The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 310 311 Inhuman Group Base! 1 more

Chapter 310 311 Inhuman Group Base! 1 more

Ding Ning has been procrastinating on the matter of the alien group. When he met the officer before, the other party deliberately asked him to take action, but Ding Ning felt that he would be a little bit uncomfortable if he didn't deal with the group of Japanese people who captured the spirit beasts. rest assured.

He also couldn't guarantee whether the Dongying people would find Banjiao again, in that case, his family would have no guarantee.

Therefore, at that time, Ding Ning did not agree, and decided to go back to Jiangling to finish the matter.

Now, you don't have to worry about your family's safety, but as soon as you arrived in Shangjing, the Inhuman Group contacted him immediately.

After hanging up the phone, Ding Ning did not go to the military area immediately, planning to move the things in the dormitory here.

Li Wei said with a smile that he moved all of Ding Ning's houses here, and he also bought all kinds of daily necessities. To put it bluntly, the villa can be directly occupied by people, and there is nothing missing.

This saved some trouble. Ding Ning thanked him. He hadn't noticed before that Li Wei is quite comprehensive in his work.

"Call Zhou Quan tonight, the three of us get together," Ding Ning said.

Hearing this, Li Wei was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said hello, and didn't bother Ding Ning again.

Ding Ning didn't stay in the villa, but came to the edge of a shallow pool in front of the villa. He saw that there was a smooth boulder specially placed here. Needless to say, it should be Li Wei's doing. This guy knows He must like to practice here.

Sitting cross-legged on it, Ding Ning entered the state of cultivation.

The spiritual energy entered his body bit by bit, continuously strengthening Ding Ning's strength.

In the evening, Zhou Quan and Li Wei came together, and the private chef cooked a table of good meals. The three of them ate and chatted until late at night before they left.

After the two of them left, the emotion in their hearts came out involuntarily.

The distance between Zhou Quan and Li Wei and him is getting farther and farther, and they will never return to the way they were when they first met.


The next day, a military vehicle stopped at the gate of the villa.

A dark man walked in, and he was finally not that old demon. It seemed that his previous suggestion was accepted.

This time, the person who came was Ding Ning, who was no stranger to him, and had been in contact with him for a few days before.

It was Lu Hu, the instructor of their class during the military training.

"Sir, let me pick you up." Lu Hu looked at the young man in front of him. This young guy has finally joined that organization.

Thinking of this, Lu Hu couldn't help but feel a sense of pride, asking which instructor, who was a member of the Inhuman Group, was an instructor.

He, Lu Hu, has done it, and this is something he can brag about for the rest of his life.

Ding Ning got into the car. In the car, Lu Hu said that he knew that Ding Ning would agree to join the Inhuman Group sooner or later. Ding Ning smiled, remembering that after he rejected the invitation of the Inhuman Group, it was Lu Hu who sent him back. It's really interesting to pick him up again now.

After arriving at the military area, the car didn't stop and kept driving inside. Ding Ning saw that Lu Hu drove the car into the depths of the mountain and bumped for about an hour before stopping.

"Here we are." Lu Hu chuckled.

When Ding Ning got out of the car, there was already someone waiting in front of him to pick him up.

Ding Ning saw the officer named 'Flying Eagle'. When Ding Ning arrived, he greeted him with a smile.

"Welcome, Team Leader Ding, to the base of the Inhuman Group."

In fact, this is only the frontier area of ​​the Inhuman Group base, and there is still a car to go to the real Inhuman Group base, but Lu Hu's car cannot enter. Ding Ning got on the Flying Eagle Chief's car and continued to drive deep into the mountain. This walk is another hour's journey.

Parked again and finally arrived at the base of the Inhuman Group.

The base of the Inhuman Group was not as imagined. There were so many soldiers guarding it. Looking around, Ding Ning didn't see any people, even if there were few buildings. It was more like an ordinary place.

Feiying didn't explain much about this, but let Ding Ning follow him until they came to a rock wall of a mountain. When the rock wall opened a hole, Ding Ning knew that this is the real Inhumans group core.

Everything is in this mountain.

After entering, the space is unusually large, as if the interior of a building has been hollowed out, leaving only the shell of a mountain.

The inside is as bright as day, and only here can we see many figures.

"This is the laboratory of the base, researching the development of human potential, including scientific training and other projects."

Seeing that Ding Ning glanced over without showing a trace of surprise, Feiying was a little disappointed. He really wanted to see Ding Ning, a young man, look surprised after seeing the base. Unfortunately, he was disappointed. Ding Ning's face was flat Wubo, it seems that these things are not in his eyes.

Feeling depressed, Feiying saw that Ding Ning didn't even intend to ask, so he could only introduce himself.

Compared with what he saw in front of him, it was really too difficult to shock Ding Ning. He Ding Ning had seen something even more high-tech than this.

As a cultivator, it can be said that he has traveled across the universe, he has been to too many places, and he has seen many civilizations.

The earth is just a small planet in the universe. Although the development of human beings is good, it is still far from reaching the peak.

Ding Ning has seen the technology on a planet that even powerful cultivators are quite afraid of. That kind of highly developed civilization may be able to shock him. Compared with the earth, it is really a world of difference.

Who has seen the sea, who will be shocked by the stream.

Ding Ning's mood at this time is roughly like this.

Coming to the innermost room in the mountain, Ding Ning sat down.

"Group Leader Ding, if you don't come again, I will go to Jiangling to find you." After sitting down, Feiying's expression showed anxiety.

"I'm here already." Ding Ning said.

Feiying didn't get entangled in this issue, and instead said: "Originally, when you came here, all the members of the Inhuman Group should have come to welcome you, but..."

Hearing this, Ding Ning understood that the Yiren Group might have encountered some difficulties.

"To tell you the truth, the situation of our Inhuman Group is not optimistic now." Feiying said: "The members of the Inhuman Group you have met before are all at the border now, confronting foreign powerhouses and avoiding foreign powers. The strong, sneak into China."

"Is this the purpose of the existence of the Inhuman Group?" Ding Ning asked.

"That's right, the Inhuman Group is the trump card in China's darkness. Except for some top family forces, many people don't know that there is such an organization."

"A few years ago, we had a master in the Inhuman Group. Foreign powerhouses were very afraid and dared not enter the country. But since that master disappeared, foreign powerhouses and certain organizations began to move around and constantly provoke us."

"Just a few days ago, the Inhuman Group lost three members, a heavy loss."

Speaking of this, Ding Ning saw the worried expression on Feiying's face, this is a real emotion, and Ding Ning can feel it.

No wonder Feiying desperately wants him to join the Inhuman Group, the situation of the Inhuman Group is very bad.

(End of this chapter)

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