The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 304 305 Hanzo! 3 more

Chapter 304 305 Hanzo! 3 more

A gigantic white monster writhed in the Tianchi. It was shaped like a snake, but Ding Ning was sure that it was not a snake.

It's a huge fish because it has gills and a tail.

It's just that this big fish has grown a bit too big, and as it churned, it looked as if it was leaping over a dragon's gate.

This is a bit like a half-dragon dragon, they are somewhat similar, and the sign of final evolution is that they are both transforming into dragons.

Several Dongying warriors fought fiercely with the strange fish, and the waves of the water were higher than ever.

If there is no barrier to block, those raised water waves can fly out from the Tianchi, turn into a flood, and rush down the mountain.

These Dongpu people have some means, and they can also create enchantments.

Ding Ning couldn't help taking a high look at the Dongpu warrior. Of course, he didn't like this kind of barrier in his heart. It's strange that Ding Ning could see through the barrier with a single glance. It is impossible to blind the sight of ordinary people and hinder him at all.

Barriers are somewhat similar to formations, but they are inferior to formations, because formations are changeable and can have many types, while barriers generally only have one function, which is to isolate.

Just like now, even though the battle inside is fierce, there is no trace of energy leaking out, even the sound of fighting can't come out, because it is blocked by the enchantment.

It's no wonder that when Ding Ning came here, he didn't feel any energy fluctuations, because they were all blocked by the barrier.

The enchantment is equivalent to a protective film, isolating an area, as if turning into two worlds.

Of course, this is only temporary, as long as the enchantment is broken, it will instantly return to its original state.

Reduce the movement through the barrier to avoid being seen by ordinary people, so that these Japanese people can catch this huge strange fish.

After all, once this kind of thing is seen by ordinary people, it is too shocking, and if it spreads to the world of ordinary people, it will cause an uproar.

In this world, most ordinary people don't know the existence of martial arts practitioners.

Ding Ning had no intention of intervening immediately, and stood quietly outside, witnessing all this.

The strange fish is very strong, especially its destructive power. With a sweep of its tail, a Japanese warrior was driven into the bottom of the water, and he never came up alive.

There is no doubt that this is a terrifying fish.

Even in front of several Dongpu warriors, since the Dongpu warriors took action until now, four of their companions have died one after another, either swallowed by the big fish, directly shot to death by the big fish, or melted by the energy spit out by the big fish.

Now, another person has been lost, and the Japanese warriors are all ready to fight, and they have distanced themselves from the strange fish, and no longer fight close to each other.

At the same time, a large net appeared in their hands again, just like the method used by the Japanese warriors that Ding Ning saw on the river before, it was still the same method.

With the cooperation of five people, it was thrown into the sky from five angles at the same time, and then it was pulled by one corner and pulled back continuously.

The strange fish kept colliding, but the big net was getting tighter and tighter, trying to completely restrain it.

However, at this moment, the strange fish spit out a mucus-like thing, and the special material rope net on its body was quickly corroded, and then the strange fish rushed out vigorously.

After a few strokes, it finally got rid of it and rushed to the sky.

It wasn't until this moment that Ding Ning realized how huge this guy was. It was a full 50 meters, which was bigger than the body of a half dragon.

It is estimated that although this strange fish is not in the Martial Saint Realm, its destructive power is definitely much more terrifying than that of ordinary Martial Saints.

As far as the mucus material it spits out is very difficult to deal with, it can easily turn into a puddle of blood when it falls on a person.

Seeing the strange fish break free, the faces of the Dongpu warriors all changed. Even the special net specially designed to catch monsters couldn't catch the strange fish, and things became tricky.

"Back off!"

At this moment, the man in ancient clothes who had been sitting on the edge of the barrier spoke impressively, and he stood up slowly.

Ding Ning looked at the man in ancient clothes with great interest, he wanted to see how this Dongying man would deal with the strange fish.

According to his previous estimation of this person, this Dongying person is three points more dangerous than Huangfu Weilong.

Hanzo glanced at the strange fish that was swimming in the air, staring at him with wide eyes, and then said indifferently: "Beast, your home is my Dongpu land, you should go back with me obediently."

Saying that, Hanzo flicked his finger, and a blank shadow appeared. This is a large net made of energy, which immediately spread in the sky, covering the strange fish from bottom to top.

This invisible big net wrapped the strange fish in an instant, and the monster kept shaking its body, but couldn't break free. It repeated its old trick and sprayed mucus again.

But this time, it didn't work.

A smile appeared on Hanzo's face, how could a monster that didn't even have the form of a real dragon escape from his Wuzhishan.

Immediately, Hanzo grabbed the sky, and the invisible big net seemed to be being led by Hanzo, and immediately pulled the strange fish to his position.

Seeing this scene, several other Dongying warriors smiled.

With Hanzo attacking, even if the monster fish is powerful, it will not help.

The strange fish was bound by the invisible big net, and kept shrinking, forcing the strange fish to shrink its body.

Ding Ning felt that he couldn't watch it any longer, otherwise this strange fish would fall into the hands of the Dongying people.

Although he had no enmity or gap with the Dongying people in front of him, who made him feel unhappy with the Dongying people.

This one is enough for him to make a move.

As long as the Dongying people want, no matter whether it is useful to him or not, he only needs to destroy and stop it.


The True Essence Sword was suspended in Ding Ning's hand, and then Ding Ning said softly: "Go!"

With a whoosh, the True Essence Sword turned into a stream of light, and with a whoosh, it sank into the ground.

Since it is necessary to make a move to destroy, it is best if the other party is not aware of it. Then the True Yuan Sword cannot go on a rampage and directly break through the barrier.

The strange fish had already reached Hanzo's feet, and its body had shrunk by a tenth, leaving only a meter or so, about the height of an adult.

"You can still get smaller, am I right?"

The strange fish's eyes were full of wisdom, but at this moment, its eyes radiated hatred towards the person in front of it, because he interrupted his current life.

"To be a fish, you must have the consciousness to be a fish. You Huaxia, didn't you say that you are not allowed to become a master? I will thoroughly implement this for you."

"Automatically change to the minimum, I will leave you a way out for the time being."

Hanzo said in an unquestionable tone.

The strange fish shook its body and began to shrink.

Seeing that the fish was obedient, Hanzo smiled, and this trip to Changbai Mountain can come to a perfect end.

Thinking of this, Hanzo took out an ancient bronze bowl from his bosom, and there was actually a puddle of water in it.

He wanted to put the strange fish in it, but when he was bending down to collect the strange fish, Hanzo was stunned.

What about fish?

(End of this chapter)

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