The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 295 296 is true! 2 more

Chapter 295 296 is true! 2 more


Wu Sheng's aura was like a hurricane, under Mo Tianxiong's control, he only swept away against Ding Ning.

The people around could feel the terrifying aura of Wu Sheng, and any one of them would have no choice but to kneel in the face of this aura.

Now that Mo Tianxiong was angry, many martial practitioners wanted to see the scene of Mo Tianxiong attacking Ding Ning, so it appeared.

"In front of us, he may be a strong man, but in front of Senior Mo, a martial sage, he still dares to be arrogant, and he will soon understand that what is strong has its own strong hand, and a mountain is more powerful than a mountain." A mountain is so high."

"A madman is punished by the strong, and he is still arrogant."

"Immediately, he will have to kneel down. How could he be able to contend with the power of a martial sage."

All the martial practitioners around had something to say at this moment, and most of them sneered, thinking that Ding Ning couldn't make waves.

Mo Tianxiong simply suppressed his momentum, facing a young man, it was not worth his real shot.

The momentum alone is enough.

The overwhelming martial sage aura, like a huge wave, swept and enveloped Ding Ning. Although the people around him were not targeted, they could still feel the horror of the martial sage's aura from the side.

In the face of this momentum, even if they were not targeted, the legs of some martial practitioners began to weaken.

This is not a question of whether to live up to expectations, but the coercion of the strong over the weak, just like the oppression brought about by the level of life, people will react involuntarily.

Many people were already slumped on the ground, what's more, there was even a smell of anger from their lower body.

It can be said that under this aura of martial saints, there are not many martial practitioners who can not change their faces.

For the vast majority, there is a feeling of trepidation.

And as more and more people slumped down, people realized that something was wrong. Their legs were sore and weak. How could Ding Ning be okay?
Standing there as if nothing had happened, with a slight smile on his face.

Too much!

It is obvious that his place is the position that bears the greatest aura of Wu Sheng, but now how does it feel that they are under the oppression of Wu Sheng's aura.

Mo Tianxiong understood this matter long before anyone else.

Ding Ning was on the cusp of his oppression, and he could still maintain his unchanging expression, which made Mo Tianxiong have to pay attention.

"I underestimated you. Can you withstand this kind of pressure? If that's the case, I'd like to see where your arrogant capital is."

Not being overwhelmed by the momentum does not mean that the strength must be high. Sometimes it can be done by relying on one's own perseverance. Mo Tianxiong did not regard Ding Ning as a real opponent, thinking that Ding Ning might be able to withstand it by relying on his own perseverance.

Mo Tianxiong decided to do it himself. This time, it was not the momentum, but the real power of the martial saint.

He had already said that a Martial Saint cannot be humiliated, and now under the watchful eyes of many people, he naturally wanted to teach Ding Ning a harsh lesson.


The big hand grabs, there is no move, it is very ordinary, but it is the attack of a martial artist. This grab will grab the back of Ding Ning's neck, and then press him to the ground.

It's over in an instant.


After that, many martial arts practitioners showed expressions of shock, envy, and respect.

This is what Mo Tianxiong envisioned in his mind, and it can be regarded as using Ding Ning to show his might as a martial sage in front of many martial practitioners.

However, Mo Tianxiong was taken aback when his palm caught the trend, because he missed Ding Ning's neck at all.

However, Ding Ning is right in front of him, he shouldn't be unable to catch it.

The other hand immediately grabbed it.

Still fluttered to nothing.

Mo Tianxiong lost his mind again. Immediately afterwards, he used both hands to grab forward continuously, but every time, he caught nothing.

He didn't even touch Ding Ning's clothes.

"How could he be faster than me?" Mo Tianxiong's eyes flickered, and he flew into the air, which could only mean that Ding Ning dodged in advance, it couldn't be that his eyesight was bad and he was looking in the wrong direction.

A young man was faster than him, and Mo Tianxiong couldn't accept it. This appearance was equivalent to his first shot after being promoted to Martial Saint.

He is going to shine brightly in the competition for the Northern Heavenly King.

If he stumbled in front of Ding Ning, he, Mo Tianxiong, a new martial artist, would be a joke.

Thinking of this, Mo Tianxiong also accelerated his speed, and at the same time, his strength became stronger.

In the eyes of everyone, Mo Tianxiong kept flickering, while Ding Ning seemed to have been standing there, never moving.

1 minutes.

3 minutes.

5 minutes.

Even 10 minutes passed.

Mo Tianxiong still didn't catch Ding Ning's shadow, and all the people watching were lost in thought.

What's the situation? Mo Tianxiong, the Martial Saint, still couldn't catch Ding Ning's clothes. Is this guy even stronger than the Martial Saint?

is that a lie!

This is a fact that no one wants to believe, but if not, why hasn't Mo Tianxiong dealt with Ding Ning yet?

You know, now I only see Mo Tianxiong jumping around there alone, and Ding Ning, from the beginning to the end, didn't even raise his hand.

The two of them, who is Wu Sheng?

A question can't help but arise in everyone's heart.

At this moment, Mo Tianxiong no longer treats Ding Ning as a weak person. He even thinks that Ding Ning, like him, is also a Martial Saint Realm. The current situation does not allow him to think otherwise.

Otherwise, if it was a martial artist who was a martial artist, he would have killed him thousands of times.

But Ding Ning was still alive and well, and he was humiliated in front of everyone.

"Why don't you take action, do you want to hide for a lifetime?"

Mo Tianxiong stopped, and kept rushing into the air, which cost him a lot of energy and made him feel like a clown.

He now only hopes that Ding Ning dares to confront him head-on.

"Do you really want me to make a move?" Ding Ning smiled lightly.

"That's right." Mo Tianxiong was suffocating incomparably depressed now.

"Hehe..." Ding Ning laughed, which was inexplicable.

"What are you laughing at? Are you looking down on me, Mo Tianxiong?" Mo Tianxiong said.

Ding Ning explained leisurely: "It's not impossible for me to make a move, but if I continue with this move, you will die."

Mo Tianxiong: "..."

Ding Ning said before that he was the oldest, but now he said again, one move, you will die.

He, Mo Tianxiong, really wanted to yell, "Are young people nowadays so ignorant of the older generation of martial arts practitioners?"

"You can kill me, I have nothing to say, do it!" Mo Tianxiong said loudly.

The corner of Ding Ning's mouth raised, and he disappeared from Mo Tianxiong's eyes in the next second. When Mo Tianxiong only felt a pain in his chest, a light voice came from his ear: "As you wish."


Ding Ning reappeared before Mo Tianxiong's eyes, as if he was hallucinating just now.

Mo Tianxiong was stunned for a moment, did he have auditory hallucinations just now?
However, the moment he lowered his head, his eyes suddenly opened wide.

In his chest, there is a blood hole, and blood is gurgling out!

That scene was real.

(End of this chapter)

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