The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 315 316 The old demon was arrested! 2 more

Chapter 315 316 The old demon was arrested! 2 more

Northern Russia, a hundred miles north of the Heihe River.

This is the garrison of Northern Russian masters, guarding the territory of Northern Russia.

In fact, all over the world, in every powerful country, there are strong people who are far beyond ordinary people, silently guarding the country behind them.

Whether it is China, Northern Russia, or the United States, they all have their own powerful presence in their own country.

This has also become an unknown rule among various countries.

A country without strong people is like the door being opened, and there is no gatekeeper. People can come in and out at will, come and go as they want, which will breed a lot of unnecessary chaos. Based on this, every country , want to have their own strong, to avoid unnecessary confusion.

But today, the place where the North Russian powerhouses are stationed is a little restless.

Because someone sneaked in and alarmed everyone.

"My lord, we are looking for a lurker, and within 10 minutes, we will definitely capture this person."

"I want results, not promises."

"Understood, I'll do it now."

As the person in charge of guarding the border between North Russia and China, Pule, all the powerful North Russia stationed here must be at his disposal.

Not long after, someone reported that the infiltrator had been discovered.

"My lord, the infiltrator is a member of the Huaxia Inhuman Group, code-named Lao Yao."

"It turned out to be the Inhuman Group. Capture this person alive. Don't kill him yet. I have something to ask him."

About ten minutes later, the old demon was brought up. At this time, the old demon was restrained all over and had many wounds on his body.

In order to capture the old demon alive, the people here did not spend much effort. Although the old demon's strength is not very strong, but he moves quickly and is difficult to catch. If this is not the place where he is stationed and there are many experts, the old demon would have slipped away long ago. .

In fact, it was also because the old demon was too greedy. He found the people who went to provoke them in the morning, and secretly shot them. After knocking down two of them, he also thought about taking care of the remaining two, but was killed The sudden discovery shocked everyone immediately.

In this way, it will be difficult to escape.

"Old monster, right? You're not timid. You don't want to stay in your Chinese territory and run wild on our territory." Pule sat on a high chair, with a condescending tone, as if to examine the prisoner.

"It's up to you to kill or cut." The old demon said calmly. Since he dared to come alone, he was ready to fail.

"Hehe, the people in your Inhuman Group are really tough." Pule laughed, "I appreciate tough people the most, how about this, I will give you a choice, as long as you agree to quit the Inhuman behind you Group, join us, I can save your life, otherwise, we have the right to life and death for stepping into each other's land without consent, you should understand this."

Hearing this, the old demon couldn't help laughing, looked into Pule's eyes, and said: "According to what you said, your people often step into our land without our consent, and their right to life and death is Is it also in our hands?"

Pule chuckled lightly, without retorting, and said, "Yes, you have this right, but you don't seem to have this ability, do you?"

The old demon was silent.

Yes, although the people in Northern Russia often cross the border to provoke, but what can their alien team do, even if they know that the other party has crossed the border, there is nothing they can do, because your strength is not as strong as others, so you can only endure it.

And this tone has been increasing since the previous team leader disappeared.

These foreign powerhouses are getting more and more excessive. This is only the junction between China and Northern Russia. There are still many junctions. Not many places.

Weak countries have no diplomacy, and the same applies here.

"Don't refuse first, I see that you are a talent, that's why I thought of absorbing you to our side. You should be aware of the situation of your Inhuman Group. Now, every junction of your Huaxia is in a state of desperation. , can’t take care of yourself, once the neighboring countries all take action, your Inhuman Group will be shattered in an instant, and at that time, who will remember you as a small member.”

"If you agree to join us and work for us in Northern Russia, I can give you the same treatment as the people here."

"I'm afraid you don't just want me." The old demon said.

"Haha..." Pule laughed, then straightened his face, and said, "That's right, if you nod your head, you're from Northern Russia, and you need to disclose all the information about the Inhuman Group in your mind to us. "

"Also, we need to know how many martial practitioners and martial saints you have in China."

See the picture poorly.

This question of Pule is not only wanted by Northern Russia, but also by any other country.

Because, the history of China is too long. It has a glorious history of thousands of years, and it is still passed down to this day. This is incomparable to any country.

Furthermore, Huaxia has a complete inheritance of martial practitioners. I don't know how many people covet this inheritance. It is precisely because of this that many powerful people from all over the world want to enter Huaxia and obtain the cultivation methods of martial practitioners.

In recent years, if it weren't for the existence of the Inhuman Group, which hindered the footsteps of foreign powerhouses, a large number of masters would have entered China.

But now, even if someone came up with the idea of ​​sneaking into Huaxia, they would not dare to act in a high-profile manner, and kept a low profile for fear of being discovered by outsiders.

"I'll give you 5 minutes to think about it. If you agree, then we'll have a good talk. If you refuse, then I'll let you die without a whole body." Pule said with a smile.

"It doesn't take 5 minutes, I can tell you the answer now." The old demon didn't think much about it.

"Oh?" Pule waited for the old demon's answer.

"My answer is very simple." Having said that, the old demon smiled: "I want me to join you in Northern Russia, you... go ahead and dream!"

"I will not be a traitor to the Inhuman Group or China."


Pule's face became gloomy, and it took a long time to feel emotionally, which is the result.


Pu Lie showed his murderous intent and signaled to his subordinates that the old demon could be terminated.

After getting the order, two big men each drew out a knife and were about to kill the old demon on the spot. At this moment, a panicked figure ran in and brought a big news.

The knife that was about to cut down stopped.

"What happened, so anxious."

"My lord, it's not good, people from the Inhuman Group are here."

At this time, someone laughed and said: "The people from the Yiren Group will come as soon as they come. What is there to be afraid of? Can they still kill here?"

However, what this person said next made everyone's smiles stop.

"But, they have already killed here!"

what! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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