The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 294 295 Madman! 1 more

Chapter 294 295 Madman! 1 more

He is a martial artist!
Jiang Peng stared at the back not far away. He also did not expect this truth. He had always treated Ding Ning as an ordinary person.

As a result, he was mistaken. Ding Ning is not only a martial artist, but also very strong.

"It turned out to be pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger."

Jiang Peng whispered to himself, but the surprise in his heart didn't last long. Although Ding Ning was a master, he still didn't have to be afraid, because he firmly believed that as long as his father made a move, no matter how strong Ding Ning was, he would have to kneel down.

In this martial arts conference, his father is bound to win the title of Northern Heavenly King.

"It's just a young man with a little talent. You won't be proud for long." Jiang Peng comforted himself in his heart, and at the same time looked forward to his father's appearance soon, so as to extinguish Ding Ning's arrogance.

Jiang Peng despises the cowardly attitude of these martial arts people in front of him. As for being afraid of this, no matter how strong Ding Ning is, he can't hold back your many people. As long as everyone fights together, it is still possible to defeat Ding Ning.

"No wonder my father said that these people are just small roles, and they really don't make a difference."

"It's just a pity. If this guy was just an ordinary person, maybe I could have embraced the beauty just now."

Jiang Peng felt a little regretful. If Ding Ning was an ordinary person, the scene in front of him should be his appearance, protecting Ding Ning in front of Liu Ruyi, and no one would dare to act because of his father.

When Jiang Peng was having complicated thoughts and sighed secretly, Liu Ruyi stared at Ding Ning with wide eyes.

She knew that Ding Ning was a bit skilled. After all, it was Ding Ning who helped her the first time they met.

But she never expected that Ding Ning would be so powerful.

These people in front of him are all martial arts masters, but in front of Ding Ning, they all shrunk their necks and looked at the scene of these martial arts masters slapping themselves because of Ding Ning's gaze, Liu Ruyi realized that this person was several times younger than herself. The year-old guy is quite attractive.

Ding Ning didn't say stop. At this time, none of the people present dared to stop their hands, and many people's faces were swollen.

clap clap clap...

The applause continued, and many people in the martial arts were complaining in their hearts, but they were helpless. Who made this person in front of him stronger than all of them.

I don't want to lie there like the five people before, it's better to be honest.

"Which master is so majestic."

A voice sounded from the sky, the voice was thick and thick, and even the fog was partly dispersed by the sound.

The sudden sound caused people to raise their heads and look overhead, only to see a figure walking down from the sky.

This is an old man in a black long gown, with black and white hair, and his appearance has no characteristics, but such an ordinary appearance exudes a sense of majesty.


With the last step, he landed lightly on the ground. The old man looked at Ding Ning and the rest of the martial arts with a calm expression.

"It's Senior Mo, Mo Tianxiong!"

"Senior Mo is here!"

"Does Senior Mo want to uphold justice for us?"

"Then can we not bind ourselves?"

Seeing Mo Tianxiong's appearance, those martial practitioners who were complaining in their hearts all saw hope and spoke one after another.

Everyone stopped tying themselves up. After all, Mo Tianxiong was not an idler. He was a well-known master in the Northeast region, and he was also one of the protagonists competing for the King of the North in this martial arts conference.

Such a character stood up at this time and wanted to fight for everyone's injustice, so Ding Ning had nothing to fear.

You must know that Mo Tianxiong is a newly promoted martial artist who has been in the limelight recently. Haven't you seen that he is so domineering when he comes out? He walks from the sky and looks like he is walking on the ground. How can Ding Ning be an opponent for such a strong man? Woolen cloth.

"Mo Tianxiong is here, it's time for you to end the curtain." Jiang Peng showed a smiling face. Although his father is not here now, it is fine if Mo Tianxiong is here. Even his father attaches great importance to Mo Tianxiong's strength.

Mo Tianxiong stroked the wrinkled clothes, smoothed the folds, and immediately said to Ding Ning in a calm tone: "Young man, if you have to forgive others, even if you offend me, A few slaps are enough, but you let them slap you, isn't it too much?"

Hearing this, the crowd of martial arts practitioners rejoiced, and Mo Tianxiong really wanted to stand up for them.

Swish, swish, everyone's eyes fell on Ding Ning, with Mo Tianxiong coming forward, Ding Ning must give face no matter what.

They wanted to see Ding Ning lower his head, after all, the slap on his face just now really hurt.

It would be best for Mo Tianxiong to teach Ding Ning a lesson and vent his anger on everyone, they will all be very grateful.

Everyone is waiting for Ding Ning's answer, will he bow his head?
Under everyone's gaze, Ding Ning raised his eyebrows and said slowly, "Who are you?"


This reply to Niu 13, if you dare to tell a newly promoted martial artist who you are, Ding Ning is the only one in the entire world of martial arts practitioners in the Northeast.

Everyone understood today what a madman is, and Ding Ning is definitely the craziest.

Before Ding Ning said that all of them were too weak, everyone thought they were crazy enough, but now even Martial Saints dare to disdain them, this is really arrogance to the extreme.

Didn't he just see that Mo Tianxiong came down from the sky?This is Wu Sheng!

No matter how crazy you are, there must be a limit in front of Wu Sheng.

Haven't you heard the saying that if you don't die, you won't die?

But seeing Ding Ning's madness, many martial practitioners changed their minds and thought it would be better, because Mo Tianxiong would definitely make a move when he was angry, and Ding Ning would be very miserable at that time.

Mo Tianxiong twitched in embarrassment, this was the first person who dared to speak to him like this after he became a martial saint.

"Hehe, young man, you may not know me, but you should have heard my name, Mo Tianxiong. Are you sure you don't want to take back what you just said?" Mo Tianxiong was not angry, but behind the calm words in front of him, there was more like It's the calm before the storm.

Ding Ning shrugged his shoulders, as if he didn't hear the chill in Mo Tianxiong's tone, he said indifferently: "Who is Mo Tianxiong? Is he famous? Sorry, I have never heard of it."

"As for wanting me to take back what I just said?" Ding Ning chuckled, looked directly at Mo Tianxiong, and said calmly, "I don't have that habit!"

"Good! Good! Good!"

Mo Tianxiong stared at Ding Ning and said three good things in one breath.

Suddenly, a murderous look shot out in his eyes, and he said coldly: "Martial saints should not be insulted, since you don't listen to the advice, I will let you know the consequences of insulting martial saints!"

all of a sudden.

The martial sage aura on Mo Tianxiong's body suddenly rose, and immediately, like a dark cloud covering the top, it surged over the sky and covered the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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