The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 311 312 Katsuo! 2 more

Chapter 311 312 Katsuo! 2 more

Under Feiying's description, Ding Ning roughly understood the situation of the Inhuman Group in his heart.

It's no wonder Feiying is so anxious. If he goes to support one day late, a new member of the Inhuman Group may die at the hands of foreign experts.

Ding Ning has a doubt. It stands to reason that there are not many masters in China. As far as Ding Ning knows, Huangfu Weilong, and the Heavenly Sword Immortals who were killed by him before, are not weak in strength, at least better than those he has seen before. The old demon and others are too strong.

With such powerful martial practitioners around, why should we be afraid of foreign powerhouses?

Even if those foreign powerhouses step into the land of China, it's okay, these martial arts practitioners should also take the initiative.

To Ding Ning's question, Feiying only said one sentence.

The organization will not force anyone to take action.

This sentence may seem short, but it is full of meaning.

For foreign strongmen who want to step into China, the Yiren Group is the first to quit, but the martial arts practitioners who are not weak may be indifferent to this, and the Yiren Group cannot forcefully demand anything.

As a practitioner, Ding Ning clearly knows that those who pursue martial arts and higher realms are more willing to spend their time on cultivation, and everything else is secondary, let alone defending the country. On matters of righteousness.

This type of people can be said to be extremely pursuing self and freedom, how can they obey the arrangements of others to guard the frontier.

Don't talk about others, even if he prefers himself, it's the same.

If someone told him that he was required to serve the motherland and shed his blood, he would turn a deaf ear to it.

Thinking of this, Ding Ning also had a deeper understanding of the situation of the Inhuman Group in China.

"You are a martial artist, I believe you can think of the key point. It is difficult for our Inhuman Group to recruit people now. Fresh blood cannot be replenished, and old blood is lost from time to time. Once things go on like this Go on, no one will be able to hinder the footsteps of those foreign masters." Feiying said seriously.

"Do you want to see foreign powerhouses causing disturbances in China's land?"

"You can't wait until the flood comes before you think about building a dam and dredging it. Instead, you have to plan ahead and solve all factors in advance."

"Give Huaxia a stable environment, this is the responsibility of our Inhuman Group."

Listening to Feiying's series of words, Ding Ning was silent. He had to say that Feiying is a person who would rather abandon his ego and fulfill the greater ego, and he has righteousness in his heart.

In comparison, the selfishness of many martial arts practitioners who are devoted to martial arts is indeed a lower level.

"I admire you very much, so I tried to get you to join the Inhuman Group. After talking to you so much, I just want to hear a word from you. Are you willing to lead everyone in the Inhuman Group to help Huaxia and protect every inch of land? ?”

Speaking of this sentence, Feiying's expression was unusually serious. Obviously, he attached great importance to it and wanted to know Ding Ning's attitude.

Tell him Ding Ning to defend his family and country. To be honest, Ding Ning really didn't have such an idea after his rebirth, but after hearing Feiying's words just now, his heart was actually touched a little.

The martial arts practitioners don't understand, or even ignore the Yiren Group, but the Yiren Group still sticks to the land of China, even paying the price of their lives. This is quite touching to Ding Ning.

As far as this is concerned, he can go all the way.

Let the so-called foreign powerhouses know that Huaxia is still not a territory that others can step into at will.

In particular, Ding Ning, who is now the leader of the Inhuman Group, is not allowed.

"Where are they?" Ding Ning asked.

Hearing this, Feiying laughed, but Ding Ning didn't answer, but this sentence already showed Ding Ning's attitude.

"There is a member of the Inhuman Group who just came back and has recovered from her injuries. I will let her lead you the way. She will also tell you about some things."

Not long after, the member of the Inhuman Group that Feiying had recovered from his injuries appeared in front of Ding Ning.

is a woman.

Tall, short hair, with a heroic face.

So Ding Ning set off with this woman.

The woman drove the car very smoothly. It can be seen that she is very skilled and has a good grasp of driving skills.

The woman took the initiative to introduce herself as Katsunan, and didn't say anything more after that.

Ding Ning originally wanted to hear some information about the Inhuman Group from him, but since the other party was silent, he didn't ask.

No matter what the situation of the Inhuman Group member in front is, as long as he arrives, those so-called problems will no longer be problems.

It doesn't matter if you ask or not.

While driving the car, Katsuo looked at Ding Ning through the mirror.

To be honest, she didn't understand why the officer pinned her hopes on this young man. Looking at Ding Ning's figure and age, she really couldn't associate Ding Ning with a strong man.

From the bottom of his heart, he didn't think Ding Ning was strong enough, so Katsuo didn't think too much about it.

This is also the fault of Feiying, he just briefly introduced Ding Ning's identity and asked Sheng Nan to lead the way for Ding Ning, but he did not explain that Ding Ning is the new leader of the Yiren group.

Moreover, Katsuo had been staying on the border of Huaxia before, and had never met Ding Ning, nor did he know that Ding Ning had appeared in Huaxia. It was precisely because of the asymmetry of information that this happened.

I drove for nearly a thousand kilometers, all the way from Shangjing City to the direction of Northern Russia, and arrived at the northernmost tip of China.

The further north you go, the lower the temperature. Through the car window, you can see snowflakes starting to fall.

Unknowingly, it has entered winter.

After an unknown amount of time, Shengnan stopped the car and said to Ding Ning, "We can only rely on our legs to walk the rest of the way."

Ding Ning did not refuse. Driving and walking made no difference to him.

Sheng Nan was carrying a large package, which seemed to weigh forty to fifty catties, but this did not affect her speed, and the two of them quickly disappeared into the snowflakes.

"Are you newly recruited into the Inhuman Group?"


"How's your skill?"

"is acceptable."

"Is there a master?"

"I learned it myself."


This was the only conversation between the two after getting off the car. After asking Ding Ning a few words, Katsuo fell silent again.

In Katsuo's heart, he couldn't help but become pessimistic about the situation of the Inhuman Group. He didn't expect the Inhuman Group to recruit people, and they began to recruit people like Ding Ning. Like this, can they really fight against those foreign powerhouses?
I'm afraid that if you go up, you will be eaten to the bone.

At the same time, Katsuo became more and more angry with the Chinese martial arts practitioners in his heart. These powerful people would rather hide in one place than come out, and don't even want to contribute a little of their own strength. It's so disappointing.

We all know this, but unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about it.

You can't put a knife on someone's neck and let them shoot.

The Yiren Group is the patron saint of China. It is not the Yiren Group's style to coerce or force anyone else, even if the other party is a martial artist.

Thinking of this, Katsuo sighed in his heart, looking at the whiteness in the distance, wondering how long the Inhuman Group can last.

(End of this chapter)

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