The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 305 Where is 306 fish?Where's Dan? 4 more

Chapter 305 Where is 306 fish?Where's Dan? 4 more

The strange fish disappeared?
It just disappeared from his eyes without a sound.

Hanzang was stunned for a long time, before he came back to his senses, a bright light suddenly shot out from his eyes.

His eyes quickly swept around, looking around.

The barrier was not destroyed, he did not believe that the strange fish would disappear without a trace.

And as he continued to sweep around, finally, he saw the figure of the strange fish. At this time, the strange fish changed into about [-] centimeters and was swimming towards the surface of the water.

Hanzo no longer had the time to think about how the strange fish broke free from his big net, and his top priority now was to catch the strange fish.

In Tianchi, at some point, there was a school of fish swimming around.

When Hanzo saw the school of fish, he knew the purpose of the strange fish, "Do you want to blend in, confuse my sight, and escape?"

With a flash of divine light, Hanzo stretched out a finger and bit it open. Immediately, the bloody finger flew in the air like a dragon and a snake.

It was as if he was drawing symbols, and as he finished drawing, the blood in his fingers also stayed in the air, forming a strange pattern.

Hanzo shouted loudly: "Feng!"

The blood talisman seemed to come alive instantly, and shot at the strange fish that had just entered the water with a swish.

The strange fish sensed the danger, and it swam desperately towards the school of fish, trying to get in with it.

However, the blood talisman has come to it.

just a little bit...

There was a bang on the surface of the water, and the water splashed in all directions, like a grenade exploding in the water.

Hanzo stepped on the rocks and came to the water of Tianchi. He stared at the water, the blood talisman had been scattered, and only faint bloodstains could be seen, melting into the water and disappearing continuously.

"How could the blood talisman explode?" Hanzo frowned, logically speaking, his blood talisman should be enough to seal the strange fish.

But right now, not only was it not sealed, the blood talisman itself was broken.

Could it be that the strange fish has a hidden backhand?
The water in Tianchi is very clear and blue, just like a mirror.

The fish swim in it, like a beautiful picture scroll.

At this time, the group of fish kept swimming towards the center and descending continuously, swimming towards the depths of the volcano.

Among them, a fish with a golden thread on its body showed a humanized expression in its eyes.

It seemed, relieved.

Because it was really close to being hit by the blood talisman just now, and it could feel that once it was hit, it would have no possibility of escaping.

At the critical moment, thanks to the appearance of that white light, it was saved from disaster.

What is that white awn?
Is it a treasure?
Rescued by Baimang twice, the strange fish felt that he had encountered a treasure. Instead of continuing to swim deep with the school of fish, it looked around for the figure of Baimang.

Sure enough, not long after, it saw the white awn, which was also swimming in the water, not far from it.

The strange fish kept approaching the past, until it got close, it saw clearly, this is a weapon, such a magical weapon, does it have its own consciousness?
This makes the strange fish excited, it has experienced the power of this weapon just now, it is very extraordinary, if it can possess it for itself, its strength will be greatly improved in the future.

Thinking of this, the strange fish is going to make this mysterious weapon his own.

The strange fish made its body bigger, and then slowly approached it. When it thought it was feasible, it suddenly opened its big mouth and swallowed the weapon in one gulp.

Now, this mysterious and powerful weapon is his own. As long as he refines it, it will be branded as a strange fish.

The strange fish was excited, the strange things in the world were obtained by it.

Didn't he know that the weapon it swallowed was not an unowned thing, but Ding Ning's True Essence Sword.

Ding Ning was stunned for a moment when he felt that the Zhenyuan sword was eaten by the strange fish. To be honest, without his help, the strange fish would have been caught by the Dongying people long ago. However, who would have expected that the strange fish would have He came up with the idea of ​​his True Essence Sword.

"The human heart is not enough to swallow an elephant. Compared with humans, animals with enlightened wisdom are not like this."

Ding Ning wasn't angry. If it was him, he would be moved if he didn't know the situation of the True Yuan Sword. However, this True Yuan Sword was cultivated by Ding Ning. He can understand the behavior of the strange fish, but he won't forgive it.

The True Essence Sword started to vibrate, and just as the strange fish was about to be refined, its body couldn't help shaking with the True Essence Sword.

Hanzo, who has been staring at the water surface of Tianchi, has recovered from his absence, his eyes are fixed on the water surface, and he wants to find that strange fish.

Suddenly, he saw fluctuations in the water surface, and immediately realized that it was probably that strange fish.

Without hesitation, he drew the blood talisman again and shot it into the water.

Immediately afterwards, the surface of the water burst into splashes again, and this time what Hanzo played was not a 'seal' blood talisman, but a powerful destructive blood talisman.

The strange fish was already panicked by the movement of the True Essence Sword in its body, but the blood talisman struck again.

The strange fish suddenly became a situation where both sides attacked.

Thus, the strange fish was tragic.

The True Essence Sword rushed out of its body and pierced through its back. Even if it was injured like this, it would not kill the strange fish, but when the blood talisman came over, it smashed half of the strange fish's body. in half.

Immediately afterwards, there were several blood talismans in succession, all of which hit the strange fish.

Just like that, the strange fish was crushed, leaving only the most original power in the body, Mingdan!

The life pill was suspended in the water and slowly floated up.

However, before the life pill really reached the water surface, the True Essence Sword suddenly shot out, and disappeared completely with the life pill in the next second.

Hanzo stood by the water, surrounded by several Japanese warriors, all watching the movement in the water.

Hanzo was still very confident in his method, and he could feel the fluctuation just now, which was the breath of the strange fish. Now that the breath of the strange fish disappeared, he believed that the strange fish was dead.

Since the living strange fish can't be brought back, it's not bad to take its life pill back to Dongpu.

Just like that, Hanzo and others waited for Ming Dan to come up, and then took them away.

However, after a full 10 minutes, except for the corpse of the strange fish floating up, there was no trace of the Life Pill.

Hanzo frowned deeply again.

What about Mingdan?

Outside the barrier, the True Essence Sword had already returned to his body, and Ding Ning's eyes fell on the faintly radiant Ming Dan brought back by the True Essence Sword.

Zhenyuanjian is not interested in Ming Dan, which also allows Ming Dan to be preserved.

It is not difficult to guess that this thing is the essence of that strange fish.

If the strange fish were not greedy and wanted to take the True Essence Sword as its own, and just dive into the deepest part of the water like that, it would not die.

It can only be said that greed can really kill people

Put away the Life Pill, this thing can be eaten by Ban Jiao, I believe it will be of great help to Ban Jiao, as for letting him absorb it himself, Ding Ning really doesn't like the essence of this strange fish.

After a final glance at Hanzo and the others, Ding Ning turned and left.

The goal has been achieved, so let's hide merit and fame.

(I really want to write tens of thousands of words a day like those tentacle monsters, but I can't do it! Roll...)
(End of this chapter)

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