The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 293 294 Crack!Snapped!Snapped! 4 more

Chapter 293 294 Crack!Snapped!Snapped! 4 more

(I hope Chapter 4 is not too late! There is no rest this week!)
Jiang Peng wanted to take advantage of the fire and take advantage of the hostility towards Ding Ning from those around him to achieve his goal of getting close to Liu Ruyi. How could Ding Ning do what he wanted.

How could he need to rely on Liu Ruyi to beg others to protect him from the mere people in front of him.

"Miss Ruyi, your friend has a lot of opinions on me, sorry, I can't help him."

Jiang Peng suppressed the inexplicable panic in his heart, said something to Liu Ruyi, then stepped aside, and persuaded Liu Ruyi to back off too, not to get too close to Ding Ning, so as not to be troubled.

"This..." Liu Ruyi wanted to say more, but Ding Ning directly interrupted her, saying, "Trust me."

Afterwards, Ding Ning took the initiative to step forward and looked at many people in the martial arts world.

He said that everyone present was too weak, offended all martial practitioners, and now, they must not be kind.

Jiang Peng was behind, waiting to see Ding Ning's jokes. Ding Ning was so ignorant that he would soon pay the price for it.

"Are you saying I'm weak? I want to see how strong you are."

"I'll try this guy first to see if his skills are as powerful as his tone."

"Let me teach him a lesson for everyone."

Everyone wanted to fight Ding Ning first, so that he could teach Ding Ning a lesson, and they rushed over each other, as if sharpening their knives and rushing at the cattle and sheep.

In their hearts, they naturally thought that Ding Ning was the weak one, so they wanted to take the lead, lest others make a move, and they would not even have the chance to make a move.

When many people were arguing about who should make the first move, Ding Ning spoke again, and his voice reached everyone's ears: "You don't need to argue, let's go together to save time."

Go together?

It was said that all of them are too weak, now let them go together.



So defiant!

Every martial artist present was so angry at Ding Ning's tone, he looked down on them too much, no matter what, there were no less than 100 of them here, so it would be too disrespectful to ask them to fight together.

"This kid is too rampant, I can't bear it."

"Made, I can't stand it either, I've never seen someone so arrogant."

"I want him to eat a hundred of my fists."

As soon as Ding Ning finished speaking, no one argued anymore, because they were all irritated by Ding Ning's words, and they couldn't help but shot one after another.

Bidingning has never been seen to be arrogant in history.

Swish swish.

In an instant, five people rushed in, all of whom were martial practitioners at the general level. In normal times, with their strength, they would naturally not even have the desire to fight against ordinary people, let alone attack an ordinary person together.

But this time, they didn't care about their status as martial practitioners. Ding Ning in front of them was really too angry and had to be taught a lesson.

The five martial practitioners punched together, although not all of them used their full strength, but they still had three layers of strength, not to mention there were five more people punching together, if this punch fell, Ding Ning would definitely not be able to survive.

This is the price they want Ding Ning to pay, if he is defiant, he will be punished.

And their punishment is to kill.

"Be careful." Liu Ruyi reminded loudly, turning her head slightly to one side.

Ding Ning was rushed up by five people, Liu Ruyi couldn't bear to watch, she was afraid that Ding Ning would be maimed after all these people hit Ding Ning.

"It's useless to remind."

"If you say something you shouldn't say, you have to pay the price."


The five people were all in anger, and the attack came in an instant.

bang bang bang...

There were several muffled sounds, as if something had hit the ground.

All those martial artists who hadn't had time to make a move in the future stopped.

At first, they thought that the sound came from the attack on Ding Ning, but when they saw that the five people who attacked first were all lying on the ground, motionless, and only Ding Ning was standing, everyone was stunned.

what's the situation?
The script is wrong.

How can an ordinary person deal with five martial artists in an instant?Moreover, they are not ordinary martial arts practitioners, they all have the strength of generals.

"He...he is not an ordinary person...he is also...a martial artist!"

Finally, someone told a fact that shocked everyone. Could the person who can solve the five generals in an instant be an ordinary person?
It's impossible!

Then, the truth is self-evident, Ding Ning is a martial artist just like them.

As for why no one felt the breath of a martial artist in Ding Ning, the reason was very simple, because Ding Ning was stronger than all of them.

Only in this way can it be explained.

No wonder he dared to say that all of them are too weak. This is a strong martial artist. He has the capital. How to say it, how to say it, who has an opinion.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Are you here to compete for the Northern King?"

"Why have I never seen you?"

One question after another floated out, and many people in the martial arts wanted to know the answer from Ding Ning's mouth.

Facing many questions, Ding Ning didn't answer any of them, but simply replied: "I allowed you to go up together, but I didn't allow you to ask so many questions, where did the anger go, didn't you say that I will pay the price? "

When Ding Ning said this, the people in front of him all looked silent.

Just kidding, knowing that you are a strong martial artist, who would dare to make a move? Isn't that courting death?

No one wants to be a fool. If you know what you can't do, then you are stupid.

Many martial practitioners were satirized by Ding Ning and kept silent. They didn't have the momentum just now, but now they are all honest, and they have all become good babies.

After a while, no one moved. Ding Ning casually pointed at a person and said, "You, yes, it's you. I remember you just said that I was rampant and arrogant. Didn't you want to beat me up?"

"Ex... Senior... I used to have eyes but didn't know Mount Tai. How dare this junior fight with you? I was the one who was mean just now. If you are not satisfied, I will slap you." The person named by Ding Ning said this In a word, I really slapped myself in public.

clap clap clap!
The sound is loud, loud, and very hard!

Ding Ning looked at another person. This person didn't wait for Ding Ning to speak, and took the initiative to say: "Senior, please forgive me. I just said something unrestrained, so I will punish myself."

clap clap clap!
Another joins in to slap himself.

Ding Ning turned his gaze again, and this person also had a count of 13, so he took the initiative to slap himself.

In this way, whoever Ding Ning looked at, he would slap and bind himself.

For a while, there was a constant crackling sound, one after another, and some people were beaten until the corners of their mouths were bleeding, and they groaned.

The whole scene was extremely spectacular, as if everyone had made a mistake, no one dared not to slap themselves in the face under Ding Ning's gaze.

Of course, if you exclude the picture and only listen to the sound, it will be more exciting.

At this time, the most confused people were Liu Ruyi and Jiang Peng.

They are still in disbelief for the scene before them.

By the way, are you sure you're not dreaming now?
(End of this chapter)

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