The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 316 317 Release! 3 more

Chapter 316 317 Release! 3 more

Are the members of the Inhuman Group already in sight?

This news surprised everyone, because in the hearts of everyone, the Yiren Group today is not as good as before.

Because of this, no one will pay too much attention to the existence of the Inhuman Group.

"Impossible, we have arranged a lot of people, how could their alien group come here."

Some people are the first to not believe it, thinking that this is impossible. There are only a few members of the Inhuman Group at this border, and their strength is no secret. The strongest is only at the general level. Come here.

"Could you have read it wrong?"

"It's true, it won't take long for them to kill here."

"What if someone faked it?"

Listening to the doubts around him, Pule made a decision, as long as he went out and had a look, he would know.

As a result, all the strong North Russians present came outside, waiting for the person who was suspected to be the Inhuman Group to arrive here.

The matter of killing the old demon also temporarily stopped, and Pule felt that it might be useful to keep it.

And if it's true that people from the Yiren Group came, it's probably because of the old demon.

For some reason, he felt that keeping the old demon might save his life.

When this thought flashed through his mind, Pule laughed, as if he paid too much attention to Huaxia's Inhuman Group.

In about 10 minutes, several figures appeared in front of Pule and the others.

It is the member of the Inhuman Group headed by Ding Ning.

When they saw the three members of the Inhuman Group, the strong men in Northern Russia were stunned for a moment, and it turned out to be them.

In the end, everyone's eyes fell on Ding Ning, because everyone could see that they centered on Ding Ning.

Pule's gaze also fell on Ding Ning. He didn't feel any strong aura from Ding Ning, as if standing here was an ordinary person.

If it was normal, he would naturally not care about it, or even ignore it directly.

But this time, he couldn't ignore it.

An idea came to his mind, the reason why he couldn't detect the aura of a martial artist on Ding Ning's body, did it mean that the gap between him and Ding Ning was too great.

Naturally, it is impossible for the weak to detect the strength of the strong if the difference in strength is too large.

Is it really the truth?
"Old demon!"

Sheng Nan and the others saw that the old demon was tied up and guarded by two big men from Northern Russia, unable to move, they all yelled.

Ding Ning was also relieved to see that the old demon was still alive, as long as he was not dead.

If he died, he would be helpless and helpless.

The old demon's eyes fell on Ding Ning's body, he was excited, Ding Ning finally came, and brought his partner to save him, thinking of this, the old demon was so moved that he wanted to cry.

The little brother who is the team leader cares about him very much.

"What do you mean by Huaxia? Is it an open provocation to come to my border in Northern Russia like this? Or do you want to declare war on us?" Pule said.

In the past, Pule would have had someone take action, but this time, he didn't, because among the five people who came here, Ding Ning was the only one he couldn't see through.

He was a little uncertain.

Ding Ning didn't speak, and the members of the Inhuman Group around him shouted directly: "Let the old demon go."

"Yes, let him go. You guys who caught our Inhumans are the ones who want to declare war on us."

"Release people? Impossible, he took the initiative to come to our place to cause trouble and hurt our people. There must be an explanation for this matter." strive.

Hearing this, the members of the Inhuman Group naturally quit, and said directly: "It was you people from Northern Russia who provoked first, and the old monsters only made such a bad move. The fault is on you, you are the ones who broke the rules first .”

"My lord, there is nothing to talk about with these guys. This time they took the initiative to come here. It is reasonable for us to kill them here. Let's take them down." The people around Pule said to Pule Ask for a fight, ask for a shot.

Pule didn't agree, but raised his hand to signal for everyone to be quiet. Seeing this, the members of the Inhuman Group didn't say anything more.

The air suddenly became quiet. Pule looked at Ding Ning, but Ding Ning hadn't said a word yet. He wanted to hear Ding Ning's attitude.

"What do you think?"

Pule said this sentence to Ding Ning.

The corner of Ding Ning's mouth raised an arc, and he said lightly, "Let him go."

"Then what if I don't let go?"

"I will fight until you let go."

"Just rely on you guys."

"No, you made a mistake, I'm the only one, and it's enough for me to make a move."

The words of the two were tit for tat, and after just a few words, they fell into a deadly silence again.

Prie stretched out his palm and swung it down.

The people behind him all moved.

Ding Ning is so tough and arrogant, even if he is afraid, it is impossible for him to let him go because of Ding Ning's words.

That being the case, let people try Ding Ning's strength to see if his strength is on par with his arrogance.

Katsuo made a move, but was immediately pushed down by the seniors of the Inhuman Group beside him.

"There are so many of them, why don't we help?" Shengnan said.

The members of the Yiren Group laughed and said: "Since Team Leader Ding has spoken, we'd better not interfere, so as not to cause trouble for Team Leader Ding. These people, Team Leader Ding can handle it well, and soon they will regret that they didn't follow what Team Leader Ding said. Done."

The three elders from the Inhuman Group had personally witnessed the scene where Ding Ning killed 35 Heavenly Sword Immortals. Compared with those Heavenly Sword Immortals, these Northern Russian powerhouses are nothing. Ding Ning faced so many Heavenly Sword Immortals, If they can win, how can they not solve these Northern Russian masters.

More than a dozen big men from Northern Russia rushed forward together. These more than ten people moved together, their feet stepped on the ground, and the ground trembled accordingly, as if elephants were rushing.

The momentum is terrifying.

Ding Ning stood there quietly, with a slight smile on his face.

"Arrogant, go to death."

"Step into our territory, this is your price."


A dozen or so big men each spoke murderous intent. In their eyes, Ding Ning was very arrogant. They heard clearly what Ding Ning said just now, and it was enough for him to be alone.

They didn't pay attention to everyone present at all.

Such an arrogant person must let him taste the bitter fruit.

They didn't hold back, they all wanted to finish Ding Ning with one punch.


They were approaching, and at the same time the attack was about to fall on Ding Ning.


A gust of wind rolled up, and immediately heard the sound of bones breaking.

Ka Ka Ka!
And just as the other northern Russian masters subconsciously thought that the sound came from Ding Ning who was hit, the next second, they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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