The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 309 310 Admitted! 4 more

Chapter 309 310 Admitted! 4 more

People born in China love mountains and rivers. In ancient times, high-ranking officials and dignitaries even moved mountains and rivers into their homes.

Make rockery, dig a pool, build a gazebo in the courtyard, and plant some flowers and trees around it, completely turning it into a small outdoor peach garden.

This kind of love is integrated into the bones of Chinese people.

Dongying has learned a lot from Huaxia, and this garden-style landscape has also been learned.

"Mr. Ding, it seems that you like my garden very much." Hanzo's voice sounded.

Ding Ning withdrew his gaze and landed on Hanzo again. The Dongying man in front of him was much more powerful than he imagined, especially his deep understanding of Chinese culture. In some places, even Ding Ning could not compare.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that he is a master of Huaxia, and he has worked hard in various aspects of Huaxia.

Whether it's poetry, poetry, or piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, it seems that there is no such thing as Hanzo.

Ding Ning even looked at this Dongying person differently.

Of course, he understands better in his heart that the real purpose of a person who puts all his energy into learning about your country is definitely not simply to understand history and culture.

Because often the person who knows you best is your enemy.

"Huaxia has a long history. As a Dongying person, I envy you for having such a long history."

"In these years, I have been doing my best to protect the Chinese culture that is about to disappear, hoping that some things can continue to be passed on."

"I don't understand why your country doesn't pay much attention to it. Some things you despise are actually very important elements in our Dongpu."

Ding Jing listened quietly. When Hanzo spoke Huaxia, it was not blunt at all, it was very fluent, and it was still a very standard tone.

Ding Ning knew about some of the things he said, and he didn't try to defend himself.

"I once went to a mountain village in the south. The children there had to climb several mountains to go to school. I felt sorry for these children, so I donated a school there."

When Hanzo said this, he was a little emotional, as if he was moved by himself.

"What exactly do you want to say?" Ding Ning asked.

This sentence is also asking in disguise, Hanzo's purpose for inviting him here, and what is the picture.

Hanzo calmed down, looked at Ding Ning seriously, and said, "I just want to say that I don't have any hostility towards Huaxia. I like this country very much."

Ha ha……

Ding Ning smiled, you like this country, you came to China to catch spirit beasts, even if you do something good, it is just whitewashing yourself, so as to cover up the real purpose in your heart.

The harm Japan caused to Huaxia back then is nothing compared to a good person like you.

Sorry, too little redemption!
Seeing Ding Ning's reaction, Hanzo said, "Believe it or not, I really like this place. Now I regard this place as my home, my second hometown."

"If there is nothing else, I will go first."

No matter what the purpose of this Hanzo is, Ding Ning's patience has been worn out since he entered the door, and he doesn't want to hear a person from a country with wolfish ambitions talk about how much he loves China here.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Ding." Seeing that Ding Ning was about to leave, Hanzo hurriedly got up and said.

"Any thing else?"

"I want to ask Mr. Ding a question, and I ask Mr. Ding to answer truthfully." Hanzo said.

Ding Ning didn't speak, Hanzo asked, "Is the life pill with you?"

Ding Ning was silent for a moment, then smiled at him and said one word: "Yes."

Turn around and leave.

Without any hindrance, Ding Ning disappeared into the courtyard.

He didn't deny it, but directly admitted it. This answer was beyond Hanzo's expectation.

"Teacher, he has admitted everything, why don't you keep him here, or force him to hand it over?" the woman in kimono said.Just now Ding Ning and Hanzo were sitting here talking, she has been serving at the side, present the whole time.

Hanzo shook his head, showing a serious expression: "If he doesn't admit it, I will definitely make a move, because I can test his strength, but he just admitted it..."

A wry smile appeared on Hanzo's face.

What does the admission say?
It means that people are not afraid of you, or tell you on the face that I took it, what can you do.

This is typical fearlessness.

Therefore, Hanzo hesitated, he wasn't sure what the result would be after making the move, but Ding Ning admitted so readily, he must have something to rely on.

There is another important aspect that Hanzo did not mention, that is, what kind of means Ding Ning was able to take away the Life Pill while he was setting up the enchantment.

Now he recalled that the reason why the strange fish escaped suddenly was probably related to Ding Ning.

I and others were in the enchantment and tried to capture the monsters. As a result, there was a person who picked the peaches away outside the enchantment. Such a person is too terrifying.

Due to various reasons, Hanzo did not dare to act rashly.

Leaving from the buildings behind Jingdongre, Ding Ning raised the corner of his mouth, and there was a faint smile on his face.

Now he can go to the capital with peace of mind. Just now he voluntarily admitted that it was to make Hanzo fearful and dare not hit him. .

And from the fact that Hanzo didn't stop him, it can also be seen that his acknowledgment played a considerable deterrent effect.

Even if Hanzo really set his mind on his family, there is no need to worry too much because there are three strong men, Banjiao, Jiang Gudao, and Mo Tianxiong.

On the second day, Ding Ning left Jiangling and returned to Shangjing.

Before leaving, he told Jiang Gudao and Mo Tianxiong that while protecting his family, they should pay more attention to Hanzo's movements and notify him immediately if there is any movement.

Ding Ning thinks that Hanzo will take action in the future and continue to capture the spirit beasts. After he gets the news, he can cut the beard again.

After returning to Shangjing, Ding Ning called Li Wei directly, and Li Wei drove to pick him up.

He did not go back to the dormitory of Shangjing University, but went to the mountain villa in the suburbs.

Li Wei said that the decoration has been completed and it is now ready to move in.

When he came to the site where he had chosen, the scenery in front of him was impressive.

The white villa looks like a huge piece of white jade, built under the mountain, and the surrounding land is surrounded by fences.

"Great God, the land here has been bought by our family, and no one can build any other buildings around here."

"Furthermore, I have arranged for 24-hour security personnel to patrol in the morning and evening, which can prevent criminals with evil intentions."

Ding Ning looked around while Li Wei continued to explain.

When he heard this, Ding Ning couldn't help turning his head and asked, "Do you think I'm afraid of people with evil intentions?"


Li Wei rubbed his head, thinking about Ding Ning's strength, it seems that he really doesn't need it.

"Okay, then I will remove this group of security guards immediately."

At this moment, Ding Ning's cell phone vibrated, and he took it out to see that it was from the Inhuman Group.

The nose of the Inhuman Group is really clever.

Ding Ning pressed the answer button.

(End of this chapter)

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