhouses. If they die, they will die. If they are alive, they can still protect the land of China, right? .

This is the real benefit maximization.

Seeing that Lin Gao understood the key point after thinking about it, Patriarch Lin taught: "So, you must learn to take a long-term view, and don't just look at the immediate moment for temporary pleasure."

"Patriarch's teachings, Lin Gao has remembered." Lin Gao bowed, this kind of opportunity to teach by precepts and deeds, only his direct descendants are qualified, ordinary people have no chance to receive such teachings from the Patriarch.

In fact, there is another point that Patriarch Lin didn't say. Their families didn't take action against Ding Ning. Apart from this reason, on the other hand, they were also waiting for the movement of Qingcheng Mountain. Ding Ning killed so many Heavenly Sword Immortals, Qingcheng Mountain shouldn't not take action. Yes, it's just that after so many days, Qingcheng Mountain has not moved at all, which is really puzzling.

The last point is that Ding Ning's strength is indeed a bit tricky. Once he fights against Ding Ning, unnecessary casualties will be caused.

After several considerations, the three families felt that it would be better not to provoke Ding Ning and let him collide with foreign powerhouses.

Regardless of whether Ding Ning is alive or dead at that time, it will be a good thing for them.

Talking to Patriarch Lin like Lin Gao, as well as the two sons of the Sima family and the Wang family, they, like Lin Gao, did not understand the family's apology, but there are not many people who speak so transparently like Patriarch Lin.


Ding Ning's daily life is still attending classes and practicing, almost two o'clock and one line.

Among them, cultivation took up most of the time, and the class became his adjustment after cultivation. Even so, Ding Ning still skipped a grade again, from the sophomore to the junior, which surprised the teachers of the history school. of.

It is estimated that once again, the School of History, whether it is a teacher or a student, will get used to this kind of skipping.

In less than a month, Ding Ning became a third-year senior from a freshman in the School of History. This was considered a record breaking in the School of History and became the first case in history.

Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, Ding Ning had been studying at the History Institute for more than a month, and the house built by the Li family was almost completed, and he was currently doing decoration.

He decided to go back to Jiangling first to see his family. Anyway, he was already far ahead of others academically.

Furthermore, the fact that the Dongying people appeared in Jiangling City has always been kept in his mind. He has not yet found out the identity and purpose of these Dongying people.

In particular, the target of these Dongying people was Ban Jiao last time. He had to figure out these Dongying people and eliminate some factors that might threaten his family.

The next day, Ding Ning returned to Jiangling City, his younger sister Ding Qinghe was away, and she was in school.

Since it was noon and both parents were at work, and there was no one at home, Ding Ning fell asleep, and he didn't wake up until the evening when his parents got off work.

Seeing Ding Ning come back, as parents, Ding Shengyuan and Yang Xueyi were naturally very happy, and Yang Xueyi started to work on dinner.

Ding Shengyuan asked about Ding Ning's college life, but Ding Ning simply dealt with it.

During this period, Ding Ning quietly checked the amulets he put on his parents, and he was relieved when he found that the amulets were still there. He was really afraid that something might happen to his family if the amulets disappeared.

Last time, the Wang and Huang families attacked his family, which made Ding Ning realize that even if he is powerful, it is difficult to take care of his family's safety at all times.

After all, he can't be with his family all the time.

The strength needs to be improved quickly, and it must be ensured that no one can hurt the family.

Ding Ning's desire to return to the peak strength of his previous life became even more urgent. Sometimes, he felt that this was a dream, a very real dream. He was afraid to wake up and find that everything in front of him was empty.

But fortunately, the facts tell him that all of this is real. The people around him are all flesh and blood, including himself. In this life, he can do his best without leaving any regrets.

"Hungry, eat."

Yang Xueyi brought the steaming food to the table, interrupting Ding Ning's trance. He looked at his parents in front of him, and secretly swore in his heart: "Even if I try my best, I will not allow anyone to hurt you."

(End of this chapter)

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